French article promoting immigration
You can read the article with googled traduction
Do you think like them that we are not invaded. How do you debunk their argument. Can someone archive this ?
French article promoting immigration
You can read the article with googled traduction
Do you think like them that we are not invaded. How do you debunk their argument. Can someone archive this ?
I am sure they are going to delete it someday. Strangely comment are not allowed either.
Fuck 10 years ago this journal was like moderate left. It is not a far left journal like CNN.
Gotta increase that GDP goy
You can read all her article here and they are all Africa related, I wonder if she is a nog or a race mixer.
>gotta increase that "diversity"
Yeah it is just 300 000 even If that just count Africa without Afghanistan and shithole like this. It is not like than we welcomed dozen of millions before and that just the illegal that does not count the legal one imported by the governement.
And that when they are going to have nationality they will import their family too.
Everything will be ok someway.
Otherwise I wonder how much we have to tanks salving for such a number. I hope Italian will save themselves again in the next election.
Why don’t you google translate and paste it in the thread so everybody who might be interested in this doesn’t have to do the same thing you fucking nigger
Salvini's actions were the beer hall putsch. People now remember him as a glorious protector. They will jump into his arms in a few years.
Yeah if you want, but it is that complicated to be honnest
Why do you not beat your minorities like a normal functioning country?
We are not a normal fonctionning country to be honnest not after electing someone like macron
Funny enough this article was surely made because our president speak about reducing immigration yesterday. Our situation is so bad than even the cuck of the cuck want to reduce it. Really make you think.
I also want to point that this article was pushed by my new feed on my iPad. I guess they failed their algorithm.
I wonder if someone could explain me how to archive an article
>Only 300.000(ofc it's mostly men) imigrated to Europe
Go to
You can only archive one page at a time
Yes the point is that this year was quitte a low year for them otherwise they would point out the year 2017 or 2016.
It should be 3000 at most.
Why the fuck do we even have Frontex for?
It's 300.000 from Africa,alone
Which they say represents 15% of the total number of outside EU migrants in 2018.
Chinese make up 28%
The rest i think are ME's Ruskies,Ukrainians,Georgians,etc
I would prefer something in the negative like minus 1 millions. I mean we need to reemigrate them to their country of origin.
Prison ships are the only way
It's not even the EU but the OECD
We aren't going to do this without a Police State are we Francois?
Even with Right Wingers in charge how do we know if this happens they won't turn on us after?
I'm not familiar with the OECD.
But i see almost all of the EU+Canada,Mexico and the USA?
Also Turkey and Australia?
Am i right?
Ironically I would choose the police state rather than being genocided. We can still overthrow the police state also. But yes we need someone like hitler but whitout the war goal and the expansion goal in the east.
>"it's only 300k africans in Europe"
>"it's not like there will be more than that"
>"it's not like we already have 100 million+ of them already living here"
>"it's not like they have 10 children per family"
Marxists are so cute.
Only the illegal and it is their number.
Yeah and a couple others (Japan, South Korea... but i guess no africans for them)
300,000 immigrants from africa in all these coutries is a joke
Yeah dude but there are tons of em already here.
Even 1 mil niggers in Europe is to much.
Also that is just 1 year btw
>Yeah dude but there are tons of em already here.
Just saying when they say 300,000 it's BS, it's way more than that.
>Even 1 mil niggers in Europe is to much.
A couple 100s is too much already
Motherfucker, look how bad everything is now. How the media, the government, every institution of the developed world is openly "Fuck white people" and telling you, to your face, that you're going to be replaced by Africans and Muslims. That you're the bad guy if you have a problem with that. You're worried about a police state? European countries will already put you in prison for years or decades for having illegal opinions, but when black and brown people commit actual rapes against women and children, their punishment is 3 months of studying the Koran with other Muslims, welfare, and a free apartment.
'''You're already in a police state. They've already turned on you. How do you not get that?'''
True,there's no denying that.