Starve the (((Beast))): Volume One

The (((People in Charge))) do not have as much power over you as you may think. It has always been a manipulation game, indoctrinating the masses to do (((their))) bidding for them. In the Saul Alinsky – Rules for Radicals book, Rule #1 states " "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have."

It is all a facade.

In this series, we will talk further about case study topics that are a direct threat to (((their))) control.

Case Study One: MGTOW
Why is there such intense "ridicule" and "shaming" any time a man mentions going his own way on this board? Simple, men have always been a slave class to women and (((them))). Men are expected to fight wars; save women from burning buildings and jump into any dangerous situation to save a woman. Men are expected to pay extra taxes; fees and usury whereas women are given extra welfare. In the modern day, women have taken all men's rights without taking any responsibility. Women work for (((them))) to vote against men's interests.

How do (((they))) benefit from this unfair deal? Usury, Taxes, Fees and a Status Quo. Men are shamed into a life of wage slavery because they are taught their only reason for living is a woman. (((They))) benefit from this through things like mortgages; jewelry gifts on holidays; divorce courts; keeping up with the Jones's for children, etc. Men are simply expect to work harder and pay more. Women have value simply for being women....or so we are told.

Case Study Two; Tiny Home Living
This is another thread topic that evokes great ridicule because "How Dare You" figure out a way to sidestep the 30 year mortgage? (((They))) own the banks and that Mortgage For Life constantly gives (((them))) power and power for ever and ever. Tiny Home Living at it's base is minimalism. It's returning to Pioneer Spirit of early living. With Tiny Home Living, Anons may realize they don't need a bank and "credit" as much as they think....

(continued into first post)
So Say We All.


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Other urls found in this thread:

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Case Study Three: The Intertubes
(((They))) have lost control over the narrative because the internet is the Wild West. That is why we now have a wave of censorship on tube sites. Part of (((their))) power is their media empire where message is carefully distilled to make (((them))) seem like a "Chosen Class" who you cannot criticize.

I now open this bread to other discussion on How To Starve The Beast. How do we break down (((their manipulation system))) and reduce their power through simple passive resistant steps.

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>manipulation game

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>>manipulation game

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>>>manipulation game

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>>>>manipulation game

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>>>>>manipulation game

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>>>>>>manipulation game

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hurry up with your school essays.

Good, a completely compromised media.

How can we get this message to normies? Anybody who has tried knows that it's much more difficult than you may think. I mentioned again to my father yesterday that "All the News is controlled by Jews" and he instantly glazed over and started to sperg about how they deserved that land and had a right to live in Israel.

The is a mind infection for the normies to ignore this fact. What are small steps to getting this information out and absorbed?

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Great thread, thank you for posting it user!


The foundation myth. This is another topic that is "set up" so that normies glaze over and refuse to talk about the many lies and exaggerations of the Holohoax.

This very foundation myth is what seeds (((their))) power and makes it nearly impossible to criticize (((them))) in public.

Onc can't simply state, "I think the Holocaust is in large part a lie" in public without fearing loosing their job and being shamed on social media to the point where the community turns their back on them.

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user, I have had success by avoiding to name (((them))) directly.

Usually I use this method, "Hmm, I see your point, you are right. Also, have you considered "this" or "that"? And then I stir the conversation in the direction that I want it to go, but always try to make it seem it is their idea or their "discovery".


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women echo echo

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It should be noted that (((they))) are patient and plan for the very long term. Those us that are waking up want things done immediately, which makes us look and sound like extremist radicals shaking the boat. We have to learn to plan too for the long term, we have to learn to battle them with our wits too.

Yes, (((they))) are constantly programming our children with their mind infection. You can control an entire people without force; without an army....but rather though constant cohersion. The Clever Jew knows this which is why he took over all media empires; all banking and especially all educational channels.

Distill it down further. What are ways that we can make quality shows more attractive to the masses. Is there a "script" that we can engage normies in without blurting out, "I think this movie is cucked and full of SJW shit".

We know from experience that normies glaze over when you protest things like forced race mixing.

Can we look at older movies and see it from a standpoint of higher quality? How can we articulate that to normies who are too used to propaganda.

Perhaps if we had more discussions on this board about "what makes a story good" we can learn better to articulate what is a quality movie and by proxy hint at how much propaganda is in modern programming.

One of our biggest issues is being able to articulate quickly in the face of a glazed over Leftist that has ready made attacks from spending hours on social media. They are in large part, a tape recorder playing a message.

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have to somewhat begrdugelingly agree with this. i just want my future kids and grandkids to be free of their control. within two generations a real change can occur.

Their strength and power comes from the USURY they charge on the currency, but since it is a swindle, its power fails immediately upon people figuring out it is a swindle, that's why they have to keep misdirecting and obfuscating the truth.

>tfw no 13 year old bride

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>user, I have had success by avoiding to name (((them))) directly.
>Usually I use this method, "Hmm, I see your point, you are right. Also, have you considered "this" or "that"? And then I stir the conversation in the direction that I want it to go, but always try to make it seem it is their idea or their "discovery".

I do think it's exactly this. We must craft our own scripts that never mention (((them))) by name. There are "triggers" that make any normie glaze over and shut you down.

Can you think of a script that you have recently had with a normie and how it was successful?

How do the delicate steps go from breaking through the glaze and getting a normie to think or short circuit on their own propaganda?

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Agree with everything, but it's not Jews. It's people like the faggot known as Donald J. Trump who are behind it.

i've been trying to figure out alternative media possibilities myself

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Nothing against gay people btw.
Trump is a pussy bitch.

That was a hell of a cartoon.

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and have some serious unsolved issues

I have a patterned that I have been using lately, I make small chat with a normie, ask him about life and all, then I ask him how he spends his time and then drill as to why they work so much and why are they in debt. Then I plan the seeds about how money is created, and just make it fun and interesting, then I plant some digs about some people benefiting and creating the great disparity in wealth. They usually ask for more info and I follow up with some flyers. Then the truth takes over from there.

>Their strength and power comes from the USURY they charge on the currency, but since it is a swindle, its power fails immediately upon people figuring out it is a swindle, that's why they have to keep misdirecting and obfuscating the truth

Thus the reason any time I've done a bread on Tiny Homes, there is a flood of shills with "ridicule" to the effect of:

>How can you live in a Cuuck Shed? Pathetic
>You can't raise a family in a small house
>Fuck you, I'm saving the white race by getting a 30-year mortgage
>Have fun in your shack. I'm going to live in society

There is a very very real fear of people turning away from the slavery of a 30 year mortgage. We are told repeatedly that "everybody is doing it".

As well, any thread on "gardening" or "off the grid living" are met with similar ridicule?

Why is that user's? Are these topics a thread to (((their))) power?

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there win't be any set script because everyone is different in how they process information. it must be a multi-prong approach but subtle. one way easy to approach people using their own experiences to steer them into the answers, but it is a long process. took myself about three years before I was able to educate the current girl I am seeing. now for the most part she notices the subversions and power dynamics at play in the media, academia, and government.

>Case Study One: MGTOW
while BTFO of whores is good, you cannot discard all women, you gotta have a stake in society, gotta have children (for most people have this vocation only few will ever have a true celibacy vocation)
MGTOW should be rebranded into abandoning porn and modern whore culture
>Case Study Two; Tiny Home Living
you can have a tiny humble house if its on a field you can grow your own food or start homesteading, living in some cuck shed in the city is fucking pointless
>Case Study Three: The Intertubes
i think something like a more normie friendly zeronet would permanently take power away from them, by freeing information into the hands of the people where no one can be deplatformed and information survives on how accurate and truthful it is

>Agree with everything, but it's not Jews. It's people like the faggot known as Donald J. Trump who are behind it.

Our first shill has arrived. Welcome.

This technique is called "misdirection" and it's designed to split up a consensus on the thread topic. The poster hopes to get the audience bickering about "Democratic vs Republican" which leads nowhere; avoids talk of (((them))) and gets everybody angry.

Stay on Topic boys.

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I think comedy, parody and memes are eroding the taboo on the holocaust look at zoomers talking about it, making cookie monster needs to bake 6 million cookies memes and shit like that
with funny memes you can destroy it like how they've done that to religion

>This technique is called "misdirection"
You know it well since you used it to point the finger at Jews instead of the mega rich manipulators, the foremost being Trump himself.

It took me 20 years to figure out the swindle, but now with the advent of the Internet, many people are waking up in 3 years or less.

You will notice that they scrub all papers and books from the search engines regarding the topic of money and usury, but we keep posting them back up because the truth won't die so easily.

That's the rub, once you know how the swindle works you can't look away.

>i've been trying to figure out alternative media possibilities myself

I have been watching a lot of old movies from the 90s and earlier.

Although I recently found a TV series in Germany called "Dark" that I have found to be fairly non-cucked and high quality. We need more threads on "non cucked TV shows and movies". We also used to have "Jow Forums reading lists show up often.

I would also like to have more threads on YouTube channels that are non cucked.

This is called "curation" and helps people weave through the mist of propaganda. This is one of (((their))) tactics. If they cannot directly control the message, then (((they))) will flood the information with crap dis-information which should lead to frustrating people enough to give up their search for knowledge.

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>Just destroy your own life and become poor
Epic win

>and have some serious unsolved issues

Our second shill has arrived into the thread.

This technique is called Ad Hominem and is simply a direct attack on somebody's character while avoiding the topic on hand. This is very successful with newfags as they were raised by Single Mother Cancer and have been under the duress of emotional warfare for most of their childhood.

When shills arrive, identify their technique and then never reply to them again. Do not feed them.

Stay on Topic.

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Try watching movies and shows older than that. There is less propaganda at work, it's there but blatatly obvious compared to now. I have been watching old shows such as Laramie and Death Valley Days. More wholesome programming where the propaganda seems forced and out of place but still pushes a strong nuclear family and morals.

The Jews hold the banks, they don't want blood on their hands.
It the "elite" behind this, and I believe it's just a bunch of brainwashed white people.

Also keep in mind, there is an inherent conflict in thought of Individualism:

In other to fight the Collectivist the Libertarian needs to unite forces with other Libertarians. And that's another rub, Libertarians want to be left alone, but will not be left alone because the Collectivist will unit to oppress those that want to be left alone.

>Then I plan the seeds about how money is created, and just make it fun and interesting, then I plant some digs about some people benefiting and creating the great disparity in wealth. They usually ask for more info and I follow up with some flyers. Then the truth takes over from there.

OK good.

So you identify the disparity first. Then kind of get them a bit angry and jealous over that. Then maybe a day or two later the topic comes up again and you can kind of mention, "Oh, that CEO is Jewish by the way" and then quickly steer into another topic.

This is called "seeding" and you can briefly bring up this connection again and again, briefly until the normie's mind goes "click". (Oh, shit all these CEOs are Jewish! WTF).

You didn't directly lead to that. It was more of a "Oh by the way" as if to place less value on the association.

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Thoth's palindrome digits speak wisdom
The ride never ends
This is a forever struggle and we must face it thusly
As Sisyphus does

>there won't be any set script because everyone is different in how they process information.
They create dialectics to herd everyone into one way of thinking or the other. And they control both of them to lead to the desired outcome.

>blue pill: It's teh Nazis!
>red pill: It's teh Jews!
>reality: The Nazis are Jews are working together in the Illuminati for their totalitarian NWO.

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Also, the reality is that Life is a cycle, like the meme of Hard Times Makes Good Men, Good Men make Good Times, Good Times, Makes Soft Men, etc. you get the point.

>there win't be any set script because everyone is different in how they process information. it must be a multi-prong approach but subtle.

Exactly. There is no one-size-fits-all.

This is why I'm opening talks so that Anons can share their experiences and successes. By hearing several stories of success, we can have that ability to quickly adapt during our attempts to open the eyes of normies.

We are in our own "Echo Chamber" here on this board. As such, we are never prepared to articulate our thoughts that well in real life. Talks like these will strengthen that ability to articulate.

Can you think of any particulate moment where you had a breakthrough with your GF?

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Living modestly isn't living poorly.
You could easily buy land, build a house on it, and sustain yourself on a small amount of money without going into huge amounts of debt. I bought 15 acres for 30k.
I'm going to build a house for 10k.
40k and I'm on my land, living, and I'm out of the system as best as possible.

>By hearing several stories of success, we can have that ability to quickly adapt during our attempts to open the eyes of normies.

The thing is that Waking people up is a thankless job, but the alternative is self destruction, so we have to do the job, otherwise we stay mired in misery and poverty.

The fact that the truth speaks for itself is one saving grace that makes the job worthwhile doing.

The thing is that USURY is a cancer, it must grow into taxing everything that is monetized, you can't avoid the inevitable, just postpone it for a bit until it comes calling for you.

>I think comedy, parody and memes are eroding the taboo on the holocaust look at zoomers talking about it, making cookie monster needs to bake 6 million cookies memes and shit like that
>with funny memes you can destroy it like how they've done that to religion

Excellent point. Our Memes are powerful and the Left simply cannot meme. This is because they are void of "humor" or seeing things in a humorous way. Other Anons have articulated this deeper, why our memes work.

And there are memes that work on this board and other "lighter" memes that have made it onto Normie Media.

IOTBW and Draft Our Daughters were too very successful campaigns.

Remember all the shilling and misdirection on IOTBW? There were some very dedicated Anons that kept the project on topic. They repeated "use this font only" and "use this message only" during repeated attempts of shills trying to hijack and co-opt the meme so it would become diluted.

Thinking on it deeply, (((they))) don't have any great sense of humor, because in large part, any self deprecating humor is met with rage (since they are the Chosen People and cannot bear to be ridiculed). -like the rare occasion you get a self hating jew. One just did a "Barbie Holocaust" at burning man and it raged just about everybody.

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redpilled af. but most people are not enlightened enough yet to get this. female energy = matter = satan

>mfw self employed
>mfw spend every penny I make so that my income is less than 20k
>mfw set up an account for healthcare
>mfw 3k off my taxes
>mfw I basically pay nothing in income taxes
>mfw I can write off everything as a business cost because I am building a farm and my home is also my business.

I think a good IOTBW type meme would be simply to show black text on a white piece of paper,
because of our programming it would make you think about the holocaust and that magic number

>Can you think of any particulate moment where you had a breakthrough with your GF?
I went with full hardcore jokes everytime I wanted her to see something. I would reinforce it within an hour or two with a meme related to the joke. At one point she told me to stop sending the memes to her because her friends and coworkers would see them on her phone and ask why she hates jews. She would then explain that it was me sending her jokes. I cooled off for months after that, but the initial months of jokes always flashed back to her and one day she joked to me about how a customer tried to jew her at work referencing one of my jokes and memes. That was a green light and then I started pointing out all the stuff in movies or tv shows she made me watch with her. About a year of the same type of jokes and she saw everything wihout me having to point things out. In a way I know that I conditioned her thought processes by knowing that she like to laugh and used humor to get her to remember what I wanted.

>Try watching movies and shows older than that. There is less propaganda at work, it's there but blatatly obvious compared to now. I have been watching old shows such as Laramie and Death Valley Days. More wholesome programming where the propaganda seems forced and out of place but still pushes a strong nuclear family and morals.

Can anybody identify a website to showcase these movies that are non-cuucked? Is this something one of us can build? And how can we keep it up online without getting it banned.

Perhaps we can have icons to identify "common SJW themes" such as:

>Forced Race Mixing
>Weak Male Character
>Stronk female lead with impossible skills or strength
>Black guy never commits a crime
>80 year old black woman is the computer programmer and save the earth from the aliens.

A Rotten Tomatoes of non-cuucked movies.

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>It is all a facade.
global laser rifle network shooting at you isn't a facade

all creatures lend and borrow, only humans pay back more than what was borrowed, this unnatural activity has to stop

That is why one has to play their tax avoidance game at the same level. Once you obtain land, you have to find a way to incorporate it into a tax free charity and place all your assets in that charity. Then all the funds you earn gets donated to the charity and the charity pays out all of your living expenses tax free. Then get into the six flags lifestyle to protect your wealth and break free of all taxation.

>Living modestly isn't living poorly.

Exactly. I'm not advocating extremes in my quest to Starve the (((Beast))).

I'm advocating Common Sense Moderation that does not drastically reduce our standard of living while at the same time reducing our dependence on the (((system))) designed to exploit us.

A minimalist lifestyle can be very Rich because you focus on those things that matter most to you.

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Interest and Usury are not the same exact thing. You can pay interest, but if it is condition on usury that means the lender can force your default or breach, in other words an usurious control the only option is not to play because you can't win since it is a one sided deal in favor of the lender.

you are a juden mgtow is fine in theory but in practice it's a bunch of jaded losers who couldn't get sex even if they paid for it. tiny houses are a fucking jewish scam to get you to live like a fucking bug with instead of one family occupying a house 25 can.

They have more power than you could ever imagine. You forget who you are dealing with or more likely don't really know. They ae demon spawn who control nations like puppets on strings we are lucky thanks to the limited freedom we are afforded on the internet that we even get to discuss this issue.

*usurious contract

>The thing is that Waking people up is a thankless job, but the alternative is self destruction, so we have to do the job, otherwise we stay mired in misery and poverty.
>The fact that the truth speaks for itself is one saving grace that makes the job worthwhile doing.

The task ahead of us is not easy. I will not lie. But if we put our minds together as a hive, we can make our quest easier.

(((They))) operate as a hive. That is why (((they))) are powerful.

And (((they))) are on this board every day trying to sow seeds of discontent; of misdirection; of bickering so that we may never consolidate our vision and gain enough power to fight the (((Beast))). They know there are strength in numbers and a unified vision.

Step one is often identifying (((their))) tactics. We are getting better and better at it. We are getting more efficient at it. We are gaining momentum.

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The irony...

Jarrod wanted to take here away from a life of shit, give her the universe and worship the ground she walked on... Literally spawning new dimensions of existence and redefined physics just to impress her.

All he asked was a little obedience and her attention.

Jarrod was not chad enough for her.

This was actually a great MGTOW movie.

>because of our programming it would make you think about the holocaust and that magic number

It's a point of departure. I don't know how much of the current propaganda focuses on the (((number))) anymore. I think (((they))) have been BTFO over the Six Gorillion at this point. They are retreating on that topic.

But you bring up a good point. Viewing the current batch of propaganda, movies, shows, talking points and picking an easily identifiable phrase to convert into a meme. It is a co-opting technique and it's used on us all the time. It piggy-backs our project on the momentum of (((theirs))).

Another user posted in this thread how "Holohoax Education" is now going to become forced in many states. It's just like in Europe where it's now illegal to question the Holohoax.

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>Interest and Usury are not the same exact thing.
every single cent paid over what was borrowed is usury and unnatural

>build tiny house because it's just me
>get gf
>have baby
>build onto tiny house to make it a small house
>have another baby
>add on more to make it a slightly less small house
>have baby
>add more onto house

Do you see where this is going?

One critical element we must develop are private trading networks.

Central Banks know that to run a successful payment system all it takes is a trusted bookkeeper and a unit of account. Blockchain will make the development of private trading system possible over the public system.

go read the sumerian swindle

better to kill all fiat and go back to direct barter and trade with no middlemen. Actual producers and creators will gain wealth and those that try to leech off arbitrage and interests will starve. Restore some balance to people that actually work.

>>build tiny house because it's just me
>>get gf
>>have baby
>>build onto tiny house to make it a small house
>>have another baby
>>add on more to make it a slightly less small house
>>have baby
>>add more onto house
>Do you see where this is going?

A family does not have to live in a tiny house. I am not preaching extremes but rather Reasonable Moderation.

A family does not need a 2,000 sf McMansion either. For Person families lived in 1,000 sf just fine in the last century.

We are told we need more sf for stupid reasons; for gluttony and greed. The whole point of family is to have close relationships.

Just cutting our home sizes down 30% would make a significant dent in the mortgage money (((they))) take in. It would give us more financial freedom without reducing our standard of living that much.

There are differences between gluttony, moderation and extreme poverty

thats how it used to be done, houses used to have just the living quarters, kitchen and bathroom, as the family grew they added more rooms for every couple of kids

>build tiny house because it's just me
>get gf
>have baby
>build onto tiny house to make it a small house

>get reported to CPS for healthy white children in tiny home
>gf signs consent for search when you are not home
>violations found
>children removed... sold, land condemned... foreclosed
>divorce, assets transferred
>child support delinquent, warrants issued
>father arrives at CPS office and asks to see Sarah Conner
>cant see here, making statement...

>father returns... in a Cadillac with a live stream!

How did OP use misdirection when the thread is about jewish power? I guess pol is where they send all their dumb dumbs who didnt become a lawyer or doctor and no uncle in showbiz.

>One critical element we must develop are private trading networks.


(((They))) have a financial system set up so that every single transaction made gives (((them))) more money and more power.

Direct barter starves them of resources. A combination of minimalism and barter is a one-two punch to (((their))) schemes.

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>Why is there such intense "ridicule" and "shaming" any time a man mentions going his own way on this board
Because they're whiny, fruitless assholes that talk about "bettering" themselves, while just moaning and screaming that Veronica rejected them and all the whores on their EZ-hookup app turned out to be whores. They're useless lumps of flesh that should have been thinned out in a war. They have no ambition and no future. They will just play video games until someone has to bury them in a potter's field -- and they act smug about it, like they've figured it out -- how to be the perfect pig.
Yeah, why would that be open to ridicule, you dumb, MGTOW faggot?

Just make them modular so you can add on new parts for whatever you need. Multi-million dollar houses made out of 2x4's and drywall are a scam, and easily destroyed by a strong wind.

>>father returns... in a Cadillac with a live stream!
Only decent piece you wrote in that trash gook.
You're correct though. That's why you live rurally and own lots of pigs. Pigs eat anything. Including federal agents.
I live in the tiny house. Then add on after getting a gf and children.
Funny how everything works in cycles huh?
It was going to be post and beam. With windows only facing facade side. That way I can add onto the rear and each side.

>Don't have kids goy
>live in a shack alone instead, it's based and redpilled

"No." You've got the cause right, debt as the mechanism for the serfdom of the future, but not the solution. Starving (((them))) means avoiding DEBT, not families, property, education, or anything else. Saving to buy a house outright (and buying it directly from the seller rather than a bank or real estate broker if you can,) not financing a car, not use a (((credit card))) if you can avoid it, and generally avoiding becoming indebted to institutions is a way to weaken it. That'll never be enough on its own though, it's just a way to keep from being enslaved while you prepare for an actual solution, political or otherwise.

It's ok, you can stop now. Save your energy and go try in another thread my guy...

It's all going to be alright.

>They will just play video games until someone has to bury them in a potter's field -- and they act smug about it, like they've figured it out -- how to be the perfect pig.
>Yeah, why would that be open to ridicule, you dumb, MGTOW faggot?

Projection and Misdirection.

MGTOW is over half guys that have had families; have had sex 50 times and have had no issue attracting women. And yet they have been fucked over by a gynocentric system of laws bent towards women.

MGTOW is not an end-game. It's a reaction to a clearly unfair system. Ask any MGTOW guy what he feels deep down and he will tell you he wanted a family and to pass on his legacy. But he also wanted the system to be "fair" and just.

But these are hard times where we realize we cannot "fix" a corrupted system by working within it.

The end-game of MGTOW is a TradCon society with conservative values like we once had. One leads to another by "resetting" the SMV market, etc.

But I don't want to digress this thread into too much MGTOW bickering at this juncture. Right now, the topic at hand is more broad and how to "starve the (((BEAST))). MGTOW is one of the trends that are starving (((them))) of power. No more divorce courts; no more alimony; no more mortgages that he pays for her; no more diamond rings; etc.

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>Just make them modular

Digitally Printing houses. I like it.

I do think you can build a house in such a way that additions can come with new family member and the house doesn't resemble a tacked together shack.

The Mortgage Industry is completely ridiculous when you think about it. Enslave yourself for your entire life just for a shitty building made from 2x4s and Sheetrock. It's lunacy! This is not the advanced society we were promised! Getting a mortgage is a MEME to give (((them))) money for all of your life. Renting is even worse.

I know many Anons are starting to look more in rural areas to build communities of more efficient minded; minimalist people. The solution doesn't have to be Tiny Houses. It can be module; RVs or something else. I just want to know how to live well enough without a 30 year mortgage. I know it's possible.

Attached: See Teeth All Clean.jpg (720x400, 17K)

It's pretty silly to suddenly believe every girl is going to screw you over, even if you've had a bad experience or two. There are some good girls out there.

It's also good to note how easy it is to make money by circumventing their (((monetary system))) using crypto to prevent them from printing your savings from under you. I'm still going to need a house to raise a family, and crypto will allow me to do just that. The banking reset is coming.


like you are doing, mr. trump fan? cute little roleplay you got there with these scripted lines and these images. The people here are more likely to listen to you than me mostly because you are telling them what they wanna hear.

The jews aren't the problem, the zionists are and guess what? a lot of them are not jews

>It's pretty silly to suddenly believe every girl is going to screw you over, even if you've had a bad experience or two. There are some good girls out there.

When you marry the women, you marry (((The State))). You give up your male sovereignty. She and (((them))) now own you.

What was once a Unicorn, will be eventually influenced to fuck you over financially; steal your kids; rob your house at put you on the street because some inspirational quote on Pinterest told her "She Deserves Better" and all her (((friends))) agree that her husband is a no good fucktard who deserves everything that's coming to him.

See pic related. Without any incentive or promise, males will simply drop out of society.

Attached: Marriage is the Root of Civilization.jpg (2405x917, 917K)

>MGTOW a threat to them
how does that not stop them to flood your country with Ahmed, Paco and Ngubu because you're not having children?

>jews aren't the problem
>the zionists are
what type of doublespeak is this fren? you must not know much about what zionism is, shit like this makes you glow.

This is a good take, at least for the MGTOW element of this board. If you've successfully had a few whites children and then got divorce raped, I believe you are entitled to flipping the table over though.

Little boxes on the hillside...

>how does that not stop them to flood your country with Ahmed, Paco and Ngubu because you're not having children?

Obviously, that is the knee-jerk reaction of any ZOG to native citizens of a country dropping out. Bodies represent Taxes and Income to a corrupted government.

But at this point, (((participating))) in the system to any extent is going to pay welfare to Paco and Ngubu so they can be replacements.

"Saving the White Race" by having families can only be done by removing your family from the system (aka: homesteading, off-grid living) a decidedly hard task. I'm not against family, just against the idea of enslaving yourself to a lifetime of fees, mortgages, interest and debt for the sake of a family.

I'm looking for passive resistance ideas that Starve The (((BEAST))) while not forcing us to live like slaves and peasants.

Too often we have Solutions of an Extreme. "Save the White Race by Breeding more kids" is on the surface a good idea but not if you subject yourself to a lifetime of financial slavery. What are some ways you can do both? Have the family and starve the system?

Attached: The path ahead.jpg (474x355, 43K)

>Little boxes on the hillside...

They're all made of ticky-tacky and they all look the same.

The earth was not meant to be populated as much as it is. The cities are a plague and so are ticky-tacky houses. But again, you don't need to spend $300,000 for a "unique" house. The digitally printed house example was drab because it was on a crane that had to do circles to print. It's a proof of concept and could move forward from there.

I'm sure you could put two cranes on two tracks that can now print any point on a grid.

Attached: Find your way.jpg (2272x1704, 849K)

>This is a good take, at least for the MGTOW element of this board. If you've successfully had a few whites children and then got divorce raped, I believe you are entitled to flipping the table over though.

That is the confusion between MGTOW and Incel. MGTOW men have tried their asses off to make a place in society only to get fucked over time and time again.

Incels never try in the first place. But with the current odds, you can't always blame them.

The disconnect is when you use the moniker MGTOW as an excuse to not even better yourself such as:

>learn new hobbies
>get in good shape. Lift.
>Improve your career
>Interact with people. Have conversations.

Because the "Incel" is waaaaaAAAAAay too focused on his entire life being about "impressing a woman" and when it doesn't feel like that is an option, he doesn't try for any kind of improvement and just wallows in self pity.

If you follow MGTOW correctly, you will live a full life for yourself. Betterment is a core tenant. And some guys go through the betterment phase of MGTOW and wind up attracting a high quality female.

I think the point of it is, not to "Live your life for a woman" but live your life for "you". Then if you do that, often times, a good woman will come along.

All of our pop culture for young boys is basically "Pussy Worship". They are taught if they don't impress women and worship their pussy, then they have no worth. That is why these young men wind up fucked up.

Their first step is to live for themselves and that is extremely attractive to a woman.

Attached: Mount Tabor.jpg (1024x685, 250K)

MGTOW is similar to John Galt, pretty sure whoever started it was a big fan of the book. There are pros but also cons with that philosophy.

>'m looking for passive resistance ideas that Starve The (((BEAST)))
Get on all the social services you qualify for and a few you don't

>i think something like a more normie friendly zeronet would permanently take power away from them, by freeing information into the hands of the people where no one can be deplatformed and information survives on how accurate and truthful it is
Do you think this might advance parallel to Blockchain technology?