Why are most video game developers liberal? The biggest consumers of video games are anything but

Why are most video game developers liberal? The biggest consumers of video games are anything but.

>inb4 not politics
>inb4 who cares

Vidya is a huge part of culture and media and are just as relevant or even more so than television and Hollywood

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>Why are most video game developers liberal?
Because they are all starving artists.

>The biggest consumers of video games are anything but.
Yes they are. What you believe is free speech that allows you to scream about jews, is actually just "meme culture" which is a liberal idea.



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I'd agree with boycotting the majority of movies these days but you can't just become a caveman and let the left take over all culture

>What you believe is free speech that allows you to scream about jews, is actually just "meme culture" which is a liberal idea.
Most American post I've ever read.

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Even japan is lost.

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Most video game developers aren't very Chaddy so they have to act liberal as a way to get pussy.

fuck off schlomo homo

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No I'm JIDF. Jews are the biggest meme of them all.

It's not the game developers, but game critics. Who do you think OWNS Metacritic?


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Operation Mockingbird was a secret campaign by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to influence media. Begun in the 1950s, it was initially organized by Cord Meyer and Allen W. Dulles, it was later led by Frank Wisner after Dulles became the head of the CIA.
The organization recruited leading American journalists into a network to help present the CIA’s views, and funded some student and cultural organizations, and magazines as fronts. As it developed, it also worked to influence foreign media and political campaigns, in addition to activities by other operating units of the CIA.


Is still in effect today through all media. Television, radio and video games are thoroughly saturated.

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Jews infiltrated the gaming industry. Pic related.

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Libs chased off everyone that wasnt bought up and closed by EA. Its why everything sucks dick these days

because working for game studios is shit work and the nerds who do so get easily radicalized by whatever stupid ideology over the prospect of getting tail once in their miserable lives.

A classical liberal idea, maybe. But modern day liberals/leftists/progressives are not exactly pro free speech and shit. Most video game consumers are young white men and boys who give no fucks about political correctness and just want to have fun and wreak havoc, regardless of who they end up offending

HR is liberal. HR will fire you if you say things against HR guidelines. Anyone who works in an office knows that the quickest way to get fired is to get a woman, fag, or POC to make a complaint against you.
HR avoids lawsuits. Women, fags, and shitskins are big lawsuit threats. And when they file a lawsuit, you can bet that the media will pick up on the 'toxic culture' within the company/industry. It's a PR nightmare to have a shitskin, fag, or woman calling your company bigoted.
So white guys or right wing people in general keep their mouths shut because HR will come down on them for even risking such a thing.
Everyone has to feel 'valued' and 'comfortable'.



Most entertainment industries are liberal. There is a self-selection that goes on where conservatives just weed themselves out.

1 think to note is that nobody here is conservative either. Jow Forums is a place where angry young white men come to vent and because the things they are venting about just happen to be part of the platform of parties that call themselves conservative, doesn't mean Jow Forums is conservative.

True conservatives would ban porn, ban extra marital sex, almost force religion on people, remove as much as they can from public spending and probably instill a mandatory military service for men. How many of these things does Jow Forums support, you think? I mean REALLY support?

Fact is, if more men on this board got laid, this board would stop existing.

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Because the creation of a video game is an extremely difficult artistic endeavor that requires the combined efforts of people who are more than simply experts in a singular thing.

Artistic endeavors are the realm of liberals and I have yet to meet a right wing person who was a renaissance man and could learn several specialized skills from opposite ends of the spectrum to save their life. Right wingers just want to punch a clock, do a thing for 8 hours, then punch a clock and go home. Left wingers want to be doing a mix of tasks for 8 hours before going home. Then there's the fact that to be involved in video game development takes luck and a lot of risk for the reward. Right wingers are extremely risk averse people.

So, what happens is that the games industry ends up being full of liberals. It's why universities are filled with liberals. It's why the movie industry is full of liberals.

It's like watching the Gender Studies department bitch there aren't enough women majoring in math. Go fucking major in math then.

>call it liberal arts
>liberals do art

>muh dick
>muh getting laid
Is this your first time here? Conservatives don;t have values, they just want money and Israel to succeed. The religious right would probably ban those things, at least in America. Here in the UK, religion is not particularly big.

You said a whole bunch of nothing. Mordhau is a video game made by a few people who reject progressivism and ended up being quite successful, their obsession with melee mechanics is pretty autistic too. They got a shit tonne of money.

There is a reason why it's mostly young white men who like video games and yet the video game devs are all libs, trannies, feminists and everything else.

The reason they are allowed to do that is because of the liberal outlook on free speech.

Creative types tend to be liberals.
This has pretty much always been the case.

>Mordhau is a video game made by a few people who reject progressivism and ended up being quite successful
Despite their intention to add both female and non-whites to their game. They didn't reject it in the slightest. They just made a game. They also ban people regularly for being bigoted on official servers.

They made a lot of money because people had been wanting a Chivalry replacement for years and they managed to make a really decent one.

Not really, leftists would shut this place down, and have shut down many youtube channels very recently.


They absolutely did reject it and have stood up to critics who wanted to shut them down, Maybe they do regulate their servers if people are harassing others lmao that does not make people progressive. And I believe they still have a subredit running that has made people quite upset.

Except not true. And progressives are in no way creative, they create garbage after garbage, the problem is when they try to destroy decent games and franchises.

This place isn't going anywhere. It's controlled opposition.
Many youtube channels on every side have been shutdown.


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>I know What you believe
L0Lno fgt pls

Of course I know what you believe because I was the one telling you to believe it.

>Libs chased off everyone that feared novelty

Maybe they did go on both sides but certain political channels were targetted

Victim complex not healthy

>why is any form of popular media brainwashing programing conditioning trash


lmao 3 channels that i regularly watch on youtube were nuked right at the same time, even though one of them wasn't even a political channel, it was mostly video games get the fuck out of here with your assumptions lmao

For the sake of clarity I'm going to use the term progressive instead of liberal as liberal implies liberty and free thought and expression which is more in the conservative wheelhouse at this point. Progressivism is more the authoritative command on the subjective idea of progress. Basically all things start foundationally conservative/liberal, popular consumption drives the expansion and more "diverse" thought is introduced into the fold. Opens the door to progressives that immediately begin gatekeeping and revising until there's nothing left but the brand name and eventual collapse. This is basically the cycle of all things.

Hmmm it's almost like the bans were random or something

yeah, terminating channels without warning is totally random

The youtube TOS says they can ban you for any reason at any time, did you think they were just saying that?

You're talking out of your ass.

Here's just a small selection of writers of the first rate and not one is a liberal. >>

Joseph Conrad
Fydor Dostoyevsky
Vladimir Nabokov
JRR Tolkien
Knut Hamsun
Evelyn Waugh
Leo Tolstoy
JL Borges
Giovanni Verga

Name one thing men made women haven't messed up "me me me me"
The last bastion of good ol' fashioned male fun is machining.
Women will never do anything that gets their hands dirty, and the 1 or 2 who venture are pretty decent women who 'get it'.

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and if certain channels' political views are seen as problematic then they can delete them for any reason

Only western developpers are. I only play Japanese video games

>have a degree in high demand from a wide range of companies
>could make large amounts of money doing very little work making enterprise software
>could make small amounts of money doing extremely high levels of work making video games
I wonder what kind of person would be foolish enough to choose the second?

Yes, or they can just delete them if they think you're ugly and your videos are stupid, which they've done several times already

Your causality direction wrong. "Why are liberals passionate about distraction, toys, dissipative hobbies, predigested fiction, fake drama..." The answer is pretty obvious, and those are the traits that make a full grownan invested in videogames, and it explains the correlation you're observing.

they fire and push out everyone that doesn't agree with them. how else?

>artistic endeavor
it's entertainment dude, just program the man to jump on the turtle dude!

So what exactly are you even aruing? is it too hard to comprehend that there's a liberal/progressive/far-left bias in media and youtube?

You stupid motherfucker. You need a reputation to sell your pop trash, and not being a high-viral-charge liberal will see your reputation destroyed.
That explains why your safe predigested "culture and art" is exclusively liberal.

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There is not and you're memeing again. Random bans for no reason is a far-right tactic.

Oh, okay. I see that you are a retard. It's okay, not the first time a leftist completely denied left wing media bias.

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No, I'm not a leftist and I myself have been banned from youtube. The bans are random. Youtube does it to extort money from people. That's how they stay in business. Crying about "bias" is ignorant to how they actually get paid, they do not give two fucks about any political cause. Like I said you are just trying to meme me.

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here's the long answer user

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Because vidya is Hollywood 2.0, except it's even more feminising.

the same reason everyone started claiming they were Christians back in the old roman times. They wanted to get a job in the government & uh oh the boss doesn't like Pagans.

What a fucking brainlet post. The movie industry is full of liberals. Lol. Big fucking deal. The useful cattle are; (crew and actors). At its core and executive level Hollywood is Conservative through and through. Don't be fooled by diverse casting. All portrayals of nation, private property, capitalism / consumerism and militarism as depicted by Hollywood are Conservative values you dumb faggot.

>they do not give two fucks about any political cause
I suppose that's true, big companies don't care about anything seriously, they do what's popular to get profits, but right now that means having a liberal bias. Youtube literally gives money to the Young Turks, pretty clear political bias

I thought all this because most of them are born on the West coast of America, am I wrong? Maybe if Texas did computer games and shit, that would be okay.

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The advertising departments are liberal.

Fallout was always liberal.

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Liberals create

You consume

You do know the very first vidya was made by a holocaust surviving Jew, right?

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What about, idk, Wagner?
Just because modern humanities schools are packed with neo-marxists doesn't mean right wingers aren't artistic.

Explains why that faggot Anderson Cooper, a former CIA Agent and a Vanderbilt, is at CNN

They give money to any channel past a certain size. They are an extremely large company with no morals whatsoever, the reason you see liberal bias is because those are the channels you watch. It's a literal meme.

Most IT related offices are full of libtards, not just vidya
The reason is many devs are autistic and get easily radicalized while growing up

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because you have to make MONEY. why would you restrict your target audience? same with movies. everything thats mainstream is "liberal"

90s politics was far different than today's politics, and despite a few jabs at certain political groups, they did not make their game promote far left progressive ideas and filled it with all kinds of content that would've been designed to please certain political groups. Kind of like how the show Friends was very liberal, but in today's world is seen as extremely offensive.

we just wanted to play video games

Liberal in the sense that game devs did not target any political sides and instead made whatever they felt like, progressivism on the other hand tends to ruin video games, most people are not interested inauthentic content that's designed to be political first and good for the game second. Progressivism makes companies lose money.


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I was planning on posting some more while discussing

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Google bought youtube even though it doesn't make a profit, and never will. Now think long and hard about what you said, and why you think google wanted to buy something like that?

Most nerds are usually liberal and all rich people are always liberal so it makes sense a bunch of rich nerds would all be shitlibs

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>socially awkward nerds learn to make video games
>Gender studies harpies smell easy prey
>Descend on the industry and friendzone all the nerds
>Manipulate them and force their shitty politics into everything
>Corporate overlords behind it all buy the carcasses, slap some paint on them, and sell at full price
>Has the unintended effect of getting nerds interested in politics and current events.
It's already happened. You can't even be a conservative on the internet anymore. All of that stuff is useless anyway. It's luxury distraction for people with too much time on their hands.

This is the only correct answer. Lurk for two years, you retarded newfags.

Western developers used to make good games before all the cultural marxism set in. But yeah, I haven't bought a western game in over a decade at this point.

Beta men lean left because they believe they have little agency in society and, instead, decide to align themselves with the affiliation most likely to provide gibs and sympathy. Unfortunately for them, if they are not a visible minority or faggot or something else lefty victim approved, they receive nothing and are mostly hated by their lefty comrades.

It used to be the pther way round, programmers/devs being woke af but vidya has been overrun by cashgeabbing assholes. Old school shit is awesome.

My main takeaway from gamergate, as a man who liked games as a young adult but lost interest when more productive hobbies replaced them (well before the brouhaha), is that it was never about video games. Vidya community happened to be the locus but the controversy wasn't about the games.

Deus ex was woke and it didnt need a team of diverse multicultural trannies to make a better game than assassins creed dindu

I have never met a truly intelligent liberal. Really that's impossible if you think about it, liberals are all about orthodoxy and if they try to disagree about any of that orthodoxy they get torn apart and lose their jobs. No intelligent person could survive for long in that environment - they would chafe at the inability to intellectually explore and debate. That's probably why there is no good art from liberals in the last 20 years or so. Liberals are inherently conformist, and conformism produces only stale imitations. Liberals love makework jobs, which is why you see so many in HR and in corporate commoditized "art" which isn't subject to any objective standards. They flock to industries where someone of middling intelligence can fail without anyone noticing. They shy away from fields like business where failure is immediately noticed and has consequences. Ultimately the liberal's problem is that they are smarter than the dumbest of the population, and thus are able to indoctrinate themselves with standardized propaganda. But they are not smart enough to question that propaganda or select bits and pieces from all the competing propaganda slates from various groups. Acknowledging that they are not in reality that intelligent would strike at the core of their identity.

>go to college for CS
>start browsing Jow Forums
>become redpilled
>suddenly lose the ability to program

>let the left take over all culture
i have some bad news for you, m8

Because videogames are media and for decades kikes have been trying to use the media to control the goyim. Gaming was redpilled until it became popular enough to become recognized as a legitimate form of media and then kikes started getting their grubby hands all over it and controlling the industry to push their bullshit. It's always the Jews. Why is x fucked up? Jews. Every time.

It's not the devs, it's the (((publishers))).
We've been over this.


Would assume they aren't liberal because programming video games is HARD

they already stole it but the classics will always remain

You don't have to be a liberal to dislike the (((republican))) party.