Marriage should not lead to reduced tax payments

And having freaking kids shouldn’t either. We already pay for public education and for legislation that “protects motherhood”, why hand “parents” tax breaks too?

The vast majority of tax payers don’t raise children right now. We still gotta pay for the lifestyle choices of those who can’t plan ahead for the financial commitment that a child is. This has to change.

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ger*any doesn't need ki-

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Fuck off, you pathetic lowlife incel cuck. What are you going to do about me and my wife having Steuerklasse 3 and 5?

Hungary gives tax breaks to native married couples with three or more children instead of replacing them with niggers, whats wrong with that?

A restriction on these tax breaks for niggers and beaners on welfare would be a start.

Nothing. It was a good idea and it would have been a great idea here 50 years ago.

Nice, stay focused and have German babies my good sir. You are fighting the good fight.

>we shouldn't incentive the population to reproduce to maintain a stable culture and populace
stfu Shekelberg


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It doesn’t. We are overpopulated.

Take over, get the majority to vote for my “fair taxes for everyone” party.

Yeah, by niggers and shitskins, not by Germans...

>we shouldn't incentive the population to reproduce to maintain a stable culture and populace

Yeah, that is what I said in my OP. And it makes sense.

Joke's on you, I dodge taxes wherever I can because I don't want to support ZOG financially.

so? These guys will die within the next 20 years. then the pyramid looks different.

mporting people who will never receive pension because they don't work, is pointless though.

Yeah, that’s what a poltard made up.

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This is quality bait

We are overpopulated, period. Our country should have max 20 million people.

So what are the reasons in that article?

I can just taste the globohomo reeking from this faggot

nobody is gonna click that shit, shiil flag

States have an interest in their population creating the next generation of tax payers/wage slaves. A State with sub replacement birth rates has to import immigrants, which come with additional costs and problems. Furthermore, marriage is the oldest and most successful form of social welfare, so States save money by encouraging people to marry.

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It just needs to be tied to eugenics.
Dna test at birth, strong intelligent white children lead to subsidies.
Couple this with the death penalty for adultery, and humanity would conquer the stars.

You dumbass. As a Germany poster you know parents get "kinder geld" there. That's money from the govt. If you don't replace yourselves, your economy will contact, the tax base will shrink, your social programs will suffer. Soon, there's not even white taxpayers left to shoulder the burden for road maintenance, let alone your healthcare. Importing mud slimes won't fix your tax base problem. So, yes the government should pay white taxpayers for having kids, as we are raising future tax base serfs on behalf of the government.

>t. Feminist hambeast who will never marry, nor give birth.

Fuck off and die, you genetic dead end.
If you as a woman haven't had 2 kids by 25, you should off yourself, as genetically you have failed at the one thing your sex excels at.
Do a flip off a bridge.

Marriage doesn't result in reduced tax payments, they result in tax penalties.

A couple that works together but remains unmarried can be treated as single parents. This unlocks a cornucopia of sweet sweet government gibs.

Tax benefits for children are just an investment in the future taxes you will extract from them. If you want me to finance then entirely then you have no entitlement to any of their earnings when they are adults.

You are just wrong on all counts. You should thank your lucky stars that someone else is picking up the slack for you.

Ok, you're going to have to think long-term history and big picture. Can you do that?

Marriage is a human religious institution, generated to calm a very disorderly societal makeup of humans. Marriage, because of its order, became a benefit to the state early on, as in it stabilized the society for the state, helping the state and (the BIGGIE here...) it produced more citizens for the state. Production of citizens means growth and support to the state. The state began to recognize this huge benefit of religious marriage in that it was providing more citizens for the state, and so the state came to officially recognize religious marriage, and later make its own version to further incentivize the production of citizens and stability of producing them. So the state incentivized marriage to further stabilize society and MAKE MORE CITIZENS. In addition, the state incentivized procreation in order to provide said more citizens with stability so they did not become public charge. The state invested in a more orderly structure.
These benefits of marriage to the state have not changed over time.
In fact, incentives to marriage and family order are not only more necessary to the state than ever, but also more necessary to society at large, than ever.

>The vast majority of tax payers don’t raise children right now.
Yes well that's what happens when you pay to be a cuck while muslims create the next generation of germans

That is actually painful

Why does the opinion of a minority count for anything?
You'll be voted into genocide once your parents are gone.

Don't worry, you will be immortalized by the Jews as thanks for establishing their oppression points.

Because kids raised in stable families cost the tax payer less. This has been known for a long time. Children of single parent families are five times more likely to end up in prison, to name one example.

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What does this class mean?

Kids are also the #1 investment a country can make.

This shilling needs to be automatically up banned

says the greek kike shill who spams >british >white on literally every thread. we know who you are

> this

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Increase taxes on incels and single women
Jail single mothers


Which is why you need to continue to allow uncontrolled immigration.

Less income tax. But they still pay sales taxes on food, no?

Americans pay a tax penalty for being married.

So, our country should essentially collapse to the point of utter irrelevance and potentially stop existing at all? Nice idea bro.

> our country should essentially collapse to the point of utter irrelevance and potentially stop existing at all?
Implying that hasn't already happened

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Dont forget about the inbreeds whites and fucking Puerto Rican since I have have to view their cases more often and listen to them bitch niggers it's a negros is another story they usually do not qualify due to a member being arrested on a drug charge and Mexicans do not have socials so no help for them

Well, at least this came from a leaf, so it doesn't burn all that much.

good goyim, never marry nor reproduce.
Let achmed and tyrone rape your women and have mongrels with them.

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>why are people who contribute to society's future rewarded

We should lobotomize the childfree and use them for slave labor

Society belongs to children not you faget. A healthy whole family is worth more than any individual.

in every thread like this I am reminded that that US has pursued such an aggressive immigration policy that they are already


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I'm a 26 year old virgin and I've given up on it all. I'll just work and play videogames until I die.

What's that supposed to mean?

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The point of fag marriage was not only to accelerate degeneracy but also for tax purposes and insurance benefits

Next is Muhammad, then Achmed,
Then Mohamed, then Achmet etc. etc.

Getting married to a roastie, or any female(female) is adopting a parasite. You will eventually suffer, as they cannot truly love you the way you love them. You're making a trade, you put up with their terrible personalities (or total lack of personalities) as well as their inability to have a conversation about anything interesting. In exchange they SOMETIMES pretend to like sex, usually while banging chad on the side.
It's a mess and I recommend the new woman, woman 2.0, aka female(male) humans.

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You've given up on ruining your life. Thats a good thing. Just pay a hooker to fuck you. I promise the grass is not greener on the other side.

That's like Switzerland insulting somebody elses naval power.

>R A R E
And how do you pretend to have babies, user? M-preg isn't real, as much as fanfiction authors and degenerate leftists like to pretend it is

Please elaborate

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If you think that somehow out breeding the low IQ savage niggers in Africa is something good, or that can even happen, you're a brainlet. Breeding like blacks, like the low IQ, only breeds more genetic garbage. The future is having one or two genetically edited high IQ white humans via Artificial womb tank. Even blacks (that can afford it) will opt to have pretty white babies via genetic editing. The future is white because genetically editing humans will cause ALL RACES to choose to have white children. Although eventually they will change from white to probably just some sort of grey color, no one will care because of the creeping normality of designer babies. People will focus on things like good health, high IQ, maybe athletic, but race won't matter, these new children will be so drastically different eventually that the world will be dominated by one race, probably one government too. There may be a slave race, a brainlet race used for stuff where it is cheaper than bots. They'll basically be biobots

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I look forward to it

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He is making fun of your current and future racial demographics.

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Oh yes and then importing Nigerians and breeding them with your daughter. Such a glorious future for the white race.

Those are US statistics

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Please do pretend that there is a difference.

Who cares about Canada in the first place? Did you ever do something on the world stage, that should have been noticed...?

Once male to female advances further, so as to create passing or indistinguishable females men will choose them. Having children will be via womb tank, so not being able to have children is irrelevant to the male's choice when choosing either a parasitic default female(female) or a female(male)
They will happily choose the better version of women, and roasties will be totally out of luck in the future, they will have no purpose, and as designer babies becomes a thing, people will only choose male as the gender of their baby. So roasties fade away. Roasties cannot even hope for some sort of female to male situation, because that appeals to no one. Roastie's have terrible minds, they are brainlets with a lower density of neurons than males.
The few men who absolutely refuse to be with a tranny, will just choose an AI sex bot. The parasite known as "real female humans" have nothing redeeming, no saving grace. They will suffer as they lose their monopoly on the sex market, as all their beta orbiters and paypigs disappear.
It is over for roasties in less than 50 years.

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My taxes went up after I got married.
My property taxes are more than my mortgage payments and I have no trash pickup, no public transportation, live on a dead end dirt road and the schools are shit.
How the fuck does this happen?

> Who dat boy? Who him is?

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I think we all know the answer to that

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and Red-pilled

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>Reading comprehension this low

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He might've miss-clicked, you never know

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You got two choices
>tax incentives for ethnic germans to make enough babies to convince the elites to stop immigration
>you dont make babies and instead of german families getting a tax reduction for kids your invaders get actual taxpayer money

>(((public education)))
>beneficial to raising kids
Lmao no

your majesty

Tell the villagers of my arrival

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john stossel?

He has a point tho. They are being incentivized right now and it isn't working. Also, no one had to incentivize your grandma into having 6 kids.

If you have to worry that dindus will steal your girls, you're the same low as niggers

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Only married couples on their first marriage with two kids should get tax breaks. No tax breaks if you get a divorce.