9/11 phonecalls were impossible

In 2001 especially, you could not use your cellphone to make a call on a plane at high altitude.
In Japan they tested this with 3 cellphones, none worked after 8k feet.

>Inb4 airphones
The 9/11 commission report and the testimony from the relatives that is included (which is seen in link related) make it clear they were cellphones for most of the calls. The 'Airphones' narrative only started once people started calling out the government story.
There's no airphone in the bathroom either for example.

>Inb4 the planes were not at high altitude
Yes they were, the timeline of the phone calls and the height of the planes is all documented (video mentions this too) and you can see that in the official documentation. Infact some of the calls were as high as 39k feet. Absolutely impossible.




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Other urls found in this thread:







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Videos of the planes hitting the towers were CGI.


Based observation

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>Videos of the planes hitting the towers were CGI.
No they weren't. But you're a Zionist shill.


They were remote controlled military planes that took off from Stewart Air Force Base.

>In 2001 especially, you could not use your cellphone to make a call on a plane at high altitude.
>In Japan they tested this with 3 cellphones, none worked after 8k feet.
in 2001 cell phones were shit not even flips. think on that.

They had phones on the back of plane seats that you could use by swiping a credit card.

Never forget that in operation Northwoods they had a plan just like this to swap passenger planes out for different ones with the aim of being false flagging Cuba.

Also in that link you can download a flash file which lets you play some of the recorded audio from a couple of the people on the planes. Notice how there's hardly any background noise in comparison to how you'd imagine a hijacked plane would be. This is something the relatives even mentioned themselves, saying it sounded like someone talking from the next room on the phone.

You stupid kids. I flew from the east coast to west coast in 2001. My shitty cingular wireless nokia worked just fine (for back then).

I literally went over that in my post.
Airphones were not used in the majority of the calls according to the official reports, the relatives specifically mention getting calls from their cellphones with their name showing up even.

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Passenger Barbara Olson was en route to a recording of the TV show politiclaly incorrect,
About five minutes later, Barbara Olson called again, told her husband that the "pilot" (possibly Hanjour on the cabin intercom) had announced the flight was hijacked, and asked, "What do I tell the pilot to do?"

>About five minutes later, Barbara Olson called again, told her husband that the "pilot" (possibly Hanjour on the cabin intercom) had announced the flight was hijacked, and asked, "What do I tell the pilot to do?"
More weirdness

Have you heard that recording from one of the passengers when she whispers something at the end?

I can't remember what she says but I remember it being pretty creepy desu.

CeeCee Lyles

What do you think she whispered?

I've heard different interpretations.

Dancing jews did this

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Well a lot of people think she says 'it's a frame', but I couldn't tell 100%. You can hear the audio from that in the flash thing though as well.

I thought the call sounded suspect anyway, like all of them there's not much commotion going on in the background.

Since there were no planes anyway, the statement is moot...
Also, because it won't play here, web search, Eyewitness - Saw No Planes On 9/11 @Bing or YouTube

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Plane seat used to have phones in them for calls and text
Nice work being a faggot.

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we already know it was all fake.

guess you missed the part about how the official story says they weren't used and personal phones were.

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So family members of the deceased were lying when they said their caller ids were displaying the calls were coming from their loved ones cell phones?

Rebekah Roth, who was a flight attendant at the time thought the planes could have landed at Westover AFB in Springfield, MA and the "phone calls" made there. As a flight attendant, she found numerous discrepancies with what was said. One flight attendant described being "near the staircase"- the plane they were in (a 757?) doesn't have one. An old script perhaps? Other calls described actions that ran counter to what flight attendants were instructed to do in the case of a hijacking.

Remote controlled planes always seemed tho most plausible explanation to me. Especially if you consider they hit exactly where "E team" were working and the descending loop flight path of the one that hit the pentagon would have been impossible to pull off for someone with no training.

What was the fate of the passengers though? I assume those were real flight with real people on board? Surely it would have been easier to rig the controls and radios on commercial jets beforehand than have to deal with all the people on board.

Point about the speed is interesting, I remember in the old days there was a question about a ' bulge' on the aircrafts underside too.

No idea but tihs is interesting

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Plane both flew over stewart AFB
RC plane takes off as hijacked plane lands and passengers get dumped like bin laden

> passengers
This. What happened to the passengers? Were they even real?

Don't know what happened to them. Could have been killed or have been agents already maybe.

Another thing I heard was that some of the calls actually ended up happening after the towers were hit.

That would be a difficult job to do though, to kill all those people and hide everything. I would've just rigged the planes to begin with, flown them into the towers and then fabricated some phone calls. Much cleaner. Either way, RC planes for definate.

>9/11 phonecalls were impossible

No, they weren't. Thanks for playing.

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Reminder that 9/11 never happened.

There were no planes

Scientific fact proves you wrong.

Yeah idk , modernish 2g networks were in use by 2001, i can see the old analog based cellphones not working, but 2g+ era phones are digital, and should have no problem.



I tried using my phone several times on flights in the 2001 timeframe and it didn't work.

t. oldfag

the jews always have to insert themselves into every event and they always have these miracle stories

why did they fly over it?

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Duh. The plane in PA was shot down by the military - this was widely reported at the time and the flight 93 movie version was only invented like a month later.

Can't speak for the us network but my phone always has no signal on flights I've taken in Europe unless on the ground.

If one thinks aluminum could penetrate that foot of steel and concrete let's see a recreation at JPL, ground level is fine and let's go to the facts...

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I thought the guy that developed QRS-11 and used Clinton's law offices in Little Rock was Mossad and on one of the planes that flew into WTC. Anyone have any info on what I'm referring to?

The whole point is that 2 Mossad agents infiltrated Saudi sleeper cells and duped them/used them as disposable patsies.

This automated thread again.
Phones in planes existed since the 80s.
Deal with it.

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you can always tell something is really not on the level - when they make a movie about it. Just like boston bombing

It’s because you are moving too fast to switch towers. It would only work if a plane was slowly circling over an urban area at low altitude.

>one post by id
>stock memes
low effort

That was airphones in first class on limited routes.

Operation Northwoods.

it kinda depends how fast the aluminum is traveling

Is there a Boston bombing movie?

This every time.

I miss when people lurked moar and actually read comments of a thread and not just the headline.

>visit this website
>get this

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Shill shareblue kike

yea it even has Mark Wahlberg as the star of the movie It's called Patriots Day

There was probably a beacon at the airfield used for syncing up the inertial navigation gyros in the planes used for remote hijacking.

Interestingly enough, that sick faggoty jew show Big Mouth on kikeflix is made by company that ran security at all the airports. United and American airlines were in Epstein's black book. So they placed the remote overrides in the planes and faked all those phone calls with a mixture of earlier recordings from drills and Betty Ong was the only realtime one who is a ghost and probably a CIA cutout just like the hijackers.

lmfao. False flag as fuck


No it didn't. I flew from Memphis to Ft Lauderdale five years later and my Cingular phone didn't work at all.

yes I remember that.
>it's framed.

If she was trying to say "it's a fake" quietly it would sound like "frame" because of hiding the plosive 'k'

Someone needs to be gassed tonight.

Agree with you on everything except for the altitude of the aircraft. Soon after the hi-jackers took control they dropped the aircraft below 5,000 ft so as to stay invisible to air traffic control radar and 9/11 did occur you schizo, go to New York and have a look at ground zero.

This is bullshit, the US had the most un-reliable cell phone network in the world back then it was a laughing stock, GSM and CDMA phone could not find a tower on an aircraft travelling at 400mph at 5,000 ft.

that’s the remote control for the tv screen

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>Soon after the hi-jackers took control they dropped the aircraft below 5,000 ft so as to stay invisible to air traffic control radar
did you make this up all by yourself?
true fact: they claimed the aircraft couldn't be radar tracked because the transponders were turned off. If I have to explain why that is a load of shit you aren't worth explaining it to.

That's possible tbqh.
It's definitely whispered right into the mic too.

The height of the planes is known about for all the times of the flight, and for basically all the calls (That I've seen) they were all at or near crusing altitude, he goes over this in the vid.

correct, this is the only conspiracy theory worth investigating, however the shills deliberately avoid mentioning this at all.

Nope, they dropped the aircraft down to 5,000 ft pretty quickly, your 39,000 ft narrative is just cope.

good point, burgers don't speak english.
I'll need to listen again.
Gives me chills.


I have always had this question... once the planes hit the towers, where did they go? They didn't come out the other side, so did they just magically fully disintegrate? Were they just chilling inside the building? Were the towers really wider than the planes in order to hold the planes without the wings projecting outside of the walls? Am I just fucking retarded?

Fuck even in 2019 good luck getting Facebook to load without paying for it first.

except for the phones on the bcks of the seats?? are you this fucking retarded, take your edgy 16yo ass back to redd!t

except that wasn't then.
shill and read the thread.

packed full of explosives to go boom.



The '39,000 feet narrative' is in the official documentation by the 9/11 report.
The height of those planes is known for the entire duration of the time, and the times of the calls are known as well. That means it's easy to know at what height the plane is when the call happened.

You are pushing a conspiracy theory, ironically enough, by inventing numbers when the numbers are already documented.

>Calls others retarded
>Can't read the OP

Of course they were real, they were probably offloaded somewhere and all killed. Just like MH370.

Why are brits more redpilled on 9/11 than most americans

I like these threads, really makes you see who are the glowniggers here

Don't forget TWA flight 800(?) that exploded just off the coast of Long Island about 5 years prior. Witnesses reported seeing what looked like a missile plume streaking up towards it. They blamed it on faulty wiring near the port fuel tanks. I heard one of the passengers had been a lead developer of US Naval ship defenses, but I never heard the name.

Jewish indoctrination and narrative manipulation.
Every citizen is being served a brain control pie by his government. It's just how hard are you forced to swallow it that differs.

>realism pill

Dear Zoomers and young millenials,

9/11 was the price for the pursuing the goals of the New American Century and neocon zionism.

If you want to make an omlette guess what? You blow up a couple of shitty old sky scrapers based it on an old plan you shelved in the 60s; and blame it on a raghead in a country you want to invade who is sitting in a cave on dialysis directing devout muslims who drank and partied with whores.

Over 3,00 people died and upto 10,000 additional people died from respiratory illness. Tragic and fucking awful. That's life, that's what happens. If they were alive in WW1 they would have been sent to the front lines after the Lusitainia was *ahem* sank. The people who did it don't give a shit, they're king of the jungle, and sleep well on piles of cash. Unless you've got an army, navy and airforce, to bring them to justice, forget it.

Money and power rules the world, not fairness, not principle, certainly not the law (unless you're a commoner), just men with more money, bigger balls, better connections, and the might of armies, airforces and navies combined behind them.

I realised about 10 years ago after the zeitgeist movie that these people will never be brought to 'justice'; if you think differently, you are deluded, or possibly have control of a nuclear weapons arsenal.

You will never change this shitty world, you're only hope is to focus on your own problems, and treat others how you want to be treated to make a tiny difference to those you interact with.

I'm sorry, this is the truth. Now clean your room.

>off to my dermotology appointment.

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No you didn't. Youve never even been to Fort Lauderdale.

>bu-but muh commission report, everything else in it is fake EXCEPT for the fact they used cell phone
yeah, youre fucking retarded, taking a commission report you dont believe and then cherry picking the part about phones? gotchu bruv

that doesn't even make sense.
If you're going to do 'apologetics', you have to stick to the same page and say something like
> 'well there's many variables we don't know.'

not slate the actual evidence from the report, you shitty shill.

What the fuck, that is not how cellphones work at all

Daily reminder Mossad did 9/11.

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You are going to burn in hell! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

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It was the greatest hollywood production to date

So is the official report factual or not??

If it's factual, then there is a hole in it.

If it's not factual, than under what basis do you have to refer to the report for anything else?

Claiming it was 'all airphones other than two' is a lie. And has no source behind it whatsoever. The report is the evidence we're meant to believe and the report doesn't say it was 'all airphones' at all. So anyone who says that is literally making shit up.

So yes, I'll dispute outright fabrications.

The report isn't lying when it mentions cellphones because the testimony that went into it is from the relatives (such as the one on video in the clip) who specifically mentioned getting called from the cellphones with the number showing up.

The lie is that years after the fact the 'debunkers' started intentionally lying to people by saying 'oh it was all airphones, only 2 were cellphones at best, nothing to see here guys'.