If I get $1000 a month I'm gonna quit my job even though my monthly bills are $3500 a month...

>If I get $1000 a month I'm gonna quit my job even though my monthly bills are $3500 a month. Why work lol when you can live for free right guys lol. UBI will take away the incentive to work. It'll destroy the economy. That's what my boomer professor Mr. Cohen told me.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>UBI will take away the incentive to work
it's now called freedom dividend and why shouldn't you get your fair share of corporate profits generated by use of the commons?

>UBI will take away the incentive to work
...bcoz ppl will be happy to subsist on $1K a month, like U

I'm this guy. But, I won't quit my job. I'll just use the money to pay off my debt before rent goes up.

Especially when taxpayers bailed out the banks and "too big to fail" corporations. We deserve our cut.

Imagine being an urbanite

I love the idea of living in a trailer park metropolis and procreating ever more mentally retarded generations of trailor trash who then will vote for ever more gibs. LONG LIVE MODERN MONETARY THEORY! LONG LIVE WORLD OF WARCRAFT!

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Institutions close to the printing presses like big banks are able to profit from their access to liquidity. Dollars are dumped in to securities markets, real estate markets, favored industries and prices rise. The average citizen might as well be allowed to reap some benefits from the free money, not just be starved and priced out.

Or maybe they will have more incentive to work since they can actually pay their bills and have a few extra bucks in their pocket.

Yea but why work X hours for 3500 when you can work X-Y hours for 2500? Also taxes go up, so you're UBI is only 700 net. Which is better than mine as I have to pay 1300 more in taxes.

this is an interesting idea, but since government doesn't have its own money, your $1000/month will come from another citizen, whose $1000/month will come from another citizen, whose $1000/month will come from another citizen... etc, 200 million times taken from one and given to another every month through the means of taxes. Its a great check kiting scheme, but all kiting schemes fall apart when the last people you try to take $1000 from, so you can give it to other people, don't have it to take

money comes from thin air, and we might as well entrust it to consumers rather than lend it to financial institutions at 0% interest


>your $1000/month will come from another citizen

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It’s a VAT tax. The money is generated from the increased cost of goods sold by places like Amazon (similar to a sales tax). The people who buy the most things from specific mega-corporations effectively foot the bill.

You can evade the tax by simply buying less shit.

>>If I get $1000 a month I'm gonna quit my job
lol no you arnt because your taxes will go up $1000 per month, probably more considering welfare queens dont work and you have to pay for their 1k a month too ontop of all of their other gibs.
Get back to work slave wagie, shanequa and ronda need your money!

Not that I'm in favor of UBI, and I think it's fucking stupid as shit, my monthly expenses are less than $1000/month. No debt, own a mobile home, only pay lot fees. Stop buying shit. Don't get a mortgage.


So my sales taxes go up 1000 or my currency gets inflated raising prices by 1000 it has to come from somewhere. Printing money without producing anything with it becomes 100% inflation.

>lot fees
Pretty easy to have no mortgage when you live in a fucking trailer, cletus.

you don't know how the economy work. vat tax will make the rich pay.

I don’t know if you guys are shills or just retarded. Your personal sales tax doesn’t go up... it’s a fee placed on the corporation selling the shit (which will obviously be rolled into the price of the product). You don’t HAVE to buy everything from fucking Amazon and Walmart, though, and unless you’re buying $120k per year of useless shit from those corporations, you see monetary benefit.

>Printing money without producing anything
Lrn2federal-reserve fgt pls

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Niggers have had "UBI" since forever and can only make mixtapes and profits for private prisons.

Yes, that's the point, dumbass. Opt out of the system. Buying a house these days is financial suicide.

>You don’t HAVE to buy everything from fucking Amazon and Walmart
But you do. It's a requirement. I need my $100 quarterly bonus.

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Wrong, faggot, you can barely survive on this amount of money. It is more like a bonus and not a replacement

wtf I love serfdom now

And has no income requirement so it won't be in your interest to do less work so you don't lose it.

Wheres the 1k going to come from?
population of the us is 327,200,000* 1000
everyone gets 1k a month
thats 327,200,000,000 per month or 327.2 billion
thats 3,926,400,000,000 per year or about 4trillion

changs "1k a month for everyone" is going to cost 4 trillion dollars EVERY YEAR
The unpayable 22t national debt took hundreds of years to get to that point. Every single year basic income will cost almost 20% of the total debt of this entire fucking country.
NO you are NOT getting basic income without having a shit ton more taxes.

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In the case of UBI there's no money printed, it's just redistributed tax

NOOOO don't give me money mr. ching chong chinaman. That money belongs to tyrone, pedro and moshe.

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oh no! mcdonalds and walmart wont b staffed lol

Niggers aren’t going to produce anything with or without welfare. They’re niggers. UBI doesn’t stack with welfare anyway and will only be given to US citizens.

>vat tax
that is the most jewish thing ever
you pay taxes on the raw materials
you pay taxes on your pay check
you pay taxes when you spend the pay check
you have to charge customers even more tax
and now they want to tax your physical movements that made a product more valuable?
Thats double dipping. You're already taxed 9 different ways, they have no fucking right to charge even more tax.

Corporations are too big to fail. But races, cultures, and nations should be abolished.

The weasel will change his story each angle I take, so I try to capture them all. You can't just print it, and if you tax it SOMEONE pays it, so ultimately some pay more than the UBI is even worth. The argument is cornered.

People on welfare don’t get UBI, shill. 52% of the country is already on government assistance. Guess what? They can’t fucking double dip.
Actually read the policy before you shit out 75 IQ South Sudan tier arguments against it.

medicare, medicaid, welfare and unemployment, and social security. You are now getting your fair share of the bag while millions of boomers and minorities cry out in despair.

Fuck off Jeff you got yours.

Shiiiiiieeeeeeeet. I've been living off of +/-$200 a month for years just to cling to NEETdom, Yang's plan would make me nigger rich.
I'd never have to even consider leaving NEETdom ever again. Yang's got my vote.
Hilarious to think of all the faggots who bitch about my "societal cost" NOW shelling out $300 billion a month for NEET wages. Hory shit.

>shit out 75 IQ South Sudan tier arguments
Thats what youre doing shilling for this garbage.
Have fun paying all of those taxes wagie, the rest of the blacks need to get a free rid too!

>will make the rich pay.
>unironically spewing 2015 berniebro bullshit
reddit is where you belong

For the third time, my extraordinarily low intelligence friend, UBI doesn’t stack with welfare. Niggers don’t get UBI.

I'll have what the rest of the world is having at our expense, too. Debt default coming soon anyways.

>UBI doesn’t stack with welfare anyway and will only be given to US citizens.
Yeah, until grovelling kikes demand more money for the "downtrodden black man" due to the sins of your ancestors.

people with jobs now will get 1000$ to recreationally hunt NEETs down or just out source it to some mexican day laborers
sleep tight big guy

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vat tax is passed off to the consumer. Go to any bong website and youll see the vat is added to to total.
You really want shit to cost even more than it already does?
as far as I know england doesnt ahve ubi. If youre suggesting that a vat would allow for ubi, imagine how much our vat% would be.
Im not willing to accept that. There should not be any more taxes. The fucking kikes get too much out of us already.

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>generated from the increased cost of goods sold by plaves like amazon.

>failed increased value theory yet f again from the 100th rekt'ed socialist utopia

The amount of ignorance

Nice fantasy. Good luck recognizing my hiki ass the one time a month I go to the store.

>SOMEONE pays it

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>Thats what youre doing
no U

>20% tax on everything
holy shit the absolute state of boot licking retards.

Hey bongs, how does vat work? Does it replace sales tax or is there sales tax AND vat tax?

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Weird that you have to make the policy into a different policy to attack it. Just take the L, faggot.
>conflating UBI with socialism/communism as if communists aren’t out there blasting UBI because it will permanently cement capitalism in place
How’s it going, Tyrone? How about doing a little soft shoe for me, spook?

>Making pay some tens of thousands of people who already pay 50% percent of the total taxes.


Jesus Christ.

It's just like the musings of the western social credit system: it's not going to be the same across the board, especially when you have non-whites and mystery meat competing against whites.

>people who spend more than 120k a year get less from UBI than they pay

I have no sympathy for those with 120k of disposable income. I have about $17,000 a year to live off of after my mortgage.

Do you want everything to cost 20% more?

Dude, it isn't about cementing shit. It's about 101 common sense economics, as in rain > wet

UBI > more expensive shit
> even agrier people > even more retarded measures > rich people who fucking make the whole structure work gtfo > you celebrate your liberation from evil capitalism > you starve.

>it won't

lighten up, Francis

mystery meat kek

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>I make less money than someone who went to college I deserve my gibs

I work at walmart. It's the only way you can describe indistinguishable persons.

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>Get $1000 a month
>the entire economy is restructured for everyone to get that
>That $1000 is now worth -$800
>Also you can't get a job anymore
>Also the government owns you and get tell you to do what it wants for your month'y bread and cans of pea money

It will literally turn the US into the USSR lol

>Attempt at Spanish name


Burger level general culture

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>$17,000 to live off of currently
>gain $12,000 ubi
>get extra $6,600 after taxes
>38٪ increase in spending money
>prices go up 20% (yang plan is 10%)
>still $3,060 ahead

I will let you guess my answer.

>$3500 monthly bill

kek, what a slave

I'm eastern european and I'm laughing about your poverty.

>Attempt at linguistics
deflect more, Juanito

>implying that shit matters anymore


funny the chink shills completely ignore this.

honestly getting tired of you shitting up every thread with your "ohh my life is so depressing because I want to throw in the towel at 40" bullshit.
this is the problem with you people that get stuck at shit holes like walmart, you have no motivation and your just a souless husk. You aspire for nothing and you are happy amounting to nothing. Everything you touch is ruined. You some how manage to even ruin ever Jow Forums thread you touch. Stop shitting up shithole websites and do something with yourself, its fucking pathetic. Go get a skill or learn a trade or something. Do something with yourself.

>implying getting a degree in women's lib and expecting to get paid the same as someone with a STEM degree

Listen up, it's not taxes. We'll make the corporations pay it.

>Corporations pass the bill to the clients by raising prices


I kek

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Prices will rise it is inevitable because even if money itself has no inherent value raw materials do.

You can only mine so much copper, grow so much good beef, etc.

Let's say all gamers go out and try to buy the latest graphics cards and processors with their freedom dividend. Prices will go up because supply with not change until Nvidia builds more capacity of production. If they do they will need to charge more to cover that cost and demand rising will also make price rise.

What will happen is the people who make good money will STILL be able to afford luxury goods while anyone on just a minimum wage won't.

And we will be right back to square one where you will have people bitching they can't afford food because they blew all their freedom dividend on lotto tickets and booze

>even though my monthly bills are....
or you could give the rich people a tax cut, and then just run a trillion dollar deficit for the next couple of years

UBI makes stuff more expensive, sure. Your train of thought falls off the rails after that step, though. Most people making an extra $12k per year aren’t going to bitch that shit costs 10% more unless they’re SPENDING $120k annually. So no “muh angry people” or the rest of your bullshit prediction.
And where the fuck do you think the rich people are going to move? Most of them already live in CA and NY with the highest taxes in the country. You think they’re gonna move to Canada, where taxes are even higher? Mexico, where they’re still boiling the water before they drink it so they don’t shit their lungs out from Montezuma’s Revenge?
Even with a 10% VAT, USA would still have better profit margins than any first world country with the exception of, like, Ireland.

it's an allusion to a movie
Francis being the character Francis Sawyer aka Psycho

I’m not advocating for yang, but I signed up for that raffle who the fuck wouldn’t. But, is he right about taxing corps? Could that throw money for citizens, I’m economically illiterate in some fields.

>Go get a skill or learn a trade or something. Do something with yourself.
There's always going to be somewhere out there who is going to be infinitely better than me. There isn't enough hours in the day to learn a skill, and no one in thier right mind will hire anyone old who is greener than shit at a trade.

It's possible: become a diversity czar at a fortune 500 company.

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>Most people making an extra $12k per year aren’t going to bitch that shit costs 10% more unless they’re SPENDING $120k annually. So no “muh angry people” or the rest of your bullshit prediction.

Exactly why not?

... And they'll move anywhere where the taxes are lower ffs people do it all the time

>You don't want UBI therefore you want to give it to the rich
Instead of projecting arguments you should project yourself off a bridge

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>you people
no U

then go read economics 101 by Sowell before you listen to anyone telling you it's going to work.

I have 2
>17 grand a year to spend after mortgage and retirement and healthcare are paid for

Lol former soviet education

I know UBI has been tried and failed, by the accounts of East Europeans here. But has UBI ever been cried?

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It should really be 10k a month

>There's always going to be somewhere out there who is going to be infinitely better than me.
jesus christ this is the most pathetic self loathing Ive ever seen.
Did you not have a father figure? what happened in your life to destroy you?
It doesnt matter if youre not the best.
Do the best you can and charge accordingly, dont rip people off and do honest work. Bob the boomer doesnt give a fuck that you are not sculpting million dollar hand rails for his back porch and patty in the trailer park doesnt give a fuck your plumbing under the house doesnt look like the google datacenters wire managment.
Do something with yourself. Lear to braze or make a cabinet or something.
>There isn't enough hours in the day to learn a skill
youre in the break room right now wasting time. Walmart is too jewish to give you good hours, I know damn well you have time, stop making excuses you apathetic piece of shit.

It's easy to live on $1000 a month if you have low standards. The people who will ruin it are those with low living standards, like splitting a 4 bedroom apartment 4 ways and getting rent to $300 each.

Plus dude I'm not talking about the rich complaining. I'm talking precisely about the niggers buying HDTVs and then seeing their fucking food went up 20%. We pay the bill, man go read some economics. It's the nature of shit, we don't get free money AND win,we get to pick one.

>yang will tax corporations & not just tax the middle class
big if true

I unironically lived fine on under $800 a month with roommates.
Can’t even imagine $3500 in expenditures without kids desu.

Ok I have nothing else to do for now.


I was just pointing out the behavior. It's already US federal policy to do shit we can't afford.