Why are girls so degenerate in the west?
Sex has become so common and casual that it has lost its purpose and meaning.
Why are girls so degenerate in the west?
why do western fathers (and mothers) allow this?
always talking about black dick... white women are truly obsessed with niggers
*American white women
Haha I kno right haha. I'm getting so much sex it's actually getting inconvenient hahaha. Haha feeling those bags of sand all the time so good haha
>dying inside as she types
Fear of being labelled an anti-semite or whatever flavour buzzword happens to be in and having your entire life ruined as a consequence.
Because their father allow them to be
stop making shit up, western people are not being forced to whore out their daughters.
Try stopping her then and see what happens ;^)
oh right, schlomo golsteinberg will kick down my door, right?
This and feminism, which ultimately can be traced back to Jews...so just this. It called “sexual liberation” user, and if you’re not on board you’re LITERALLY HITLER!
it's men fault, we taught them to be whores and viola
I wanna coom
In a manner of speaking, yes.
Humans went against nature in which men rule and women are subservient. Society was built on these ideals so it's only logical it will collapse when these ideals are abandoned.
They absolutely are
stop making excuses you faggot. who is forcing you to watch porn all the time? faggot cuck, take responsibility for your own actions
> The way they talk/sing
you know they fuck black men
its not just the west. even here in nigger land, white, black & chinese woman are INCREDIBLY easy to fuck. just a smile and you will get their attention. i havent not gotten laid when going to a bar or club in the last 20 years, and im around a 4/10
what gave it away? the fact that they named "black cock"?
they alway be like this even in the past
t. zoomer
Coalburners are the McDonalds of people
Women are under the impression that the alpha male quality of sexual promiscuity applies to them.
Men that have sex with many women is admirable quality in men, however the opposite it true for women.
And they are liars. If a man dating a woman how many partners they have had, the woman will lie about how many dicks have been in them.
They are not proud about it like a man would be.
Women know their sluttery is wrong and will conceal the truth.
My woman lied to me.
Tooth past has a point. Also, you BTFO of that faggot- well played.
>we taught them to be whores
America is the McDonalds of the world.
brit milah
Yes we are. We weren't once upon a time. Perhaps we can bring the 1800s back in culture. 1875 was kino.
>western people are not being forced to whore out their daughters.
no one is forced, it's being done willingly
you missed a target user. Faithfulness and other things was popular after world wars when ratio men/women was different, but yeah i want this time back
All women are degenerate by nature. Without strongly enforced societal rules against it their true nature as sex-obsessed hypergamous sluts comes out.
>Why are girls so degenerate in the west?
Capitalism + Big city culture.
Why the fuck it all comes up to jews? Isn't it because of femenists movement of the 20th century and students protests of 60-th? How are jews connected?
No, i'm not a jew and no, i dont support em
Parenting failures. Bad parents = bad kids and the cycle continues.
>How are jews connected
Those movements, as with any movement, only got traction because they get media coverage, and Jews control a lot of media.
why can't i have sex then
>white women are truly obsessed with niggers
No sound. No mention of such.
Discouragement black pill thread. Fuck you in all fields.
>No sound
hey ruskie, just like your KGB had to do with a lot of psychoanalysis, the US did too. To make the last 100+ years short.
Freud's nephew E. Bernays, used the history of psychoanalysis to inspire consent in people, in order to influence their future/thoughts. He was known as the father of propaganda (later changed to Public Relations) and orginised the very first feminine rally in New York called Torches of Freedom. The Feminist rally was actually a way to promote and sell cigarettes to women.
It worked.
>why can't i have sex then
you likely have 0 confidence and never speak to woman.
Is she eating ribs?
Cluster B societies, so also sex as a means of validation (borderline structures on personality) or trying to get control (narcissistic).
Fake rape accusations for attention (theatric) or money (Antisocial structures).
No sound, retard. Thus they aren't talking about black dick unlike this thread and you reactionary back-dick obsessed nufaggots shitting up this board
>always talking about black dick
Sage is a plant
>No sound, retard
Hello rabbi ;)
>no sound
OP is a faggot mindgeek shill
Second sentence is the answer to the first.
When what's sacred gets desecrated and turned into a joke, things can only go down from there.
The dominate dyke claiming her territory extended my wiener to exponential length
Top jej
Fucking americans
they idealizing past user thats why. Its like in post communist countries where old people talk old times was better. This is not about feminism or other shit, rather by controlling them
All fields.
you can have feminisms and still have control over women, basically the problem is "you can be whatever you want" this is good for men but not for women. basically you can't eat cake and still have a cake
Very based, thank you user. I did not know this.
virgin detected
or a burger, could be a burger, either way
>Act of procreation without procreating
>A meaningful act
it's human nature.
all you're seeing is what human beings are actually like without god.
Tell me this fren.
Who's responsible for pushing something like 90% of "free" porn?
Because wh*toid are weak and pathetic. No black or muslim girl is allowed to do such shit.
fren i know that jews push this bit more but if we look in the past women always act like this
>No sound, retard
He linked this video in his post
It has sound you retard and they're literally talking about black dick listen carefully
>No black or muslim girl is allowed to do such shit.
She has a big ass though. I would do the same if I was that other girl, btw.
because female life is all about sex until they get impregnated. then they will chance their "degenerated" behavior into a more settle provider role. Females are looking for domination. Western culture (men) got rid of this natural behavior and now they chip out until you dominate them again. OR they just turn to a more primitive man who is able to satisfy their instincts
go back on /b/
Contraception is unironically one of the biggest causes of western decline. Quite possibly the rest of the world where it is present as well.
>i know that jews push this bit more but
Women are loose cannons but ~90% from ~02% of the population is not a "bit more". It's a fantastic number. And while OP's actual vid is nothing that offends me, look at the nature of "free" porn they push. What kinds of things are they constantly pushing? And then you have to ask yourself why is it "free". Aged in all fields.
yes the pill was a very very big mistake. woman are killing their true nature with this thing and they dont even realize it. iots one of the most destructive "drugs" out there
Black men won.
Not everyone needs a dead kike threatening them with eternal hellfire to behave decently, user. There aren’t as many of us as you think, and most of us live quiet, normal lives without bothering anyone or trying to impose our beliefs on others. Try looking in your churches sometime. Lots more degenerates there than there are atheists all added together.
This white bitch pulled up in her car blastin nigger music.
it's over guys. it's over
>because female life is all about sex until they get impregnated.
nah, they rather follow something new or other shit like this, that's why we got "i have to find myself". they just not understand that freedom mean also responsibilities
I've heard having friends and going out helps. Please someone confirm this.
white women are subverted whores. and they're just whores by nature. that's all they got going for them. all they all have it
>the pill
Condoms were out decades before the pill I believe.
Literally every country after the 60s
Life has become too easy. Stricter culturally enforced behaviours flourish in more oppressive times where each day is a challenge. I don't think this behaviour has anything to do with Jews directly, they just happen to profit the most from it. It has something to do with the true nature of the human being. Sexuality is a dopamine high and we're all drug addicted apes. Without consequence there is no incentive to be anything other than our base state.
maybe that what they actively think in this age. woman in the past never felt the need to travel the world. its not natural. its brainwashing.
yeah, i know but it's work both sides (women expect sex like in porn)but(men think sex should look like this) men lose in this battle because we have to provide this
It's in their nature to be whores to a degree. Besides that, it's got more to do with men (I use that term loosely) than many will admit.
have sex, incel
>woman in the past never felt the need to travel the world
hahahha... really user ? there was just lack of opportunity or cash. check villagers privilege women and men couldnt travel how they want
yea but who puts on the condom? the man and also you can SEE the condom. everytime you put on a condom on you KNOW that you are actively preventing to reproduce. when you take a pill its invisible you dont take it in the moment you have sex. grils take the pill like they brush their teeth. the desition is not consciously made anymore. it becomes a habit
there you have it
Confirmed. Women figure if you have friends you couldn't possibly be a creepy stalker/killer. Or at least not one unworthy of dating/fucking. Almost a sure thing eventually if you also work out as well.
>yea but who puts on the condom
The degenerate who is causing the decline of his civilization.
Pills have the same degenerate effect on society, but also fuck with women's hormones.