Well Jow Forums?

Well Jow Forums?

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no, and you damn well know it

enjoy your stay in prison, fucking revisionist

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No, not even 50,000 died. 6 Million Germans did gain employment though in 2 years under Hitler's reign. and that is a fact.

Truth is not against the law here, only in Europe

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Everyone knows exactly 6 million died. The allies got there just in time before the 6000001

yes, they absolutely did. only losers who are upset with their pathetic lives question the authenticity of the facts behind the Holocaust, the single worst humanitarian catastrophe to ever impact humankind.

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271,000 died in concentration camps due to Typhus and starvation.
The starvation was because of illegal allied bombing of civilian food supplies and civilian transport, forbidden by the Geneva Conventions at the time and ignored by the UK and US.
Of the 271,000 about 1/3 were Jewish.
It was horrible, but the allied bombing was a far greater war crime. The US itself had internment camps during the war and ran death camps after the war

Attached: IRC red cross on deaths in concentration camps holocaust.jpg (960x879, 242K)

>imagine not being able to say "6 million Jews did not die in the Holocaust" without being charged with a crime

Laughing my ass off at eurofags

So the 20 million murdered by Stalin and the 60 million killed by Mao, that's okay because just soulless goyim?

Attached: Jewish mass murderer the press never talks about.jpg (552x621, 44K)

those laws are justified because anti-Semitism is deeply entrenched in those countries, and certain actions needed to be taken to condition the populations of those respective nations that hatred of Jews is irrational, illogical, not based any factual evidence whatsoever, and ultimately illegal as well. Personally, I applaud the effort of any nation to eradicate hate and violence from their population.

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those weren't targeted genocides

No ur a looser neeneee

>On the one hand Jews are liars

>On the other hand Hitler killed Jews and therefore is based

Why can’t kikes live in their own shitskin country and leave white people alone?

After WW2 was under way, the jews that had refused to leave were put into camps, just like the Japanese-Americans the US put into camps. They were seen (rightfully) as a security risk.

They were treated well by POW standards, better than the US treated the Japanese, see archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/218966323/#q218976881

Typhus was a major problem in the early 20th century, see archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/218966323/#q218968016

The camps were riddled with typhus (a disease spread by lice, hence ALL the camps having Zyklon B on site, it's a pesticide) and eventually as the war turned against Germany (24/7 bombings by the allies, invasions on 3 fronts, food and material supplies cut-off etc.) you saw a lot of disease and starvation in the camps... just like you saw in the German civilian population and what you would have saw in the US camps had the US come under such duress.

"The holocaust" and all of its myths (gas chambers, electric floors, lampshades etc.) were created post-war for political purposes and to punish Germany. Jews died, but not systematically, and not anywhere near the numbers claimed.

Jews were detained in camps. Jews starved in camps. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and were de-loused with zyklon b just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world. The Germans were blockaded and starving, therefore their prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase the political power of the jews and their ability to manipulate others for their benefit post WW2.

See these threads for much more:

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about 400K died, mostly from disease a few from starvation

Fucking nazi. How dare you?
The number doesn't matter, the manner does. Would it be one single kike, I'd be as terrible as a million.
Erratum : I'm not implying that only a million died
Erratum : I'm ofc not implying that only one kike died
Accept immigration and stfu

being expelled from your country because of your religion or ethnicity is a savage human rights abuse. it ought to be punished severely.

What's funny is that the population of Israel RIGHT NOW is like 8.5 million...

they were being expelled because they were doing criminal activity, it just so happened that these particular people were jews. Did you even read the sources retard?

Did you? Pretty much every one of these expulsions were becaue jews refused to convert ro christianity and/or confiscating their property, which natually would have gone to the king/monarch that expelled them.
Also I counted those 109 countries, and most of them are prince states of the holy roman empire which would become Germany, so you're basically counting Germany 31 times as 31 different states. Same goes for France (9 times) and so on
You can read about it yourself, just look up the article about expulsion of jews from spain in 1492, or france in 1306 etc.
In each one their property was confiscated, and those who agreed to convert were allowed to stay, it's always the same routine

Go to about 1:45:00 in the video for the redpills on muh holocaust

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oh you've got videos?
I've got videos too.

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>expelled because they were doing criminal activity
yeah, and what was classified as criminal activity was often completely fabricated claims

A .999... repeating is technically 1, so I will not report you to authorities. No wrongthink here, strangthink at worst.

Speaking of, wheres your license?

U can’t compare it to now. Every state was basically its own country.

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remind them personally that you know about and are saddened by the

so they know they are at max level

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Whoa, watch the antisemitism buddy

New numbers reveal that the half of the earths population was killed in the holocaust.

in a time or war where precision is impossible,
exactly six trillion fake jews were put to death?

get the fuck outta here.

Attached: 6Million.jpg (800x544, 144K)