Bernie Sanders releases new 2.5 trillion dollar housing for all Americans plan. Thoughts?
Bernie Sanders releases new 2.5 trillion dollar housing for all Americans plan. Thoughts?
He wants to build commie blocks? Color me surprised.
commie infighting before the elctions is fantastic
very similar to a dick contest
>muh 1000 neetbux
>muh houses for all
whats next?
>heres my plan for an iphone, tablet and netflix subscription for all muricans
Let this fucking country collapse. Let it happen. Make people learn what real hardship is when the monopoly money runs out.
I can't wait till Tyrone and Juan get luxury apartments built right next to my house on the tax payer dollar
Are you saying that all people are not entitled to entertainment welfare?
Might as well get something out of the coming default on our massive debt instead of another war and rich Jews
arnt most homeless people white opioid addicts?
>everyone gets a house
>350 million population
>nearly 30 million Mexicans here illegally alone
>only plans on building 7.5 million apartments
Hmmn. It's almost as if for this plan to be sustainable tens of millions of the least useful members of society would need to be purged.
Based Bernie. I always knew he was /ourguy/.
if he gets elected it will be hilarious watching the song and dance he has to do to explain why none of his crazy promises are happening
none of these people ever do what they say they will
good luck finding one single unstolen dollar of tax money to spend on infrastructure of any sort
>arnt most homeless people white opioid addicts?
they are also veterans
>ne single unstolen dollar of tax money to spend on infrastructure
you think income taxes are theft. Sorry, no one listens to lolbertarians anymore here.
Everyone has a right to a living wage of pussy
Basically everyone on this globe gets free shit on the tax payer dollar and at this point we know they're never going to be able to pay it off without a default or hyperinflation so like the wall maybe we should build some permanent improvements to the US before SHTF.
I can't wait until we're a nation wide project.
based americans heading towards a nanny state with commieblocks
very nice
We either need to kill these bums or give them houses desu just get them off the street where I won't have to look at them.
>2.5 trillion dollar
With magic money? Who pays for it?
If he can't live up to his promises the Democrats will get blamed and considering the next recession is already at the door this will shove people to look for alternative candidates like Hitler 2.
Also, your libertarian instincts might be correct when starting a new country, but all yelling about spending is going to do now is allow trillions to continue flowing out of the US to foreign countries in the form of foreign aid or military equipment or US soldiers or all of the above. China was able to build entire cities and railroads on a debt bubble. We should be doing the same. And since the next government will be National Socialist, you won't have to worry about predatory lending.
We do, with the credit card that's about to be cut into pieces and the bankers told to fuck off or paid with monopoly money that we print. Everybody else on the planet gets shit on our expenses, including your shithole country.
>In 2016, U.S. agencies gave $2.6 million in aid to Argentina, with half of the money coming from the Department of State. According to the Department of State, U.S. foreign aid to Argentina works to increase stability and democracy, as well as increase support for non-proliferation and border security
If the gold standard was still operational people could afford housing and wages wouldn't have stagnated for 40 years. There's a reason why boomers had it easy. Government steals all the money it can turning us all into slaves and we are supposed to be grateful when they give us a little gift. Fuck off.
Projects II: gibs from the jew
It sounds insane at first, but 2.5T is less than 10% of the estimated wealth parked in tax havens.
It's like they're competing to say who will spend the most money
>Bernie Sanders releases new 2.5 trillion dollar housing for all Americans plan. Thoughts?
Probably ends up with pic related.
The gold standard stopped working properly because after ww2 american had the vast majority of the worlds gold supply.
They tried doing this already. Several times.
IT was called "The Projects." The projects were created because black people were complaining about expensive and shitty and violent neighborhoods. So the government made them these nice new buildings.
Within years the buildings were also filthy, violent, shitty, and loud. Within a single generation.
You can give black and brown people mansions and within 5 years they will be crime-ridden cesspools. There is quite literally no way to guarantee safe and nice places to live for every American. Within half a decade they will be knocking on your door wondering why their neighborhoods suck and nobody should have to live like that and they need more money.
Remember the credo of all blacks in America: "Cut us a cheque, and the madness will end."
America didn't have enough gold to pay off the dollar in circulation. That is why Nixon abandoned the gold standard, so that the world wouldn't knock on the door of uncle Sam and demand gold in return, something that America didn't have. No we are left with the petrodollar to benefit Saudi, Zion and the U.S.
>yelling about spending is going to do now is allow trillions to continue flowing out of the US
1/4 of the defense budget is wired to the Cayman islands every quarter
artificial controls on real wage and CPI are fundamental tools for the money masters to keep the wage slaves working every day indefinitely. when the worker class is busy stressing over food and housing for decades, they don't have the time or means to educate themselves and collectivize their force against the perpetrators of this enslavement . . .
>IT was called "The Projects."
Bernie can build Mega City 1
Won't work. You can't have safe, decent housing with niggers in a country.
Bernie would unironically like Mega City one. Diverse, everyone has to use public transit, urban, and everyone is at the same unemployment level.
we aready tried this in the states...think about the caprini-green housing projects in chicago. literally turned into one of the worst living situations imaginable. extreme gang violence everywhere, poverty, drugs ect... they ended up having to tear them down because they were so dangerous....
>Population density has a negative impact on happiness
>Let's build more commieblocks
What could go wrong?
Housing projects turn into ghettos because niggers live in them.
Commie blocks
That's been happening in Chicago for decades. A white yuppie will pay $3500/month for a one bedroom apartment yet his neighbor Shaniqua gets the same apartment for $30/month (section 8 voucher)
Who told you this? White people hold up America, while non-Whites drag it down.
Note how “White” also includes spics, so actual White people are even more self-sufficient than may first be apparent.
Interesting take. It's the opposite of Marx, who claims that exploitation inevitably creates class consciousness.
Govt takes over all housing
Govt takes over all healthcare
Govt takes over all education
Govt guaranteed jobs
Almost sounds like communism
>think about the caprini-green housing projects in chicago. literally turned into one of the worst living situations imaginable.
this has more to do with crooked mobsters stealing the budgets than anything else
>White people hold up America
He's not wrong.
Fun fact: Cabrini Green used to be full of Irish and Italians back in the early 1900s and it was a safe community.
well, you can say communism till the government takes over the means of production.
2.5 trillion for a pop of 330+ million. Boy I sure can't wait for my own Soviet style cuckbox. Because $7500 per citizen isn't going to fund fuck-all.
Education does not make you more like a White person. Only genes can do that.
personally I wouldn't care if my rent was cheap af or free. As long as i have my gaming pc, and high-speed internet with the basics, I am good.
What about your children?
Get raked leaf. Some of us actually have possessions and families.
>Only genes can do that.
it's beyond that, lifestyle plays a role as well
for instance if you deny a pregnant woman protein the child is guaranteed to be born stupid, Africans were doing this to each other for centuries before they even knew Europeans existed
You'd have to live in a commie block with niggers though. You'd be dead within a year.
I'd assume they would give bigger commie housing for families over single people.
Protein isn’t the reason Blacks are stupid. They aren’t the same kind of creature as myself, a White man.
go move to wisconsin or some state with low black population
If that is the case, it would be smart to have 6-10 children and get the biggest house you can.
Do you think anybody in Congress is going to be able to stop that even given 8 years?
Just fucking give my country what everyone else is buying with our money before we default and are left decrepit for a decade.
The point is moot, White people won’t be living in hardly any of these hypothetical homes.
>give my country
Your country belongs to niggers.
Every nigger in the area will be living in them.
if you say so Mr Cia man, if they're so dumb how did they manage to enslave Europe for 800 years?
>Do you think anybody in Congress is going to be able to stop that even given 8 years?
yes, but only if we restrict every member of congress to 1 term and extend the president to 3
Are you referring to the Ottoman Empire? Am I speaking to a retarded we wuz kangz nigger?
>creating another housing crash
dems have not learned anything to why everything crashed in 08.
is bernie sanders saving the white race? 6-10 kids per white family.
paid for by a wealth tax on the top 1/10 of 1%
Learn to fucking read
Yeah but we’ll be funding their construction. And then paying their bills.
Why is it always a two bedroom apartment? Why are we expected to feel sorry for people who knowingly had children they can't afford? I understand if someone loses their job because of NAFTA 10 years after having their first kid, but why am I expected to have sympathy for someone who knowingly had a baby and decided to keep it while on a minimum wage income?
Yay, more ghettos. Awesome!!!
I think it's funny that unironic boomers are seething about this
It wouldn't work unless it was public housing though because brainlets would try to become flippers and make the housing bubble into an apocalyptic piece of shit
He's not entirely wrong, there is a housing crisis. But it stems from inflation. Commie blocks are as anti-right as you can get.
well boomers make their money by exploiting Millenials with high rent costs. This would eat into their profits.
Maybe you should go be a teacher in the inner-city
Or in Africa
Have fun
>Be me
>Mentally ill crackhead
>No money
>No job
>Crack is life
>Boomer santa gives me a free apartment
>Steal all the copper wire
>Shit on the floor
>Holes in the wall from my crack filled rage
>2 months after receiving the apartment
>Hey government this is unacceptable conditions
>They fix the apartment, repatch the walls, replace the copper, clean the floor
>Just like new
>Steal all the copper wire In another crack filled binge
Rinse and repeat
He keeps promising more and more unrealistic free shit.
It's pretty pathetic.
He's promised probably 25+ trillion in entitlements by now.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to think any of this will pass? Especially coming from a guy who caved to the DNC so easily? Bernouts have to be the dumbest, most credulous voters alive.
and add his 16 trillion dollar environment plan
and add his 2 trillion dollar student loan plan
and add whater other retarded mutli-trillion dollar plans he comes up with in between now and the first primaries
At some point you run out of other people's money.
You'd have to be a retard to believe he can deliver ANY of this and make it work even if he could.
take more money from kikes. its an unlimited pool.
>what is inflation
Sure whatever retard
Isnt sanders paying for a lot of shit with taxes on the top 1% of earners?
IIRC He wanted to forgive student loans as well with that money.
And who the fuck would want to live next to poor people and homeless
>nearly 30
More like 50 to 100 million
inflation is caused by printing money not redistribution. You're the retard who doesnt even understand inflation.
Stealing money from jews sure why not. They stole money from everyone via usury. You sound like a libertarian.
>just print unlimited money bro it wont cause inflation
whatever tard
The accumulated umpteen trillion debt that we have will preclude doing much of anything. Mnuchin is selling bonds like crazy to bring in cash and may be destabilizing the banking system by doing so.
Mnuchin can sell treasury bonds because 1) many European government bonds are in negative intereset rates, and 2) when thing look shaky, we're the best bet, at least for the time being.
If interest rates go up, we'll have an awful time paying the interest on any new or reissued debt.
It's a mess, and not totally of Trump's doing.
>There is virtually no place in America where a full-time minimum wage worker can afford a decent two bedroom apartment
They're not supposed to....
>Reading comprehension.
I just said printing more money causes inflation. Taxing the 1 percent and Wallstreet does not cause inflation. Where did bernie say he will print more money to pay for this stuff. Trump, on the other hand, is running massive deficits and did a massive tax cut.
Did you ever learn economics in school?
People voting themselves money
Brainwashed american golems need to be shot.
You worship a shadow on the wall.
He's going to tax Wallstreet to the tune of 21 trillion?
did YOU ever take economics in school? 21 trillion is the ~2/3 the entire market capitalization of the stock market.
So long as the Senate is majority Repblican, there will be no new programs for anything. It doesn't look like the Dems will manage to beat enough Rep Senators to do that any time soon.
They can talk all they want, but if it requires legislative approval, it won't happen. Just like now, with Dems in control in the House, Trump can't do anything that requires a vote in the House.