Subcommittee Hearing: Meeting the Challenge of White Nationalist Terrorism at Home and Abroad
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Subcommittee Hearing: Meeting the Challenge of White Nationalist Terrorism at Home and Abroad
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Jews discussing how they're going to destroy the white race.
why do people assume they're referring to the entirety of white people when it's just the terrorists from said race that they're trying to get rid of?
But that's wrong you retard. They're intentionally replacing the white race with third world foreigners and attempting to crush any resistance, peaceful or not, to this development.
i need proof or else you're full of horseshit, giving me another reason to hate facism
Show me the meeting where they discuss the nigger problem in the US and the arab problem in Europe.
The only group they address this blatantly is white men.
>T. White suburbanite who's town hasn't been infested with spics yet.
Look at the southwest, it's projected to be majority hispanic in one generation.
You're here to troll.
No one can be this ignorant unless you're some liberal who wandered in.
Normal, healthy people do not support White Genocide.
Because such terror is such a ridiculously small portion of all terror it's quite clear they want to use it as a bludgeon to justify all anti-white legislation.
So jews get to feel proud of their race.
Blacks get to feel proud of their race.
Mexicans get to feel proud of their race.
Indians get to feel proud of their race.
But when White people feel proud, it's "exclusionary" and needs to be stamped out.
The ADL is a terrorist organization.
>It's bad
Why? Is? White? Pride? Bad?
Jews get to feel proud of their race.
Blacks get to feel proud of their race.
Mexicans get to feel proud of their race.
Indians get to feel proud of their race.
Why can't White people feel pride in our race?
sounds very unlikely, what'll happen to whites? they're not going to go away, they'll still live there.
Oh fuck the chat is spam after spam
Youre giving them probable cause retards
i'm not liberal, i don't see anything related to white genocide, you all are acting like fucking monkeys.
>third world
no such thing, that term isn't relevant anymore as cold war has ended
Probable cause for what?
White people are being reduced to a minority in our own counteis.
Africa for Africans. Asia for Asians. White nations for everyone.
Forced assymilation and population replacement is by definition an act of genocide.
When the Chinese flood Tibet with non-Tibetans, do you call that diversity or what it is; Genocide?
Be more proud of your individual accomplishments and if you don’t like the other races acting tribal then don’t copy them . We are all the same thing we are the created and the creators go outside and create
Because their definition of what constitutes a "white terrorist" changes based on the mood of the moment, IE "anyone who voted for Trump is a indirectly supporting terrorism so therefore they are terrorists themselves."
Don't be dense.
Jesus fucking Christ
You are a troll. Everyone with access to a computer already knows about forced White flight.
Niggers act like monkeys all the time.
This time whites are going to chimp out and it's not going to be nice.
i hate the idea of taking pride of being something you can't control. gay pride, black pride, white pride. there's no reason to do so. and this pride shit is happening because minorities tend to spiral into a sense of insignificance. and i can't blame them, whites are everywhere dismissing there shit like nothing, but the only answer to that is to ignore it and there won't be any problem. jesus fuck it's the reason pride was considered a sin a long time ago
Where do you live ? Are the third world foreigners that much of a harm to you ?
No one ever tells blacks to "be proud of individualism"
No one ever tells jews to "be proud of individualism"
No one ever tells Indians to "be proud of individualism"
No one ever tells Mexicans to "be proud of individualism"
ONLY White children are told this. ONLY White children are brainwashed this way.
Normal healthy humans work together to accomplish group goals. ONLY White children are prevented from doing this for our own interests.
>t. kike
No one ever tells blacks to "be proud of individualism"
No one ever tells jews to "be proud of individualism"
No one ever tells Indians to "be proud of individualism"
No one ever tells Mexicans to "be proud of individualism"
ONLY White children are told this. ONLY White children are brainwashed this way.
Normal healthy humans work together to accomplish group goals. ONLY White children are prevented from doing this for our own interests.
What should they be addressing ? How should it be addressed what’s the solotuion to the problem that bothers you so much . How is the” nigger “ or “Arab” making your life harder?
>Refering to the bible
>Taking the lords name in vain.
Just shut your mouth and lurk you fool.
Fuck off.
Black pride has been an active movement since the 60s.
This has been going on for a long time.
White people have the right to protect their heritage. Communities that are exclusively for whites. Land for white people without having to worry about other groups. You do realize that you don't have these racial politics when your community is only one race right?
How have white people been brainwashed to no help each other . Start with your family then help the members of your immediate and extended family that’s what we do . I don’t go to meetings thinking of the best thing for my race . By the way I’m not white I’m a Jatt Sikh living in Canada
How about you stop fucking flooding our countries with foreigners instead. It's our land, the land we inherited from our ancestors, it doesn't belong to Abdullah or Jamal or Chang, it's OURS.
>We are all the same thing
FALSE you fucking idiot.
kek. listen to this nigger talkin' in his smooth jive tone.
>multic-ethnic society causes problems
>convert everyone to the same culture and way of life
>problem solved
racism is for idiots
White pride has been an active movement for much longer . Black pride is from the invention of the white “race” to differentiate them socially and economically then the black slaves . People in power don’t want you to be united with the other races . They want you to fight for them and against them . You look at colonization all over the world it was always divide and conquer . That’s why they made countries after they gave them “independence “ where people are living with their natural tribal enemy . We have to overcome these prejudices to break up their plan and focus on real power which is just the moneyed elite and they have no race anymore
>Ignore the fact that White children are brainwashed from borth to death by disgusting ethnomasochism.
Here's an idea. How about we take Sikh children in India, brainwash them from birth to apologize for being Sikh, force them to write essays on how Sikhs are responsible for all the world's ills, force them to watch ONLY movies about Sikhs being the bad guys, then send them to colleges where they ONLY are exposed to "Sikh privilege" propaganda. How do you think that would turn out for your people?
And how would you like it if we forced Sikhs and ONLY Sikhs to become a "multi-cultural" society? How'd you like it if we flooded Punjab and ONLY Punjab with non Sikhs? Soon, your entire people would be exterminated.
How'd you like that?
if you want a white nation, there are tons of them in Europe, where the whites came from. America can be for anybody as long as the majority of people retain the same ethics.
>if you want a white nation, there are tons of them in Europe
France and Britain are forecasted to be White minority states (no longer nations) by the end of the century if not sooner.
>globalist propaganda show hearing
>shit skin invader attacking white culture
....yeah... its happening in Europe too you gaslighting faggot.
When people have their own homelands and own communities they can see the outsider and protect themselves against them. When you live in a multiculti shithole no one trusts anyone and people are EASIER to control.
Not convert you fucking mong.
A nation is naturally monoethnic and monocultural.
Multicultural is a new and unnatural concept.
America 90% white in the 1940's.
It was deliberately changed under the nose of the population.
>Where do you live ? Are the third world foreigners that much of a harm to you ?
yes. we kill white people here in massive numbers. and we are being offered citizenship in Europe at the moment.
Sikh history has deslrt with a lot of hardship over time . Much worse than anything you are sujjesting in my opinion . They still are stuck in India where they are less than 2 percent of the population , resources are taken out to feed Hines majority and race more tension from leader of India who is Hindu nationalist and wants silks and Muslims out . Every non-white culture has similar stories . My grandpa was born in British Punjab where 4 sikhs couldn’t meet in one place . In my hometown the British once opened up fire on a Sikh religious holiday and killed over 3000 people . That was in 1919 . Still the message after all the pain is for us to work together
Kill yourself nigger
>Let's just convert em!
Dumbass boomer cuckservative.
Even black CONSERVATIVES vote overwhelmingly for anti-White political parties.
yeah and i bet you're a tree-fucking hippie too
Show me a multicultural/multiethnic nation from before the 20th century that didn't fracture amongst racial/cultural lines.
Listen to the speech i posted too you worthless cock monger.
>Austro-Hungarian Empire
>Ottoman Empire
>Mongol Empire
Just a few examples of countries that were multiethnic. how did they collapse?
I don’t know your situation though . I wouldn’t like to be blamed for things my ancestors did as I have nothing to do with it . However my ancestors don’t carry the same burden as yours so it will be hard for me to understand
>but they have created their own platforms...
>Much worse than anything you are sujjesting in my opinion .
No actually you have not. Sikhs have never once dealt with a foreign invasion combined with your own elites betraying you whilst also having your children brainwashed to become ethnomasochists. You have never had to deal with anything even approaching this level of genocide.
>4 sikhs couldn’t meet in one place
Yeah. That sucks, doesn't it. Now imagine that not only are you not allowed to organize (like White people) but you also are forced to send your children to schools that spend every availible hour sensitizing your own children to hate themselves. Meanwhile, instead of having elites who more or less remained loyal to your people, the elites collaborated with the British totally to flood Sikh lands with Chinese, Africans, Pakistanis, and Hindus. And they do it in such a way as to intentially displace Sikhs out of your cities, out of your holy places, out of your large towns.
At only 2% of the population, there would be no come back. No return from this.
Even worse if your women were sensitized to view child birth as a bad thing.
The only thing which Sikhs had it worse in was physical, state sponsored terrorism like being massacred by British "police"
And I will admit, I do not envy that at all... well, actually I do because I'd trade the intense indoctrination of our youth and treacherous elites for 3000 Whites being shot any day of the week. We could sustain that. We could sustain 10,000 White people being slaughtered every single month so long as our children were not brainwashed to hate themselves and our borders remained closed.
So idk. I am dead serious too btw and I am not a romantic person. I understand how horrible war would be because my entire life has been spent studying it. But if I could choose between intense jewish brainwashing and a monthly massacre, I would choose the monthly massacre because at least we could keep our ethnic unity in the same way Sikhs have.
death to the fucking white people.
we are replacing you colonizing faggots until you are minories then we necklace you all. the world will cheer when white is dead. we will keep your woman alive for a while and rape them repetably to death. Nothing feels better than raping a white bitch while she cries for help.
And Punjab has been filled with non Sikh’s . Sikhs are like 52 percent now of Punjab and Hindus from
Other states make up most of the labour workforce for jobs now as well. Punjab is globalized just like everywhere else . By my grandpas house in Amritsar . Amritsar used to be Sikh capital and has golden temple there . They’ve built a mega mall and traffic is now so much it takes him 10 mins to get to his relatives house down the block
T. Future victim of starvation.
calm down monkey
>T. Future victim of starvation.
we killed an american bitch a few weeks ago, stupid whore came here looking to fix her guilt. dumb whore got raped and necked LOL white people are fucking stupid
They are literally talking about going door to door, nkvd style, arresting anyone with 'dangerous beliefs' and either using drugs to chemically castrate their minds or throwing them in a hole.
The saddest part: they've already done this in dozens of countries since 1900.
Well in that case, all it will take is some state sponsored brainwashing and then the "Sikh Problem" can be erased forever.
Maybe Modi can do this soon.
I would recommend that he create schools to brainwash Sikh children to hate themselves. Blame Sikhs for all the problems in India and force the children to believe it. Then get rid of all the Sikh organizations and institutions and break Sikh overrepresentation in the army (you should know more than I do that Sikh political power in India is based upon Sikh nationalism and tribalism)
Then flood the place with more Hindus and wipe out Sikhism forever. All that will remain is the diaspora who increasingly lose interest in being Sikhs and then your people will go extinct. Oh, also they should bulldoze all Sikh temples and holy places and replace them with statues of Hindu and Muslim heroes.
Would you approve of such a policy?
You have to do it, or others will and use it as justification to murder or enslave you.
End of story, every mammal on the planet puts their oen before others to survive, hating an aspect of nature is pointless.
>white people are fucking stupid
So in other words, she paid the toll. Nothing of value was lost.
You'd better put lots of salt on the corpse so you have a meal after the niggers ruin all the farms.
Whites don't need their own countries or large communities. Operate as the Jews do, or better yet, as the Mormons do. Why would you want to save some overweight MAGA fucktard?
>You'd better put lots of salt on the corpse so you have a meal after the niggers ruin all the farms.
no need, we are getting America and Europe. we will keep you weaklings alive to work in the gulugs before we finish you
Wow mister that sounds just swell
I shure would like to see the same thing happen my people
Stfu we don't want to lose our homelands! That is exactly the reason why we are here you ape!
>Whites don't need their own countries or large communities. Operate as the Jews do, or better yet, as the Mormons do. Why would you want to save some overweight MAGA fucktard?
exactly, make white people disapear like we are doing here. one bullet one white bitch
Fucking Kalergi loving Neo-Cons
>Getting anything
You'll be enslaved by whichever group turns out on top just as you always have.
There's a reason why you people have been conquered by every group of people who wandered by you.
You have weak minds.
Leave it to a nigger to not understand the concept. Truly hilarious thinking that you're anything other than a glorified ape.
The only people in the world who have ever fought for your rights was white people. If the world ends up in a multicultural hellhole, in which whites no longer have influence, you will be drawn back to the position you once were, under the heel of the Arab, Jew and Asiatic.
>Operate as the Jews do
They created their own state because they realize being a minority with no place of their own to escape to if shit hits the fan makes them vulnerable.
>there are tons of them in Europe,
o rly?
>Whites don't need their own countries
>Operate as the Jews do
So we need our own country? You're fucking retarded.
Hay wait a darn minute.
I've been doing more research on Sikhs (obviously events in India are very far from my regular concerns) and Sikh extremist political parties ACTUAL POLITICAL ORGNAIZATIONS exercize a great amount of control and over in Canada! So much so that when a report by the Canadian Department of Public Safety concluded that Sikh radicalism is one of Canada’s top five flavors of homegrown terrorism, Sikhs in Canada's Liberal Party expressed outrage and claimed that this was "an attack upon Sikh identity"
There is a congressional hearing on destroying White Identity in America. And this Sikh comes along supporting it WHILE IN CANADA Sikhs not only exhert undue political power due to their ethnocetsristic nationalism, but he has REPRESENTATIVES in the government who DENOUNCE attacks on "Sikh Identity" when a report concludes correctly that SOME Sikh identity groups have been responsible for acts of terrorism in India.
This is astounding hypocrisy.
When White people on the INTERNET demand the right to exist, there are hearings in Congress to squash it.
But When Sikhs engage in organized international terrorism and have nationalist organizations WHICH ARE COMPLETELY LEGAL and NOT shut down by the government and have millions of dollars in funding, Sikhs in the Canadian government who are already overrepresented due to their ethnocentric nationalism DENOUNCE the report for threatening "Sikh identity"
What the fucking fuck?
What are blacks waiting for? You fucking cowards don't outnumber whites enough in South Africa yet?
Is that what you call using a sword in your right hand and a shield in your left at the same time?
Wise Slovak
Yeah yeah, I get it. Telling Whites that identity politics is bad whilst employing identity politics to seize power from Whites.
But it pisses me off that these fucking swine smile and tell you that identity politics is bad whilst practicing it themselves. Why can't they be honest and admit that they only have a problem when White people do it?
This is like proclaiming that violence is bad whilst stabbing people to death.
She said she believes "white nationalism should be considered terrorism"
He's pointing out that we are at war. War is won by deception. They know what they're doing and you're just starting to put two and two together.
Wahhh I can’t feel proud for being over 6’ tall or having good genetics related to my fitness m, hairline, jawline, or good looks because I didn’t create them myself waahhh
I seen this coming right after muh Russia didn't workout.
Sikhs decided on that uphill battle themselves by forming a community out of whole cloth within Dharmic territory. It's a decision that deserves at least some praise for its determination and audacity. By contrast, European peoples as an identity have never had to make such a decision since they have always lived amongst their own homogeneously until recently. The current situation is an artificial one empowered by subversive forces. There was never a referendum that asked us if we wanted our societies to suffer from diversity collapse, and then moment we say 'hey wait, this is fucking crazy' they call us terrorists. Is it not a little suspicious and convenient that ALL European societies are near simultaneously engaged in the same autogenocidal experiment?
Why are you a faggot?
>not realizing that all of these states were centralized
>mongol empire
kek. no.
Would it be legit to invade Greenland to save it from Danish nationalism?
And neither did the Mongols fall along ethnic lines
>countless islamic terror attacks and thousands of deaths
#notallmuslims #stopislamophobia
>a few isolated lone wolf white retaliation
What did they mean by this?
>White Nationalist Terrorism
Literally doesn't happen in the US. At all. Go ahead and name the last WN "terrorist" incident because I can guarantee you it would be before 2000.
White Nationalists are an easy scapegoat and are legitimately not even a problem. Any of the organized groups are just honeypots and/or irrelevant.
>Surf the Kali Yuga
They fell to familial infighting.
Eventually that divided into ethnic boundaries though.
It's an excuse to persecute any white person who commits wrongthink.
SNL parody of Jews discussing their plans to destroy the White race
>persecute wrongthink
It's an excuse to genocide whites. (((They))) decide what 'wrongthink' is. Hell, whites aren't even committing any real terrorism, so they have to set up multiple back-to-back false flags to maintain the bogus narrative.
At first it will be "send the racists to a counselor" to cure their "mental illness".
Then it will be "send all those racists to reeducation camps" to punish them and eradicate every rebellion.
Then whites will be so few in numbers that they will be hunted down by hordes of shitskin, with legal permission by the state .
The slippery path is clearly visible.