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How long does it take these fuckers to count some damn votes? There must be maximum jewing going on behind the scenes.

>our relationship is with israel
The eternal victim cries out in pain as she strikes.

Benji is deep state. This guy has been on the world stage way too long. Good riddance

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Of course he's deep state. When they say that Russian interference went all the way to Putin's desk they mean that Israeli interference went all the way to Bibi's desk.

Patrick Byrne said that 4 campaigns were infiltrated and had spies setting up with blackmaill for leverage. This was Israelis. That's why after it was clear Ted Cruz wouldn't be nominee Steve Bannon moved over to the Trump campaign. Sloppy Steve was the spy embedded in the campaign.

>media acting like Netanyahu lost
He still got more than half the votes. It’s just some dude that will be deciding the coalition government. He will still be PM at the end of it

When will we know if Bibi is out? I have a feeling this is some kind of sister to the Koulter effect of the longer this takes, the more jewry is afoot.

>t. Ben Shapiro

So which is it Q boomers/genXers? Is Trump a kike or was his cabinet compromised by kikes? I need to know before I decide wether to agree with Google's 2020 election campaign or not.

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Do you really expect me to discuss this situation based on the arbitrary frame you've laid out? Trump is outjewing the Jews. Steve Bannon is a sloppy faggot and so is Ron Dermer. Jared Kushner is undermining Zionism at every turn and you're sitting on your ass spamming Jow Forums all day every day like a fucking loser.

>he says without a shred of proof to back any of this up
>inb4 educate yourself

Take your meds Kushnerbot, you disgusting Hebe rat.

Do they use physical paper ballots?

>Do you really expect me to discuss this situation based on the arbitrary frame you've laid out?
>he says while laying the arbitrary frame that I apparently am sitting on my ass all day every day spamming Jow Forums like a fucking loser

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they are pretty much in, you can expect minor changes
>anything but bibi 32
>king bibi 31
>ayyrabs 13
>mizrahi haredim 9
>KGB 9
>ashkeNazi hareim 8
>yeminazis 7
>labor 5
>the "democratic" union 5
even if they somehow agree to join him the coalition won't last more than a few months.
the only option for a lasting government is if the kgb and haredim make amends, but we're probably gonna be having a 3rd election.

>That's why after it was clear Ted Cruz wouldn't be nominee Steve Bannon moved over to the Trump campaign. Sloppy Steve was the spy embedded in the campaign.

Holy fuck you’re deluded. Steve hates kikes, why would he support them, dumbass?

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>Trump is outjewing the Jews.
By bowing to them?

>Steve Bannon is a sloppy faggot and so is Ron Dermer
Bannon was the only one who had the balls to name the Jew and criticize Kushner. Fuck off.

Why are you so pathetic?

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This is actually perfect. Israeli's hate netanyahu. They think he's a racist and that their government should do more to help the palestinians and stop spending so much money on War.

This is good for everybody. Open borders for Israel, more diversity, and no war mongering and interfering with the world? Great day to be alive.

can you imagine we're still their allies when the noggs take over Israel? LMAO

Of course we're gonna stick with our Greatest Ally™ should they begin a campaign to mutt themselves.
We'll make sure they're the most ethnically diverse nation in the history of mankind. They deserve it.

>This is actually perfect. Israeli's hate netanyahu. They think he's a racist and that their government should do more to help the palestinians and stop spending so much money on War.
KEK!!!! Israel is about to face judgment.

>Steve hates kikes
Lmao. How new are you? Did you get the welcome packet?

Bannon is a Zionist evangelical

Bannon is quintessential Kosher nationalism.

Bannon isn't a nationalist at all. He pretends to fight globalists but he's a typical neocon faggot. He supports Hong Kong just like Soros.

Take your meds schizo


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>When you want to get laid but she has an headache