>OT God and NT God are different beings Wrong Jesus himself said >17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. 18For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished The law and prophets being those of the OT. Why would the other NT God acknowledge the correctness and rightiousness of the law of the false God?
Also Jesus is High Priest in the Order of Melchizedek. Now who is Melchizedek? >18Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine—since he was priest of God Most High— 19and he blessed Abram and said: “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, So Jesus is the high priest of the order that worships the OT God.
We also have Jesus quoting the OT to make a point and fulffilling the OT prophecies There is no way to argue that NT God is another from the OT.
Usually the people claiming OT and NT are to be seperated claim that OT God is evil and Satan (Demiurge) that trapped us in this world. If this world would be created by something evil, then why is it so beatiful? Why is it abbundant with ressources, food and drink? There is more than enough for everyone and its only through the corruption of a few, satan worshipping pedophiles, that we experience scarcity. So the creator is obviously good.
So it was Jesus that appeared before Sodom and Gomorrah got destroyed?
Also, what are the other appearances of Jesus Christ in the OT? I know of the one where he appears in the fiery furnace protecting Shadrach Meshach and Abednego (pic related).
Some trash exegesis here. Feels like some huckster preacher in a tent in the 19th century.
Cooper Robinson
On the Meaning behind "Love your enemies" and such: True love means you keep the person from sinning as it leads to his own destruction which you obviously wouldnt want if you love him. >10Our fathers disciplined us for a short time as they thought best, but God disciplines us for our good, so that we may share in His holiness. 11No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields a peaceful harvest of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. it does not mean you let him do whatever he wants onto you or others, but that every punishment you do put onto someone comes from a point of love and compassion. >5And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me. 6But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. >would be better for him
If there is noone in the world willing to forgive and forget, we will endlessly carry on feuds and fights in form of revenge for all eternety. Its only when someone starts to forgive that this Cycle can be broken. And as Gods Chosen we are meant to go forth as a good example and make the first step. We are not meant to ignore and tolerate evil, but meant to overcome our hate, and give up what we can spare in an effort to break that cycle, but step up where its necessary even for our own disadventages.
Naruto understood this
I wouldnt say that the appearences of God in the OT were Jesus, OT God is the father, NT God is the father, Jesus is the son who is one with the father. Often God sends an angel to speak on his behalf too.
If I may ask, what do you believe it takes for an individual to go to heaven?
Joseph Ross
They are called Christophany's and it is not Dogma that they were Jesus but it is highly suspected.
John Cox
John 3:16 >16For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. However I also believe that real faith come with automatic love for God and thus also all of his creation. As such you automatically try your best to do good, not to try to get in heaven, but because you already do get there, out of gratitude to God, and love wanting to do what makes God happy and thus doing what God deems good, because its good for everyone and everything else which we should also love, and we want them to be good because we love them.
well, I honestly never looked into that matter. I know of the theory that Melchizedek is God the father, as he is King of Peace where as Jesus has the title given prince of peace. He also originaly was the high priest of God most high (El Elyon), which then also Jesus had, being high priest in the order of Melchizedek. He is also described as having no beginning nor end, and no geneology. But im kind of not too comfortable to claim anyone is God.
I don't faith "automatically" makes you want to change for good because that sounds like you're tying in works. Faith is simply trusting in Jesus Christ - There were many saved people in the Bible that did bad things but still went to heaven (King Saul, King David, the thief on the cross, etc.).
its not about doing good, but trying to do good. Choosing good over evil, recognizing your faults and accept them as such instead of praising your vices. Of course we still do wrong, but if you believe in Christ and recognize the truth in his message then you should automatically come to the conclusion that you should do good for the sake of others. >19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; having faith in Jesus means you also worship him and the father and the holy spirit, and worshipping is done in the temple, your body. You worship him through your deeds, show others the greatness of your Lord by showing them how great he made you. You sacrifice through the body, wether its time, energy, money or even your life that you sacrifice to do good. Not because you must do sacrifices, Jesus was the perfect one, no sacrifices needed to absolve your sins, but you can still do them in that manner because you love God and everyone.
Had an argument with a couple of Orthodox anons in a different thread. Although I am convinced that the Catholic Church is the true Church I would like to read about the Orthodox Church's history, theology, rites, etc. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Joseph Ramirez
So what would you say if someone genuinely has faith in Jesus Christ...then that person goes to rob a bank, kill a few people inside, and then commits suicide out of remorse. Where would that person go?
Ayden Murphy
Melchizedek is not God. You are right in saying that Mel was a King and a High Priest though. In all other instances (besides Jesus) it was an either or. That is why Jesus is from the order of Mel, since he also holds both titles/functions. The elect will also be from the order of Mel because we will share in Christ. The only human that is God is God the Son, Jesus Christ.
Jaxson Harris
The concept of Chosen people: So what are the Chosen people? Originally it were the descendent of Abraham>Isaac>Jacob by blood. With Christ however everyone who believes in and follows him is heir to the promise of given to Abraham. However the meaning of "chosen" I believe is widely misrepresented. For example the "Chosen people cant do wrong, everything they do is the will of God and totally ok and anyone opposing them will be cursed" is just some pilpul probably coming from the Talmud. Chosen means chosen to spread the word of God across the world. Chosen to display the glory of God through your own deeds and letting them know your father through you. Chosen to lead as a good example. >9There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil, first for the Jew, then for the Greek; 10but glory, honor, and peace for everyone who does good, first for the Jew, then for the Greek. 11For God does not show favoritism. Meant to be that good example we are the first to be rewarded, so that other people see the mercy and generousity of God, but we are also the first to be punished when doing wrong, so the others see what misbehavior leads to and because it would be Hypocritical to tolerate with your own people what they do while punishing other
Also you need to consider that modern Kikes are not the Israelites/Judeans of the bible which were whites
All sins will be forgiven except who sins against the holy spirit. But im noone to judge. Also too few details. Why would he rob a bank? Just wants to be rich? Then he didnt listen to Christ who said Money is evil. Did he need it for some medical procedure for his daughter or whatever and was just really desperate? then I can see him getting saved.
I cannot, but they should be virtually identical. Both have apostolic succession.
Levi Gomez
Be careful. Teachers will be judged more harshly. Christ never taught money was evil. Actually in Ecclesiastes the preacher says money is a defense, just as wisdom is a defense. The love of money is evil.
Ethan Robinson
To Hell most likely. I would question his "genuine faith" if he did those acts.
Ian King
sites.google.com/site/livingwithoutmoney/Home/the-seven-headed-dragon Basically this text claims that the whole genesis story of the bible relates to banking and usury through puns and wordplays. So is Cain a wordplay on "purchase" and the snake decieving can mean "loaning" "hiring" "Indebting" or something along those lines. So when Eve said >The serpent deceived me it means Eve was loaned something, from which cain, the serpent seed (this text here makes a really good case for the Cain being the offspring of Eve and the Serpent while Abel is from Adam and Eve theopenscroll.com/cainsPaternity.htm ), the purchase was born. The same wordplay between decieve or credited/loaned also fits "snakebite". This means the deception is the loan/credit which is the deadly venomous bite of snake/creditor. The word "Canaan" is also related to Cain and means as much as "commerce" or "trade". The Canaanites are as I believe off spring of Cain. So the snake indebted Eve and Adam, which created the purchase, cain, which resulted in Adam and Eve leaving paradise. The purchase or trade, Cain, also becomes the first murderer. The land of Canaan, the land of trade and commerce is where todays Israel is. Canaanites by this definition are everyone who fell for the greed of the commerce, and these are also the same people the God told his people to completly wipe out.
When later Noah got drunk on wine making Ham see his Nakedness (Usually seen as either raping Noah, his father, or fucking Noahs wife/his mother) this is also a play on word meaning that he was hired. By hiring/loaning his father he raped him. Later when the bible speaks of nations or persons getting drunk on the wine it implies them loaning money, which makes them feel like drunk, euphoric, resulting in degeneracy, blasphemy and evil in general through the spirit of commerce that dwells in them.
However I believe this is just one of many meanings of Genesis which are all right and important
>47Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joy and gladness of heart in all your abundance, 48you will serve your enemies the LORD will send against you in famine, thirst, nakedness, and destitution. He will place an iron yoke on your neck until He has destroyed you. >49The LORD will bring a nation from afar, from the ends of the earth, to swoop down upon you like an eagle—a nation whose language you will not understand, 50a ruthless nation with no respect for the old and no pity for the young. 51They will eat the offspring of your livestock and the produce of your land until you are destroyed. They will leave you no grain or new wine or oil, no calves of your herds or lambs of your flocks, until they have caused you to perish. 52They will besiege all your cities, until the high and fortified walls in which you trust have fallen in all the land. They will besiege all your cities throughout the land that the LORD your God has given you >people still think massimigration is good in the bible even though its used as a punishment of God for his people
Makes me think how this is happening right when we start forsaking the Christian teachings in Europe
Its not called directly evil, that was a bit simplified, but definitely as something you should not be desiring and let your life be controlled by, but at best stay away from it >24No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. or >23Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” also
Asher Jones
Stick with your conspiracy threads, why would God be so active? OT god is not god but the devil ha-satan granted the right to tempt humanity. Jesus was tempted by him the desert too. If you notice the devil never does anything evil but tempts others to do evil.
Cooper Reed
You should not be loving it, correct. This begs the question: What is rich? Like I said the preacher points out that money is a defense, and that seems logical enough. We can buy food, shelter, clothing, etc to protect our self from death. The preacher also warns about accumulating too much wealth because the logical conclusion to that is more people that will mooch off you.
Purpose of Life Despite having free will there are things God wants us to do and not do, because they are good and bad. Now we have 2 options, either trust God or see for ourselves where the things God told us are bad lead to. Since we are ignorant jackasses that think to know everything better we chose the second option and now need to see that the fire is actually hot and that this bad. Now is the time where we are able to burn ourselves, learn that these things God told us are bad are actually bad and what this "bad" actually means, perdition and destruction, so that we realize that God was right about every single thing. This is why so much bad must happen, so we see with our own Eyes where it gets us and thus forsake it and follow God with our free will instead of through force. God could have corrected everything from the beginning, but in a few Aeons the next guy would get the same idea and try the same again, and again. Only by living through this now, seeing it with our own eyes there will noone be able to argue against what is good anymore.
think of the story of Job Imagine Satan as the older brother. He is mad the we, the smaller brother get attention even though we are, on the cosmic scale, just sucking our thumb and drool a lot. So Satan throws a fit to get our fathers attention, and a 3rd of the angels agreed. Satan claimed we dont deserve the attention, we only follow him and praise him because we have all these good things. So Satan too has to learn about him being wrong. He is permitted to throw his fit, tolerated. He takes Jobs livestock, wealth, health, family and everything but his life. He will then see that he still praises God in the end, that the praise and worship is genuine love, that he was wrong about us Humans being such low creatures and that here too, God was right again. For this Purpose he tolerates Satan and lets him do it. This is playing out in front of us all right now globally.
Jesus' Crime - INRI At the time there was the Edomite Herod the great King over Judeah, even though the King must come from the line of David making his claim unrightful. So when he heard from the 3 Magi that they were on their way to greet the new born Messiah and king of Ioudaios (the descendents of Judah and original inhabitors of Judeah) Herod feared about his position and ordered every male child in Betlehem 2 years or under to be killed to keep his throne. Now the Messiah, Jesus, had quarrels all the time with the local authorities, with the Pharisee which are Edomites that converted to Yahwehism but perverted the teachings like we see the modern "Jews" do today with their Talmud. This all happened when when Judeah was controlled by Rome, with Pontius Pilates as the representative, but leaving the country semi-autonomous. So Passover came along and by law Pilates was forced to release death sentenced prisoner by public vote. They could choose between Jesus and the "notorious prisoner" Barabbas. The "People", the Pharisee, which are the modern Kikes, chose Barabass to be released over Jesus >20But the chief priests and elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus put to death.
>22“What then should I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” Pilate asked. They all answered, “Crucify Him!” >23“Why?” asked Pilate. “What evil has He done?” But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify Him!” So Rome was in favor of sparing Jesus but the Pharisee wanted him dead. Since Pilates feared another revolt to break out, of which one just ended he gave in and let them execute him.
In the end he put a plague on Jesus cross stating his crime he was sentenced for like it was custom. >INRI >Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum >Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Judeans Recognizing Jesus rightful claim of ruleship over the people, that he was right about everything and at the same time declaring Herods ruleship illegitimite
The answer is heaven for once you trust Jesus Christ, you're going to heaven. Salvation is a gift and God taking away salvation means that it wasn't a gift and thus that would make God to be a liar. Since God is not a liar, that means you're saved and that's it, you're saved. John 3:16 mentions that you will have everlasting life - Everlasting means forever.
On the reason behind the existence of evil and ultimately our purpose: First we must define evil. Evil is whats wrong in Gods eyes. God gave us free will, and free will requires the abillity to choose wrong, or else we would not be able to choose at all. If choosing wrong is evil then there cant be free will without evil
God creates Humans in his image, and he loves every one of them that is and will be. Satan, being basically a spoiled Child doesnt like us getting our fathers attention and thus tries to show him how lowly we are by corrupting us. He does this by bringing the fruit of knowledge of good and evil to us, which while likely intended for us eventually, we werent ready to eat yet as we were basically little babies in adult bodies. With the fruit now Eaten we had to learn of both, Good and Evil. We knew good from our father and from being in Eden, but what was missing is Evil. The best way to learn is to experience, thus we have to experience evil to learn of it, and we couldnt have evil in Paradise thus were send out, possibly falling from a spiritual state of existence into this mortal and material state. This world is sandbox/a tutorial so to speak. A containment reality where we can fuck around without being able to fuck up cosmically. Here we are meant to experience Evil, and Satan trying to corrupt us still is doing so by unleashing every plague he has up his sleeve onto us that we may fall from faith while simultaniously subverting what good and evil is. God loving and trusting us lets this happen since its the best way to learn of evil for us in the first place, and because he knows we will still praise God after everything. This is essentially the story of Job on a global scale.
Basically we are meant to learn good choices, and what this good actually is
Its not saying that they lost salvation, but that they never really followed him, but claim they did.
Notice how they're relying on their supposed wonderful works? Those people were trusting in their works to save them and not trusting on Christ to save them. They believed in themselves and not believed on Christ.
Samuel Johnson
kikes are not israelites nor semites but the Edomites that lived in judeah en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edom >The Edomites first established a kingdom ("Edom") in the southern area of modern Jordan and later migrated into southern parts of the Kingdom of Judah ("Idumea", or modern southern Israel/Negev) Eventually they were forced to convert >They were again subdued by John Hyrcanus (c. 125 BC), who forcibly converted them, among others, to Judaism
And around that same time the Pharisee that follow the oral law en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharisees >The Pharisees preserved the Pharisaical oral law in the form of the Talmud like we have today the kikes follow the Tal Mud and which was repeatedly rebuked by Jesus, telling them they are children of Satan.
Now Edomites are the descendents of Essau, the brother of Jacob/Israel who decided to wage war his brother and his people. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edom >The Hebrew word Edom means "red", and is derived from the name of its founder Esau
Now to do this Essau joined Amalek en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amalek >According to the Bible, Amalek was the son of Eliphaz (himself the son of Esau, ancestor of the Edomites)
Which thus, together with Essau became the Edomites (plus a couple other things mixed in likely). The Amalek are known as Israels nemesis and who fits the whites nemesis better than the kikes? The Amalek are a canaanite tribe. Canaan is the son of Ham who was one of the three sons of Noah (Abraham coming from Shem, S(h)emites). Now the Hamites are traditionally black and indeed canaans curse hints to him becoming a slave like the blacks did. Furthermore i believe the biblical first black (can go into this) was Cain, who himself was the son of Eve and the serpent. This is the line of kikes, those that say they are jews, but are liars instead. The Synagogue of Satan and they came through the Hamitic line, thus are basically white skinned niggers
from Flavius Josephus documentacatholicaomnia.eu/03d/0037-0103,_Flavius_Josephus,_De_Bello_Judaico,_EN.pdf >2. For there are three philosophical sects among the Jews. The followers of the first of which are the Pharisees; of the second, the Sadducees; and the third sect, which pretends to a severer discipline, are called Essens. These last are Jews by birth, and seem to have a greater affection for one another than the other sects have.
so the closest relation the kikes have to the israelites is through Esau who mixed himself into the canaanites
Esau originally had the birthright to take over the tribe as a first born. However after a day of work on the field he went inside and asked his brother for something to drink or eat, for which Jacob demanded Esaus birthright. Esau agreed, and thus got what he wanted and Jacob got the birthright from Esau. However after this Esau wanted it back, Jacob didnt want to return it, and thus Esau parted from his family, joined a canaanite tribe that became known as Amalek (the Israelites nemesis) to wage war on Jacob/Israel. These eventually (likely with a couple others mixed into) became the Edomites which are todays Kikes. And to this day they still demand the birthright back from Israel (The white man). Their hate of whites is actually envy, they want what we have. Thats why they undergo plastic surgery to appear more european, take on germanic last names and yiddish is even just some fake german. They try to genocide whites so that they can take their position of chosen people they believe they inherited from Esau, without anyone else being left to rightfully claim that position.
Other than the kikes however Esau made up with Jacob/Israel again eventually, but (((they))) refuse to follow the lead to this day.
They're really not. There are profound theological and structural differences.
Tyler Young
In many cases the bible plays into the narrative of the different pagan myths, in Europe and across the world.
The bible actually doesnt deny the existence of the different gods. It just says that (most of them) they are not good and non of them are to be worshipped as they are below the most high. They are even directly mentioned: >12On that night I will pass through the land of Egypt and strike down every firstborn male, both man and beast, and I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt. I am the LORD. All across the world there are numerous cultures stating how "people" came (down) to them and brought them knowledge and some new crafts and subsequently ruled over them and often there is a direct lineage claimed from these "gods" on which they claim their ruleship. Now the Book of Enoch says exactly that, the fallen angels came to earth, they shared knowledge which in turn corrupted us. And they mated with our women. Here the account from Genesis: >1Now when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them, 2the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose. [...] >4The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and afterward as well, when the sons of God had relations with the daughters of men. And they bore them children who became the mighty men of old, men of renown. >mighty men of old, men of renown kings and rulers, the children of the fallen angels.
Additionally to all this we have different stories of the (fallen) angels relate to that of the different gods, Michael for example correlates heavily with Jupiter/Zeus/Thor/Baal Haddad, Lucifer correlates with that of quetzacoatl of the aztecs and prometheus and somewhat Enki. Satan, which likely is Lucifer after the fall correlates with Moloch and Cronus. Gabriel I believe could be Mercury which is Hermes and seen as equal of Thoth