Don't have kids
Stop eating burgers
Stop driving gas cars
Ban plastic straws
Stop riding on planes
We have to save the planet
Don't have kids
Stop eating burgers
Stop driving gas cars
Ban plastic straws
Stop riding on planes
We have to save the planet
Other urls found in this thread:
Andy Milonakis disease
She is really 36 years old.
should have told her mom stop drinking during pregnancy.
fucking potato.
Or we could just toss this retarded little bint into a volcano to appease the climate gods
european are alcoholics by nature
If you convince the Africans, indians and chinese that are 100 times worse than anyone in the west, im in.
You first
Most rape-able face ever to exist, and she isn't even hot. Just cries out to be raped.
Stop fucking shilling this zog cog. It’s getting creepy.
USA pollutes more per capita. We should be the ones doing the most you redneck boomer.
Nice meme
I noticed this on a business trip to germany. holy fuck they must have no liver function left.
They made me drive their mercedes sedan on the autobahn because I was the only one not completely drunk.
> 23
needs matching shoes for full nigger attire.
saved anyways. thx, mexo.
Yup, that's a Terminator.
Why isn't she speaking out about women drinking during pregnancy?
ok, fixed without the discord tranny shit.
that's how potatoes get cloned.
Factual post
My ex was le 100% face German and her whole family were legitimate unironic alcoholics
>Per capta
>Ignoring the fact that figure is diluted by the billion+ people in India and China who don't even have electricity
You first.
I’d mash that potato if you know what I mean
Look at her pupils.
or to be facialised
Are you going to skip skool tomorrow user? I’m joining the protest what sign should I make.
yep. Indicator of a sociopath.
>listening to a blockhead child
Doesn’t matter. Still our job to cut back on everything. Insects aren’t even that bad cletus, you might even like them.
While most of these are reasonable things, regardless of whether you care about climate change or not. Because regardless of our climate, pollution fucking sucks for everyone. And cutting down all the forest just so Muricans can have their steak for breakfast, lunch and dinner is autistisc af.
However, it's nothing more than empty platitudes. Sure, you can feel better about yourself that you did some nice thing for the planet, but in the grand scheme of things its completely meaningless. So what if a couple of million people go vegan and ride bikes everywhere? The other 7 billion people are gonna continue consuming shit, and the fossil fuel companies are still gonna be producing shit.
The only meaningful change will come from worldwide legislation that sets strict rules on everyone, coming down hard on anyone who doesn't comply. Until that point, the actions of invididuals are a waste of fucking time.
Can somebody actually tell me if global warming is:
a) caused by humans and if so, how much of it and the consequences
b) actually that bad, will it be as bad as they shill on the news
c) possible to stop or even revert back to an opposite trend
Please somebody who isn’t just trying to play for their own team and knows about this shit please let me know. No boomers who just say it isn’t real because god made the earth and no insane lefties who just believe everything the media says and have never read a scientific paper in their life, thanks.
She said on her Daily Show interview that she wants people to feel the same fear she does.
Literally a fearmonger lmfao
Burn the coal. Pay the toll.
i wonder what her butthole tastes and smells like
USA is biggest polluter per capita, also china and india are polluting on behalf of west so west is still the biggest polluter out there
That's a prime example of a spiteful mutant
stop lecturing, cunt
Models overestimate the feedback
search Monckton feedback error for the details
CO2 starved plants are increasing efficiency in elevated CO2 conditions.
search Stomatal density
The trend is mostly the combining and canceling of the various ocean oscillations which dump excess heat that builds over time and finally is released to warm land areas and cause greater warmth. Ocean temps control concentration of CO2 so warmer waters dissolve less than cooler. Check the dip every time the planet tilts each winter
I want to rape this boy
Stop showing us this potato nigger
haha nope
MMmm, the text of a British shill. Do you wanna be responsible for 6 billion deaths? Fuck the oligarchy, fuck the crown. More population, more technology, more huge gigantic infrastructure projects, let‘s industrialize Africa and fly to moon and mars and build a civilization there.
That incredibly stupid fucking face kills me
When this sad girl starts fucking (at the 18 of course), her mental illness and mental disablities will be cured. Either that, or she will be a cunt and sew her pussy shut to save the world.
Who is this semen demon, she can get the d
kek'd, thanks.
That's not an excuse. Our alcoholics turn into Jow Forums broadcasting stations or axe eachother for no reason, at worst. They don't spawn the Hippie Antichrist.
Doesn't matter. What matters is that IF shit hits the fan, people from rich nations will have the means to move somewhere better, be it through migration or annexation. Bug eaters taxed into poverty for exhaling CO2 won't.
>gas cars
electric means exporting pollution elsewhere and the energy required to produce batteries and the new infrastructure to support it is less efficient than gas.
We're responsible 100%, and without intervention, may lead to civilisation coming to an end, barring extinction.
Yes, and potentially worse than that.
The newest un report states there is alarming data we're at or beyond thresholds that keep our climate systems regulated
So tell me if dis nigga got it strait.
In order to get does scurry lookin lines on dey charts, scientists assume there is some compounding factor that makes the lines shoot up, but they ain't never found anything that do dat in all they years of lookin. So dey just pretendin it gonna increase even do it cain't.
An also the plants, da air, and da ocean all got dis ting goin on where dey regulate the stuff between em in like a complex system so that de tempeture, the co2 and other stuffs bounce around within an acceptable range of values an it never getts too high or too low.
If she hates us so much why doesn't she just say kill yourselves and lead by example
Doesn't matter? It doesn't matter to you? Of course, it matters. It is literally the mathematics of it. If the USA were to cut their carbon footprint down to zero per capita, it would still only address a fraction of the carbon being put into the atmosphere on a global scale.
So yeah. It matters. Maybe instead of blindly regurgitating some greater than thou morality liberal talking point, actually critically think about what you are saying. It's remarkable to me, the cognitive dissonance many of you on this side of the arguement display. You can even acknowledge that the west overall does not contribute the majority of the world's total carbon foot print and that the west is only largest contributer per capita. Yet you drone on nonsense about how the west must be the leaders in stopping climate change when you are aware the west is not even the biggest culprits.
It's just pure insanity to me.
>is it caused by humans
Considering that CO2 levels have been going up and down for the past 800k years in the range of 180~ parts per million and 280~, and the current level shot up to over 400 since the industrial revolution, it's safe to say that we're having an impact. Multiple studies found that humans were responsible for 75%~ of warming in the late 20th century, because of our mass production of Green House Gases (CO2, Methan, Nitrous Oxide, etc.). Production didn't slow down since then, we've exponentially increased our population and consumption, so we're having even more of an impact now. Not to mention polluting our environment that affects our food and our bodies.
>CO2 dissolves in water and makes oceans more acidic which fucks with marine life. Most of the planets oxygen comes from phytoplankton, so if they die, we're kinda fucked. Not to mention all the animals up the chain.
>CO2 concentration affects cognitive functions in humans. The drop in IQ is already something that researchers are noticing, especially since many humans live in cities/ spend time indoors where CO2 concentration is highest.
>Rising sea levels because of melting sea ice will flood coastal regions.
>Food production will suffer because of increased temperature and extreme weather changes (drought/heavy rain depending on the area)
>actually that bad?
>food shortages
>crops dying
>extreme weather
>mass migration of the southern hemisphere because areas become uninhabitable
Pretty good for Russia I guess, since their northern trade routes are now open nearly all year round. If they didn't shill the importance of this, nobody would care. Most people don't care anyway, because humans are not very good at dealing with something so big. For most people its entirely incomprihensible.
>possible to revert
At this point, difficult to say. Especially with many 3rd world shitholes with billions of people essentially going through industrial revolution right now.
that probably explains why i hate alcohol
I ain't doin' shit until the third world and second world starts cleaning up their own mess.
You really need to take another look at those numbers, pal.
Fuck the planet, what has it done for me recently? You potato looking bitch, You make me more supportive of abortions
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body
>Don't have kids
Not having kids is by far the best way to reduce your carbon footprint.
Greeda Thumbsperg has a head way too wide for shrunken little photoshop face.
>models overestmiate feedback
Nearly all the research I've read that tackles the potential errors in current climate models only point out the heavy focus on CO2. When in fact other GHGs have a much higher impact on greehouse effect. And all of them still predict nearly the same results, and some even much higher.
>CO2 is good for plants
Droughts and floods are not. Plants consume both CO2 and Oxygen. And since GHGs are increasing the global average temperatures, many plants are gonna be fucked regardless of whether they have more CO2 or not.
>ocean oscillations
AMO is responsible for about 5% of that temperature rise.
Nice. Maybe you should provide some research that you've done that sates otherwise.
>Dodgers hat on an oven dodger
l m a o
Guys please stop Hating on her. She's just a kike pawn who doesn't know better. She will die a bitter old woman. She wants attention you dumb idiots. Stop falling for it because she'll become another David Hogg
no seas asqueroso la puta madre che!
in short, it doesn't matter how much co2 we put into the atmosphere, you can't get more than 4 degrees of warming
Make a polar bear costume.
>Don't have kids
>Stop eating burgers
>Stop driving gas cars
>Ban plastic straws
>Stop riding on planes
>CO2 concentration affects cognitive functions in humans.
dude, that's horseshit.
it wouldn't matter if we tripled or quadrupled mean co2 in the atmosphere, it would still be an extemely small % of the air we breath
the co2 level in your bedroom right now is probably 100 times higher than the mean atmospheric co2 content will ever be
>except for China, India, and all the other major pollutors.
>but you, the clean safe western countries have to take in millions more people, but still pollute less.
Have a bunch of kids if you're white but sterilize niggers
>but only if you're white
Full vid here. Her sperging starts at about 2:25 in this vid.
Autists: feel free to inform yourself about Holly
You're still using internet explorer?
Are you also running windows 98?
I bet her (((functional))) climate-protection jacket with her name is made by a proud east-asian girl the same aga as Greta.
She has a point. Niggers, spics, kikes, Japs, poos and mudslimes should not do any of those things.
abolish capitalism.
Says she was born 2003, so someone is lying. Maybe you are lying or wikipedia is lying. Honestly could be either at this point.
Someone should make "Virgin Greta vs. Chad Ted" meme.
Stop shilling for OPEC you swede cunt
Just for that I’m going to get my wife pregnant tonight before I jump in my gas guzzler car for work, then I’m going to stop at the diner and get a double bacon cheeseburger and a large lemonade whit a plastic straw, then on the way home I’m gonna throw the garbage out the window onto the street!
She deserves to be taken seriously! The Eurotards have made her queen.
No we will have it all my Brothers and Sisters! Reject Modernity! Reject what you have been taught! Look to the Sun and let it's radiance shine through you and cast it's glow upon all you look upon.
All are equal under the suns Gaze, and all are free and safe under it's Light. Reject Greed, Reject the self, and put your might towards our common light.
The Sun nurtures and provides, bask in it's warm glow and become whole! Smile upon your brothers and sisters in Assurity that you and your children's futures are secured, your prosperity and your people, Towards a Glorious Horizon!
We will be the Light that restores Mother Nature, We will be the Earth's Stewards, and Usher in a millennium of Peace and Righteousness!
Now is the time! as it all crumbles down, The world is new clay to be molded! Let the Sun and Warmth Guide our Hands! Bounty and Glory to every man woman and child under the sun!
Rise up in this new Morning! Let your voices Ring out From the Mountain Tops! Onward and Share your Light!
Win phone can't install other browser...
Gay cringe
Fuck off back to Narnia, Aslan.
There’s something very wrong with this little Communist’s face...
Is she... simple?