President Rodrigo Duterte will not support the celebration of the quincentennial of Christianity in the Philippines...

>President Rodrigo Duterte will not support the celebration of the quincentennial of Christianity in the Philippines purportedly because the faith was used by the Spanish as an instrument to subjugate the Filipino people.

>"What has Spain done for us to deserve celebration?" he asks. The President then proceeded to harangue the social ills that Spanish and American colonialism brought about in the country, including members of the elite who were complicit in the process.

>“They came to this country as imperialists. We were not Spanish and they subjugated us for 300 years. That’s painful for me,” the President said at rites starting the construction of homes for victims of the Naga landslide on Sept. 20, 2018.

> “And yet, I was asked for a commemoration of the 500 years since [the Spanish] arrived here. I answered, ‘Why would I celebrate the arrival of the Spanish here? Why would I?’” the President said.

>“It was good that my cousins got mad at them and cut off Magellan’s head. That made me happy,” said the President, who claims to be a descendant of Cebu chieftain Lapu-Lapu who defeated Ferdinand Magellan in April 1521.

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why’s he so slow to change the name of the philippines then

Absolutely based

death to imperialist

I can't believe flips voted for this dude lmaoooo


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the flips I know have a pretty neutral attitude to the spanish, I'm surprised he gives a shit

Holy crap he's the only based Flip I've met.

I've met so many flips LARP as Spanish even though their White ancestry is some German sexpat

When will Spain pay reparations?

Why? He is throwing out the two pedophile death cults that gave shackled his nation (christianity and pro-americanism). Pretty fucking based ngl.


Maybe in Canada
In flipland we regard the spanish as the #1 source of all pur problems today, from the corrupt elites, to the lavish haciendas, to the "padrino" mentality coddling corruption, to family and patronage politics

Fuck spain, one of the worst colonists no wonder all their colonies left them faster than Britain and France

when you pay reparations for sending us Raffaella Carrà and Laura Pausini

what for modernising some backwards ooga booga shithole oh god how horrific!

This. Almost all Spanish colonize ended up as a corrupted shitholes

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Holy bases

>it's another episode of third worlders pretending like they were an united peoples with a centralised nation before colonists showed up
go back to killing each other if you hate spain so much lol

For the first time I'm gonna agree with this edgelord. Fuck Manolos & merilards

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Ok send her back, voice not needed

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portugal and the philippines should invade spain

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all tribes with similar cultures fought and killed each other. The problem with Philippines was slow advancement.

Unlike almost all British, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, Belgian, Russian and German colonies, you mean?

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Duterte won because he won on the premise that he would do on the national stage what he did to his city as mayor for 2 decades: from a commie moro warzone full of criminals druggies and rapists to one of the safest and progressive metropolis in the country

Liteally every British colony was a success apart from the African ones which literally no one had any success in civilising

that's not relevant to what i said.
it's just corny. just like when pakistanis and indians throw insults at each other in english about which country resisted the british the most

yeah I'm sure Belize, Guyana, Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Jamaica etc etc etc are African countries

it is. You laugh at the fact that they were separate tribes that fought each other. The fact is that's how it was with everyone.

I find it pretty hilarious how condescending you people are, laughing at the people who voted for Trump, even Duterte.
I didn't vote for this dude in 2016, but I will guarantee that if he ever ran in your country, Duterte would win. He's better at campaigning and more charismatic than Trump ever was.
If you would see what he did, and if you would listen to his speeches, you would be swayed, probably. That's why he was so dangerous and why he won in a landslide

Buddy its Drumpf supporters and their dogs who are and will continue to be assblasted by Duerte.

Based af

how's the war on drugs coming along chief?

Cry about it bitch monkey

Sri lanka is doing good enough.

tell that to Malaysia

Based and redpilled.
FUCK c*cktianity and FUCK imperialism.

i laugh because it was the spainards who unified them, and now they are blaming the spainards for 'destroying' the 'filipino' people.
as if there still aren't muslim filipinos blowing up the catholic filipinos. perhaps the philippines needs another round of spanish colonisation

literally the only filipino I respect
what a hero
fuck euros


should have left them be monkeys then

or even better remove them to make space for more spanish people

As a Greek shouldn't you sympathise since you were Ottoman slaves?

Spread your buttocks Chang, Chairmen Xi's THOUGHT is coming.

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we weren't monkeys


Pride of the Filipino people
Based as always

hard to take polish banter seriously
race of toilet cleaners

Damn, he is based as fuck
Wish Latin Americans elected presidents like him.

Our toilets (with shit in them) are cleaner than most South-Asian rivers, lmao.

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Christcucks stay mad

Based fuck Kikelstrianity

Sri Lanka has a lower life expectancy than us lol

They recently had a civil war. Mexico and Sri Lanka have similar Hdi.

what a stupid fucking gorilla

callate moro de mierda

Christianity, Islam and all abrahamic faiths are disgusting, we should have already abandoned them

Holy fuck this is actually based af.

Sounds totally based to me.
I mean, thirdies claiming that colonization is the root of all their problems are pathetic, but I don't see why the flips should fucking celebrate having their ancestors raped by the spics


>100k killed in 25 years
We got that kill count in 5

has he been watching louis cachet videos?

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>that colonization is the root of all their problems
it is. the model of developement the spanish (and then their descendants) conducted was basically: work in my farm for the rest of your life.

And? Just change it then, have a bloodbath or two if you need, that's how we got there

They are changing it? The Philippines' growth is among the fastest in the world. Still colonisation is arguably what fucked up the most SEA and the Far East in general. It's no coincidence that Japan and Thailand are more developed than their neighbours.

death to imperialist
based president

Japan was already much more advanced which is the reason why it didn't get colonized in the first place, it's more of a cause than a consequence.
And I was talking about Chile, but yeah good for them if they're improving, I'd say the US meddling in their affairs is much more of an hindrance than the remnants of colonisation will ever be

fast growth is easier and easier as more of the world is developed. It's hard to fuck up suckling the teats of two world powers trying to placate your country for geographic influence

When I say COLONY you say SORRY.

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Instead he will give equal rights to LGBT.

Not usually a fan of Duterte but he is right when it comes to the churches' undue influence on Filipino politics and society.


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Why is Duterte wrong? This is just a question if the ends justify the means.
Do you even know what he achieved prior to becoming president?

still better than hanging from the trees, or being genocided

seems relevant

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seething filipANOS, they should thank spain, cause they gave them the only culture they'll ever have

Wait... filipinos celebrate the coming of the spaniards conquistadors? stockholm syndrome is in the air my dude.

Still, i hope they go full retard mode with the anti-spanish sentiment so they refuse to learn spanish meanwhile the entire history of the philipines rots on a library in Madrid.

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im sure one tribe would have overpowered the others and united the region eventually
just like your country came into being no?
only difference is time

they are lucky that the spanish didn't wipe their race of this earth

>panels shows replacing the inhabitants each time
>except for americans and japs


>filipinos celebrate the coming of the spaniards conquistadors?
Everybody should celebrate the Spaniards lad, we spread the potato from Merica to the World

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who cares? YOu still have hte most fucking language in the whole world

>"Mayroong pitong araw sa is Christianity in the Philipines taong kalendaryo"

This. The Philippines weren't even a country before the Spanish, which is how they got their name, after King Philip of Spain. Even in Filipino it's called the "Pilipinas".


That's right, Suriname & Indonesia today are fastly superior to any of the shitholes you've colonized, let alone Spain itself. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

Suriname is below Colombia in GDP per capita, also 90% Nigger

Not really.
You underestimate the power of the average Pinoy.

The Spanish couldn't hold onto Mexico.
The Philippines would've been even worse.

Suriname has soul

t. successful Spanish ex-colony

He is from Agadir.

Yeah, we celebrate... but the day we started to self-govern ourselves. Imagine spending money on the only tercio in the entire american continent, located in the poorest colony only to lose it.

*laugh in french*

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What the fuck happenedThis is so schzio nut job

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Meanwhile on more pressing matters

▪Trains still getting delayed
▪Build Build Build are the former admin projects
▪Boracay turne into a public toliet by chinese tourist
▪More Corrupt chinese deals
POGO still not banned
▪Streets still getting flooded
▪Traffic still unbearable people are actually dying
▪Public transporation still a joke
▪Police force still not abiding by the law
▪Police officials releasing convicted drug lords and rapist as a reward for testifying against critics
▪Preventable National Emergency Dengue/Measels outbreak
▪Government officials still abusing their power
▪Lawmakers still incompetent
▪President still avoid accountability
▪Government still teeming with corruption
Filipinos still suffering

So, is this Duterte's trademark "disciplinary" governance in action? Oh, right. One last thing.

Change still not coming

I feel like Im missing alot of things.

>imagine blaming the spanish and christianity for all the problems in this country

If you meet a flip who supports this guy, don't ever befriend him/her because it indicates he/she has an iq of a vegetable.

Yeah. """Alpha""" populists like that guy ONLY ruin countries given enough time.

Based. Paganism will rise again.

Based. Fuck spain. Fuck america. Fuck japan.

>to the "padrino" mentality

absolutely based and checked and mostpowerfulraceintheworldpilled

Ah yes, it's the resident /asean/ schizo whomstdve nobody @s

Didn't Duderte start out as a quasi communist?

aesthetic numerals

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