Tell me what South East Asians do worse than Europeans/America

They never really engage in world affairs, they have good spicy food, nice weather, God-tier trad women. Europeans and Americans have bad food, try to be all “super cool” and “police the world” and attract hundreds of millions of foreigners.

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Clean potable water. The women are wife-tier, though. Took one myself.

Water is Godtier there.

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POTABLE, moron.

Is this a joke?
Those women aren't trad, they only care about your money. The moment you stop providing that, your ass is on the curb.

Pretty sure most of the water can be put in a pot.

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>God-tier trad women
STFU, retard

My wife married me while I was unemployed. White women are gold diggers.


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Depends on where they are from user. Asian country girls dgaf about money and material shit

I have an Asian wife. Pretty trad in most respects but addicted to the social media jew and a bitch at times. Slightly better than a modern white whore though.

Nothing against Vietnamese, one of my best pals growing up was vietnamese. But their language hurts my ears.

Enjoy your intestinal parasites.

Dios mio...

What is heat?

I'm sorry

Americans unironically marry spic and chinksectoid women and then come on Jow Forums and cry about how theyre "losing their country" and how mass immigration is a problem and we need to save whites
I hate this fucking country so god damned much. America is the great Satan

European food is superior.

Asians boil their meats before stir frying (out of fear), have no concept of proper butchery (jagged bits of chicken bones in everything), and cook the ever-living hell out of fish (japs excluded).

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Stable ethnostates

Almost none are ethnostates.

>Europeans and Americans have bad food, try to be all “super cool” and “police the world”
That's because whites were born to rule, Asians are better at being servile and obedient however.
The Chinese were rule by the Manchu whom they out numbered 1000:1 a few Europeans could have ruled them that way just the same and almost did. WW1 and WW2 and aid from the Soviet Union got in the way of that.

It's true that Asians wont divorce over lack of money but materialism is rife in Asia they are very competative especially with siblings.
One of the natives told me about how many of poor country people change completly when they get money and like to make out they are better than the rest. Often all they did was get a rich husband.