
It's been a full month

Is it actually kill?

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Is died

That's what happens when you foment terrorism. I don't know why anybody is surprised, the same shit happened to the Jihadist websites back in the day. The powers that be don't play.

I miss their hentai board.

Cripple Chan is le dead.
It's past tense.

janny there is a job for you to do and it involves zero monetary compensation

It's dead forever

Yep. Jim couldn't even fix the site when it was up. He just kept buying new servers to band aid the problems. Your crazy if you think he will be able to keep it up.

can we get fb and other normie shit sites banned the same way then. I tought so, fking double standard, if I were to post terror threats on fb, its my fault and not fbs. If I do it on infchan its infchans fault. fk hypocrites, due process was kill a long time ago in your country

Zuck's got too much money for the feebs to take his little data-mining operation away from him, but he happily gives them IPs and other such info. People get busted all the time after posting the wrong thing on there.

I-it will come back any moment now!

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kill confirmed by digits

You're a fucking retard.

WN dumbass detected. Your stupid safe space was getting people killed so it got BTFO. Start shit, get hit moron.

He's right, though. And the next incel spree-shooter will get pol shitcanned to save the rest of Jow Forums.

Twitter and Facebook call for white genocide every day. They don’t get shutdown. Wonder why

No they don't.

>Allowing any outlet for unimpeded free speech will cause a violent revolution
>t. Jews

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If it comes back, it will be a honeypot. I miss /cow/ though.

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08 is a better version of it. It should be able to exist, but I can't think of anything 08 doesn't do better except possibly be a honeypot.

8chhan did the same thing Facebook does, gives away you ip and distinguishing characteristics... but it was still too powerful to exist

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>mirrored something posted to instagram already
That's why cripple chan got taken down.
what am I saying?
cripple chan got taken down because it was harder to control.
Any user could create a new board, at any time.
If you were banned from one board, you could still post on other boards.
That made it hard to kike.
See, Jow Forums is easy to kike. You get banned on any board, you're banned.
Very easy to manage.
cripple chan was a rightwing hub of ideas that jews and feds had an enormously difficult time managing.
The whole 'foments terrorism' thing is a gay excuse.
Facebook and Instagram encourages more terrorist activities than cripple chan.
But the thing is, white nationalists can actually topple the system.
That's why there's very little effort on the part of the government to root out muslim terrorists, which is an actual threat; but there's a great deal of effort placed in rooting out white nationalists who want nothing but their own space to by among their own.
A bunch of angry thugs and leftists bragging on instagram aren't going to topple the system.
A bunch of organized and pissed off white nationalists are.
The good news is, they're making a new cripple chan.
One that can't be taken down so easily by the kikes.
Not gone for good.

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>telling the truth puts jews in danger

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They shut us down because infinitychad was on every story before the news and disseminated the facts without bias, even engaging in investigative journalism (which is a dead tradition in the West). How could (((they))) possibly risk having a legitimate, co-ordinated worldwide and uncompromised news source out there?

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I miss the free books and PDFs
Should have downloaded them when I had the chance


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Their Lawyer has stated that they are ready to come back online within the next couple weeks. They just need someone to host the website.

>D&C shill
no true Jow Forumsack ever bought into the Q crap you 18yo senior btw.

8 chan CAN STAY... you guys are okay

That's not gonna happen... cloudflare just when public on the stock exchange

For our homeless frens
Trump NM rally w/ 31% Dems
—Corey brilliance @ farce "hearing"
—Record Aug $23.5M Rep fundr
—Trump CA fundr asked "who is Q?"
—AA mechanic saboteur related 2 ISIS
—Ed Burke arrest
—PA state Sen. Folmer arrest
—Pirates Closer Vazquez arrest
.... and it's only Wed.

Probably never coming back and I'll always miss it.

The site wide ban on coomer memeing reminded me that we need an alternative. I don't like the glowies giving meme directives to the owners here



yes faggot its being replaced by 0xchan.net in october.
its a decentralized chan that can never be shut down.

sounds like a glownigger honeypot

sauce for this?

Kinda nice here
For the time being~

Nothing you do, will stop what's to come
The Rod and the Ring will Strike~

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It will be back, much needs to be done yet

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Given the chance it'll be a honeypot, what's a non-kike vpn I can use? The ones that get shilled on Youtube are suspicious as fuck.

You can't just encourage people like this doofus to chimp out and demand people and corporations to tolerate your shit forever.

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8 won't come back, just get over it.

miss 8chn sig on /pol

no one is encouraging anyone to do anything adl. any living organism will fight back if it's attacked, when whites do it it's considered bad. go adl elsewhere. to the feds reading this, I've seen more violence engouement on youtube than on 8chn or Jow Forums.

Are you dumbasses even trying?

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Don't know about Infinity, but Jow Forums doesn't show up when you search on Google anymore, at least in the United Kingdom. You have to search for Jow Forums.

Here you are basically doing that, dumb-dumb.
>It's okay to kill people of foreign background, they are literally trying to end you. Everyone else does it too

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oh yea, a slew of already dead boards with only 2 posters each, yea totally miss it

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Very recent change, they're trying to cut back on the users of this site because they're loosing control of the hivemind~

Where would one go for updates on the new site?

I hope my mass spamming on Q research helped shut it down
Fuck Qs mossad ass

Yes and this place is next, they blame it for Drumphy’s presidency so it must be destroyed.

There's a backup that's not zeronet and I'm not sharing here to poltard. You can find it on other boards.

May 23 was Pain Day when everything was DECLAS'd.
I'm thinking September 23 is Phoenix Day.


It was always a honeypot you fucking n00b

>there's very little effort on the part of the government to root out muslim terrorists
Sho' nuff boss.

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And now we're stuck with retards even dumber that the ones we already have

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Don't listen to this guy

I don’t know, but I last saw cripplechan on a /b/ rekt thread

Probably. Moving your retarded sister back in never makes things easy, and sending those retards scattering is probably the worst thing they can do

I want to remind everyone that the shitchan faggots there are a mixture of redditors and of people who ABANDONED Jow Forums
These people are garbage and I think they should leave, as I know they swam back here like rats from a boat that struck a goldberg

oh I thought that guy was a fag for killing his sister but now I understand


16chan dot xyz

People are already calling for it to be shut down

60 or 90 days of darkness
I forget which

Three posts gots 8ch shut down, one was Tarrant and the other was the stupid zoomer who posted his """manifesto""" then reposted the text from the OP because he was a newfaggot who had never posted there.

>>It's okay to kill people of foreign background, they are literally trying to end you.
This is true. Whether intentional or not, their presence here will end us. My home state of Nevada has already seen this.

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Nah, just an excuse, we know the real reason it was shut down

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based, obligatory fuck cloudflare

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It will be back soon enough, then the shills can scream moar

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Watkins had said maybe last week, but if needed they'd take more time to perfect it so it comes back online without problems.
I'm fine with waiting a little longer.

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The schizo brit that calls everyone a schizo strikes again.

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me too fren

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Those are some fine diggits, user.

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never missing an occasion to project your own skyzoid tought on others, impressive


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This. Cia nigger is right, you all sperged too much. Deal with your autism.

>Blood and soil
>Checks flag
>Black cock and oil

Not everyone moved over, 8/pol/ is fine but some of the smaller boards just get no posts there. I miss /leftpol/ bros, bunkerchan isn't the same.

Come to 16, it's great

What's the best altchan these days? Getting tired of this shithole.

You OK there champ?

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Lasted 5 mins in that glowing shithole.

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I miss the patreon torrents :((

>it will be a honeypot
With the toys NSA, CIA, and Mil Intel have at their disposal...
Your whole damn life and everything you do is one giant honeypot.

I miss /christian/ lads

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Gibs /cow/

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It must take a while to install Black Eye

>Jihadist websites back in the day
completely incorrect. they dont even take them down from youtube. its a fucking travesty.