Am i white Jow Forums?

Am i white Jow Forums?

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you're jewish

ur a skeleton

no, you're HIV+

gain mass lazy fuck

thats the ugliest leg i have ever seen. Gain some weight.

toothpick legged nigga

God damn Tyrone put that shit away

White? Fuck you aren't even human. Eat something!

do they not have food in albonia?

There's a board for camwhoring, this doesn't belong on Jow Forums

You're a spider.

Eat some cheeseburgers


Omg what is that??!!


Nigga you look like a wendigo

same thing, its called auschwitz

You look fresh from the gulag.

You look like a jewish typhoid victim

No, you're a grasshopper.

Go to your local gym. Weighted squats.

i think it's some kind of autoimmune diseas where your bones get fucked up.

Did you died?

>1 post by this ID
when will you niggers ever learn?

You NEED to eat some of those latest Fast Foods like KFC's Doughnut & Chicken Pattie Sandwich. Yes I know it's the epitome' of American Domestic Nigger Magnet-Food however a few of these will put the pounds on you White boi.

Attached: kfc-donut-sandwich333.jpg (1320x660, 161K)

You look anorexic if thats really you please eat alot and often

you look like some kind of shitskin

no, you're from Reddit

Have some shoes

Attached: rate-my-shoes.jpg (1111x1091, 252K)