Fuck Canada
Canada hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Canada has no culture. - Justin Trudeau
Canada is not a nation, because we have no national culture or identity. Because we are not a nation, we do not exist. You can't hate us because we don't exist.
he's so handsome
fix your shithole country
Based shrödinger's leaf
>One part of Canada passes a low forbidding ragheads from being cops, teachers, judges and any other state employee that interacts with the populace.
>The rest of Canada wants the Federal Government to prevent them doing this.
Holy fuck Canada is so pozzed they want to actively prevent parts of it from lessening the AIDS.
Leaf posting from UK. I'm reaching the point where I believe the nihilistic globohomo fags saying that the culture of Canada IS multiculturalism. To that, I say, "You can fucking have it."
le why you mad bro??? XD
Mmm... dreamy...
Fuck Canada.
Thats not even a moose you fucking hoser
Finally a good fucking thread. Fuck leafs and their fag pm
You used to be British, the Aussies who started the leaf meme were right in more ways than they could've known. That was part of the deracination of the Canadian white.
I'm shooting your geese syrup head.
>that bird isn't a moose
Leaf education...
And this last one is for all of you
>t. Literal mongolian
At least I'm not a nigger
Ahem brother my rake is ready
Plz invade
You're being invaded already
The Leaf is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a mapple nigger, syrup merchant, snow beaner, dog fucker, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But ask him to post the in-store prices (no sales or loss leaders) and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Yeah, fuck Canada, they are just jealous and of us Americans
You must be joking
>tfw American on a business trip in Canada and I can’t even think of anything to post to make Canadians look stupid
So we're posting Trudeaus now?
Just talk about fingering your dog's ass, that's what all Canadians do but they never post about it online
Quebec has one however and we are a nation
What he meant was the Englos have no culture which is right
One of my favorites
please help me. the busses are filled with indians i feel like im the only white guy left
Here's another one with just 4 Trudeaus. I don't know why I still have this one saved when there's a better one around (the one I just posted)
That's not a canada goose, faggot.
Like father like son.
>If you exist, your enemies win
>t. Trudeau
You don't interact with people, let alone females much I assume...
That's a look of pure "I loath you, you small dick wannabe"
You dorks should be able to recognize that actually.....
Unfortunately I don't have any Castro-Trudeau pics so I'll just reply with this one
He can have her, Melania is a botoxed broad
You on the right.
The Chad PM vs the Virgin Drumpf
I have two kids, you've never held a girl's hand. Womp womp.
If it wasn't for the annoying pun at the end it would've been semi ok.
That's still way too much considering pensioners spent their whole lives paying into the system, and refugees have not, and likely will not.
And all the rest of us...Canada, Europe, and now Japan, can thank the USA for coming to the aid of Jews in WW2, and being the decisive tip of the spear that led to all this degeneracy.
Literally every degenerate problem in our white nations comes from America.
>vroom vroom
>every single degenerate thing American shitlibs did, they pointed to Canada doing it first
>it's all somehow America's fault
Remind me... who declared war on Germany first, maple nigger?
So, you gonna be a Mountie or a fishing guide when you grow up?