Foregin Influence in Upcoming Canadian Election

The Canadian Government is worried about foreign interference in the upcoming election. The government fears that countries such as China and India are trying to promote sympathetic candidates.

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yeah no shit LMAO

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the only anti-Indian candidate is a Sikh separatist who is against India and wants a Sikh ethnostate carved out of India but he's a lefty as well

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fuckin npc family

Just give the based Sikhs some streets of their own pajeet

so the pajeet is the anti-Indian

who's the chink candidate and which one is the indian one?

now which is candidate of Israel? and which one is the candidate of USA? and the EU candidate? and the russian?

Trudeau - China
Sheer - Israel
Sikh - India
Bernier - Russia and USA

jagmeet singh is the indian one. Don't know any chink ones.

it's little potato

Absolute bullshit. If you don't want "foreign interference," from China, don't import millions of people from foreign countries. Justin Trudeau would jizz himself if China decided our next election.


His kids may turn out pretty fucking right-wing in their teenage years.

Saudi Arabia is probably the last one

>chinks and poos are bad
but jews?

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They're just setting the stage in case Justin loses so they can blame it on Russia/Chyna/the alt-right. It doesn't matter who wins anyway they're all owned by kikes/chinks

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Look on the bright side you will finally disappear.

Worried about what? They're almost irrelevant and they're already full blown libtard.

who is little potato?

USA interferes in every western hemisphere election desu and most of them worldwide. Honestly in the internet age it's impossible to keep out any and all "foreign influence" anyway.

Bernier - Canada

He is literally the only candidate that wants to bring Canada back to her former glory. I swear to Christ, if he's not on the ballot I'm voting for Elizabeth May in protest. If Canadians want to be faggots, I'll vote for the worst candidate I can in every election just to spite them.

Never have voted
Never will
Waiting for the day society actually collapses, so I can be one of the first to die in the onslaught of drug addict leafs having no law or social order anymore

Why not expell the immigrants then you fucking retarded faggots?

Or you can just expell foreigners

bernier is the ultimate zog false hope candidate for us, you really deserve to be treat like a cattle if you fall for it.

Yes give us a country!

>Canada accuses China of interfering in their election
>Meanwhile CIA and MI6 agents are interfering with politics in Hong Kong
The west sure is good at projecting.

Jagmeet is a Canadian Sikh and not India. Many sikhs in Canada were kicked out of India when they fought for their own country in the 1980s

Khalistan Zindabad!!

no more Trudeaus' thanks

>China as in the conservatives
>India as in the ndp & liberals

Vote Jagmeet!


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t. Cant name a better candidate

I can it;s Jagmeet, he s the Sikh Bernie Sanders.

nobody gives a fuck about canada. the minor bump they got in their gdp wont be maintained. the inflation seen isnt sustainable

If voter turnout is less then 45% the government should sit empty for the next 4 years. Budgets remain the same as last 5 year average plus inflation. State basically isles down to administrative only and all foreign aid is stopped with exception of direct military contributions ie nato.


>fought for their own country

by killing more sikhs and bombing their places of worship? 3/4 of your khotastan is in pakistan, go and get it from them lol

fucking dickpreet pajeet

fuck off poo

There's literally zero reason to not vote for Bernier. He is objectively the best candidate in every regard.

They should worry about australia, america, and britian. We speak english and can pose as canadians on social media.

false hope is dangerous, take a look at our migapedes.

Jason Kenney would have been much better than queer Scheer.

>Lets in many foreigners who have questionable loyalties
>Surprised they're more loyal to their home country than Canada.
Oh no, that sucks.

>Nationalist for his own people while parasitic to his host population
Sums up every piece of foreign shit over here. Rag heads and Chicoms need a big boot out of here ASAP.

Based I'm off to do that right now.

It's fine, because in our case he's pretty much guaranteed to not win.

Andrew Scheers mother in-law who he promotes runs an ngo for immigrants to get jobs over Canadians. BASED!

Anglosphere unite