Why are niggers so fucking aggressive?

Why are niggers so fucking aggressive?

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Warrior gene.

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Japanese were hardcore warriors for fucking millenia, yet you don't see them behaving like niggers. Nigger behavior will actually get you fucking killed in a war.


Hair trigger "fight or flight" adrenaline reactions in inappropriate conditions.

nigga I ain't reading all that shit
TL;DR me

Doing suicide airplane drops on ships is cowardly behavior. Japanese are not warriors they like virtual women

Because niggers

Low IQ, near to zero impulse control means an act is carried out before the brain is in position to think.
Low IQ means they get themselves into difficulties to start with, it's an uphill struggle.

hahahahaha hahahaha hahahahah the daily mirror wouldn't print a heap of shit would they. hahahah hahahah

americans made em that way, now they're exporting violent chimp culture to us

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Blacks are virtual women

Love jewelry and fashion especially shoes love dancing and gossiping and talking/giggling when it snot appropriate like classrooms
will literally cry on live tv if it gets them sympathy continuously fail to control their emotions get scared of PG13 horror movies and magic tricks

to top it all off almost all are raised by their mothers exclusively

>Why are niggers so fucking aggressive?
Aggression-related Gene Weakens Brain's Impulse Control Circuits

Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior
The 2R was related to arrest, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior.
>These associations were only observable for African-American males. >Only 0.1% of Caucasian males carried the 2-repeat allele.

>MAOA genotype modulates default mode network deactivation during inhibitory control
>It has been demonstrated, in a long line of research, that the low-activity genotype of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene is associated with aggression.

>The 2-Repeat Allele of the MAOA Gene Confers an Increased Risk for Shooting and Stabbing Behaviors

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Genes that were selected for in sub saharan Africa for 20,000 years and we just airdropped them into civilization in the past 300. You do the math.

>Why are niggers so fucking aggressive?
Black Americans have an average IQ of 85

Chronic adult criminals have an average IQ of 85

At each poverty concentration level, the violent crime rate is substantially higher in black than in white census tracts.

IQ and self-reported lifetime violence accounts for racial disparity in criminal justice processing

In 1959, the American Association of Mental Retardation set the threshold of mental retardation at

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C'mon, everyone has days where they just want to smash everything and everyone in sight, except that little voice in your head tells you "that would be retarded and you'd get in trouble".
Now imagine if you didn't have that little voice.

It’s because of an enlargement of their medulla oblongata.

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Here you go user

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Haha oh wow, and all of the middle and upper class people think their cage on wheels will keep them safe

Kek, he didn't have a dumbass reply for that one


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They're just stupid, Dietrich

Americans made your ethiopian shitskins have violent chimp culture? How'd we do that? Transatlantic telepathy?

open borders for israel

Reminder that if this was anything other than human genetics it would be considered settled science and that it is considered settled science in places that view scientific progress in higher reguard than human life like china. Reminder that the person who co-discovered the double helix shape of dna got his Nobel prizes stripped from him because he dared to tell the truth about behavioral genetics in humans.

the dumber you are, the angrier you are about being dumb

I think you got the nigger larper

If that’s true, why is it that non-autistic tards are non-violent 99% of the time?

>the dumber you are, the angrier you are about being dumb
wrong. the sweet spot for criminal behavior is 85 IQ. the average nigger IQ is 85. try reading the thread next time, brainlet


>killing yourself for the destruction of the enemy is cowardly

Maybe this is why niggers always freak out the second they hear shots

Whites and Asians lived in environments which selected for cooperation slightly stronger than the environment in which Blacks lived. The latter selected more towards aggressive competition. The difference was slight, but these things add up over tens of thousands of years.
How I pity those poor fucks, it must be horror to be an idiot in a complex, modern society, to be forced to play a game the rules of which you can never grasp. I'd probably be chimping out too if some magical power took me to Vulcan or Rivendell to live as a pariah among superior minds.

Look at these brave warriors

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if you’re unfortunate enough to live in a big city like my there is nothing you will despise more than nogs. groups as young as 14 will heckle you when you walk passed just for looking higher class and white. they constantly scream in the streets, saying terrible things near children. they have no regard for anyone around them, not even themselves. I can’t even fathom how much better my city would be if we just deported the nogs.

>it must be horror to be an idiot in a complex, modern society, to be forced to play a game the rules of which you can never grasp
nailed it

Attached: dindu - party with only one female.webm (320x400, 1.66M)

You got cucked by the Brits.

Wasn't anti-slavery and humanism propagated by Brits mainly? Yet it was YOU who had to deal with niggers and not them.

Defective frontal lobe means their brains are in chimpanzee mode 24/7.

>I'd probably be chimping out too if some magical power took me to Vulcan or Rivendell to live as a pariah among superior minds.

You know, come to think of it that's exactly what you Poles do when you migrate to Western Europe.

Insufficiently aggressive niggers are lunch.

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because their fathers never loved them. Also they are literal apes

nailed it

>no herbs
>no seasoning
fucking savages

Because they are incels. I wrote a paper about it in college and my dumbass liberal professor had to give me an A because I came with all facts and stats.

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This.. they are like dogs. they dont' think. and will attack on impulse.

Yes, just incredible warriors.

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They're just as violent back in Africa, brainlet.

Thankfully in Britain we can feel right at home.

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Low IQ I presume.

They have an underdeveloped Frontal Lobe. The Occipital Lobe & Cerebellum are slightly over-developed though, which is one of the reasons blacks are better at athletic pursuits that don't involve too many important decisions, anyone who watches football (soccer) will know what I mean... and probably why they have a tendency to prefer vivid colours.

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goddamn thats a good one haha

I think you just made the nigger self-reflect user, what an achievement. The Nigger Whisperer.

This is the fucking reason why women should not be fucking police officers.


t. Two degenerate shitholes throw stones at a superior country

You'd fit right in with the niggers... actually, you already do.

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>Warrior gene.

It's lower intelligence combined with the Thug Gene (sometimes called the Warrior Gene).

quick thinking

>superior country
you got a loicense for that superiority?

Bullshit, i own two dogs, they can understand and learn. And observe. They also know basic consequences.

>better at athletic pursuits
That's a great lie user, care to back it up?

That shows how far my nation has fallen. It makes me sad.

Gas yourself

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Because dude, in terms of evolution, they are where whitey was somewhere between 10,000-50,000 years ago. That was before whitey's civilization and the rule of law weeded out a lot of people with super low IQ's and high testosterone and no impulse control.

That is why a nigger who knows ten people and a security camera are watching, will STILL hit you with a pipe and take your wallet. He sees it, he wants it, he just takes it. Later, in prison, when it's too late, he'll think, "Shheeeiiitttt..."

Apes in clothes, basically, only with a lot less social structure and sense of family and community obligation.

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They're like a person with down syndrome but mixed with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

but the real question should be
are niggers the women of races or are women the niggers of genders?

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How often does shit like that happen in the US?

What fucking cavemen

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Me as well. Seeing a fallen empire is strangely depressing, like seeing an infirm, feeble old man. And in your case he's your own grandpa.

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>Later, in prison, when it's too late, he'll think, "Shheeeiiitttt...whitey made me do it"

If I was a person that could chase down an elephant and kill it by poking it with a stick I wouldn't want to mess with him either.

Its not so much that they're aggressive, it's that they lack impulse control and largely lack forethought.

It's not a warrior gene, it's just a mentality towards destruction, it's like a wild chimp, if you give him a phone he will break it, if you give him electric drill the same happens, if you give him society you get places like Baltimore and Detroit

Warriors aren't necessarily great innovators.

all of this is true

Their sense of humor is hard to figure out. I've stood in line at the local liquor store listening to two in conversation, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what was so darned funny. The conversation had no story or substance, nothing inherently entertaining at all, yet they were both laughing hysterically. Almost as if they developed a social order that required them to laugh with each other in order to signal to the other party that they were not a threat. Like a dog wagging its tail to show good intentions. Even as they talked about the most mundane and simple things like what they did the other night. Bizarre.

Specifically running, blacks hold almost all of the records with only a few exceptions. Also arguably boxing (If you're not a heavyweight you're a manlet faggot on a diet like a ladyboy) Blacks do extremely well at boxing to say it requires some degree of thought to do well in and their limited mental capacity.

Shape of skull, if you boil it down.

Well, leftards use gun violence statistics to prove their retarded logic, and the stats generally go like this.
30,000 average "gun deaths"
20,000 of those are suicide
8,000 of those are obama's son's running around shooting each other
Most of the rest are police/justified shootings.

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They also have a tendency to relax

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i want to cry

should've slammed the brakes

Are you comparing the entire black race to a single woman? You fucking retard?

Yeah but you guys did Operation Solomon out of the goodness of your hearts and I bet your police won't shoot one again.

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Around Blacks never relax.

Post the paper

They also caused this

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