Heaven and hell don't make sense

Heaven and hell don't make sense.
>animals have no soul so they don't go to heaven or hell
What if a dog murders a 3 year old human? No divine justice?
>wife goes to heaven, husband who is love of her life goes to hell
Now wife isn't in heaven because husband is in hell. Same case with parents and their children.
>God creates you knowing whether you'll go to heaven or hell
Zero free will there

It's all a crock of hepatitis shit

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we welcome you to the non-religious club with open arms, friend.

goyim don't get to have an afterlife you dummy

they can pledge their servitude to a a pureblooded jewish man and stay in the afterlife as ever bound slaves

>animals have no soul
>humans are animals
>no diving punishment for anything we do
>tfw you can do anything you want

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Not believing in god doenst mean you have to be a psychopath.

"Spirit of Man which goeth upwards and the Spirit of the Beast which goeth downwards"

Unfortunately for you (provided you still identify as and subscribe to such a flawed and putrid doctrine as Judaism), you are incorrect and going to Hell :(

You see, the moment you dumb Jews turned on Jesus, you all sealed your fate for the afterlife which will be, as I said, Hell, lol.

Frankly it’s a trade-off that I’m ok with, everything considered. Meaning like, laugh it up and have your fun while you’re here but then face the music afterward hahaha (by music, I mean, torment unending, afterward). Going about without a care in the world and indulging in such filth as pedophilia, greed, etc., etc., etc. No decency, really. Just filth & slime. Constant indulgence, no discipline or restraint for the things you lust over. Like an animal. Very disgusting.

I don’t know, user. If I were you, I’d think about dropping your Judaism and switching to Christianity. Otherwise, I’m afraid you’re damned, literally lol.

death is death. there is nothing after.
You have life now.
God of the living, not god of the dead.
not a dead god in a dead afterlife.
A living god.

You'll have to wait to be resurrected.
The you get utterly destroyed forever and ever in the lake of fire along with hell and death.
Erased from existence.

>jesusposting this hard
relax, kiddo. jesus never existed
and if he did exist, he was son of a jewish wife and a roman bull, making him halachically jewish and making you a certified jew worshipper

Eesh, listen to this guy haha.

Lemme just say, I am /glad/ I am not him!

You think like a 12 year old. You probably are.

That's where you wrong kike. NPC's don't have soul, but a small part of the rest of the world does have a soul.
And we are here to close some doors and open others.

Nothing else you believe makes any sense either.

>God creates you knowing whether you'll go to heaven or hell
>Zero free will there

he doesn't know about quantum timelines

Everyone who believes in god and jesus and doesn't deliberately blaspheme the holy spirit like the pharisees does, goes to to heaven, no matter how many or what sins they commit.

You post like a retard. You probably are. If a 12 year old thought process can BTFO your entire existence you need to ask yourself some serious questions.

This is why i'm a pagan. Reincarnation make 100x more sense, and every living being has a soul

>>God creates you knowing whether you'll go to heaven or hell
>Zero free will there
Stop trying to absolve yourself of responsibility you manchild. He is above time, so he knows everything that will happen, but YOU and ONLY YOU are bringing yourself to hell / heaven. You have free will and your own actions are bringing you there. You have no one but yourself to blame.

And the poor jewish man will have an afterlife locked down in hell with me..

>Imagine a gaz chamber, with a single shekel hanging from the ceiling, this shekel can get you out of hell if you accumulate interest with it in Hell’s central bank.

>The only problem, one of your fellow jew must stand outside and close the door for the shekel to drop, all that while starting the release of zyklon b.

Each time one of you filthy animals grab that shekel and survive, hell will go into recession and will devaluate shekels value by 99.9%

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He made me knowing every choice I would make. Why make me then? Kind of a waste of everyone's time and needless suffering

no but it does show a lack of humility and a predisposition towards worshipping yourself aka jewishness

how else do you justify having a rabbi torture innocent creatures to death just so "the chosen" can consume their flesh? for all the big brained vewbal eyequee stuff you guys sure are spiritually stunted retards

Unless my existence is imperative for the overall good of reality. In that case, I'm a necessary evil, if I even am evil

Hahahaha. Pretty good lol

So you concede your original retarded low IQ post?

No, just a little thought experiment and the Socratic method

cringe and brainwashedpilled

“The kingdom of Heaven is spread upon the earth, but men do not see it.”

The concept is symbolically meant for those whom create hell on earth for others and themselves. It’s merely a concept that all actions have consequences.

Funny because Christianity exists only because of brainwashing

Says the atheist, ironic.


Thank you fine gentlemen.

>Imagine how torturing it would be, they are so damn greedy they will shoah they fellow kikes over a shekel of no value, eternally...

Such a fitting end bwahahahaha

I'm always entertained by humans and human thinking calling out Gods plan. Me thinks God may just have a weeeeee bit more knowledge and ability than us. But by all means, believe what you want to believe.

>Heaven and hell don't make sense
because you believe in life after death
It's right here right now
>Fuck your soul it has no brain synapses to remember shit

I can see your teenage hormones are doing their work. One day, when you grow up you will realise that your intellect, your personality is not as unique as you thought it was when you were 12. You will realise that there are forces greater than you, forces you can't see, but you feel they are there because logic and reason dictates. Also the universe, existance is so complex, so mysterious that even a God could exist in this reality. You wont become full-blown religious but you will have respect for people who are

Or you'll become a creepy filthy atheist who will spend his remaining days overestimating his own intellect while underestimating other's

>Heaven and hell don't make sense.
Yes they do.
>What if a dog murders a 3 year old human? No divine justice?
No. An animal is an animal. Unthinking and driven by emotions.
>Now wife isn't in heaven because husband is in hell. Same case with parents and their children.
Purgatory for most. Hell for a select few. Sorry wives and parents.
>Zero free will there
We have free will. God just knows what we're going to do already. The decisions were ours.
>It's all a crock of hepatitis shit
Being an atheist in current year is even worse. Ever wonder why all the atheist garbage was gone by 2010? Because you faggots made such embarassments of yourselves online and in the media that you went into full retreat and stayed there ever since.
Thanks for popping your heap up though to let us know you dummies are still there.
Why don't you go bitch about how scientists won't condemn 74 genders, boys can have periods, and All IQs are the same? Because you're only interested in science vs. creationist debates?

>relax, kiddo. jesus never existed
Every historian on Earth disagrees with you, kike.

heaven and hell were invented by the catholic church, hell does not exist in the old or new testament, it is made up ... And that which is supposed to be heaven is only drawn by the church into the heads of the people. Read the Bibel and you will know. The existence of a hell or the general possibility of living only one time would be injustice, it would make no sense, because according to this logic, a child who dies in any case would go to heaven, but if you live longer its more likely that you will go to hell because you will be subjected to more temptations while the child was not even tried.

>child who dies goes to heaven right away because he/she doesn't have the chance to fuck it up
Makes sense, faggot.


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Where are you faggot. Starting a shit board means you have to sit trough it pussy.

>As long as you confess your sins and believe in jesus you can go to heaven
>Do bad shit all your life
>repent on death bed

wow what a great moral system you have there.

>some online bullshit
So bigthink.com got the scoop but every university and historian in the country didn't?
"Today more and more, historians and bloggers alike are questioning whether the actual man called Jesus existed."
This person literally included bloggers with historians in the article.
And the author listed books from "historians" that have been trying to disprove the historical Jesus for decades and have failed horribly.
Try again, kike.

Heaven and hell aren't places you can really get to. Heaven and hell are like the places of ultimate good and ultimate evil. So when you do something good you're going to heaven (or towards heaven) when you do something bad you're going to hell (towards hell).

>>Heaven and hell don't make sense.
>Yes they do.

AHAHAHAHA, Americans everyone.

Hell exists, it's the Muslim shithole that is Canada.
And nice bleddit spacing, faggot.

Qwaknada isn’t hell
>it’s the gate kek

Animals have souls... kind of. That's why as the animal population declines and the human population increases, the souls of animals are reincarnated into some humans.
You can often see a human with an animal soul. They're easily recognizable. They often have features that resemble the animal that coincides with their soul.
It's why some people remind us of reptiles and others have "horse faces" or look like a dog.
Their actions are often Similar, too.
Mike Tyson, for example, has the soul of a Pitbull. That's why he can be both goofy and funny but also quick to turn to violence and sometimes for no reason.
It's usually easy to spot. That "Mousey Girl" in the library at your school... you guessed it. A mouse. That enormous sheboon that's always loud at your work? Definitely a Chimp.
Soulsnare finite but recycled. This is also why balance is important. Without balancing nature and humanity, human souls will be outnumbered by animals. Most SJW types are souls of herd-type prey animals. They stick together with their own kind and shun outsiders.

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>repent on death bed, go to heaven

Doesn't work like that, sorry. God knows whether you had good intentions but fucked up sometimes (and that's ok, we're human, we all fuck up), or whether you're a sick disgusting fuck who wanted to laugh it up your whole life and then "repent" at the end, thinking you pulled the ol' fast one on The Lord Of All Creation.

You aren't fooling Him. If you think you are, you've just committed the worst sin of all, Pride, in believing you could ever do so.

There is only one unforgivable sin: blasphemy, that is, to think yourself higher, smarter, better, than God.

The Ol' Switcheroo is blasphemy, and it gets you a one-way ticket straight to the Eternal Pit where you get your ass chewed up by Satan, spit out, and then healed just so he can do it again, forever.

Word of warning: you can't fool God. Kikes think they can, that's why they do all their disgusting shit. All but a few of the good ones (and they will be FEW) are getting BTFO'ed eternally.

The concepts are metaphorical in order to guide people into doing good things rather than bad things. This was more important centuries ago, now the concept is "common sense." There is no soul, you die and that's it. No reincarnation, nothing. You're dead. ..Okay, maybe there's reincarnation but only in the most literal sense of "I died, put me in the ground. I'll decompose into nutrients for plants. I am now a plant. Boom, reincarnation." If reincarnation were real, there would be evidence of it that isn't complete bullshit.

Every religion is pandering to people who are afraid of facing the reality of their own mortality. You can't prove me wrong.

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I hate diving punishments

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>There is only one unforgivable sin: >blasphemy, that is, to think yourself >higher, smarter, better, than God.

Yet you stupid kuks continue to vaccinate.

>What if a dog murders a 3 year old human? No divine justice?
Animals cannot commit murder because they have no conscience. Murder is slaughter, an unlawful killing. Animals are incapable of comprehending law or morality.
>Now wife isn't in heaven because husband is in hell. Same case with parents and their children.
Nope. Heaven is heaven, a paradise, your loved ones who didn't make it were punished accordingly. You were awarded accordingly.
>Zero free will there
You're the one who picks where you're going, God doesn't tell you what to pick or where you're going. He just knows what you're going to do. Free will is still there.

Animals, insects and even plants have souls, but only ones with self-consciousness are judged.

You wouldn't blame a mosquito for sucking your blood, but you would with a Jew.

As if they wouldn't make fanciful stories to make a slave of you as well.

Money has become the new God. Now more than ever, as it is based on faith since we've abandoned the gold standard. Hell is poverty, eternal suffering, while Heaven is having ample money.

Arguably the Church/Jews always knew this, which is why Tithe is a thing. Keep the flock poor so they continue to suffer, which keeps their faith strong ("God is just testing me"), while promising better things after a life of suffering. But only if you are a good goy who gives the church money your entire life and worships at their altar. Otherwise you can go fuck yourself, sinner.
Miss me with that crock of shit.

>heaven and hell dont make sense
only to reprobates
>what if a dog etc
dogs cannot commit murder, brainlet
>animals dont have a soul
false, all living things have some sort of soul, that is literally the etymology of "animal" where the ancient understanding was that the soul was the vital force
>husband and wife eternally separated
rofl, if the wife is in heaven she will have perfect happiness and, in fact, derive pleasure from fully understanding the ultimate suffering of her reprobate husband; human relations are literally nothing compared to the perfect heavenly state
>predestination, omniscience, etc
Maybe you just shouldnt be a degenerate.

there are hellish and heavenly planets that you can reincarnate on. all animals have a soul just like humans and your consciousness at the time of death determines where you go. if you want to stop reincarnating then git gud and achieve moksha.
there is free will among the soul and the supersoul (holy spirit) which is more subtle than simple material cause and effect

jews are not self conscious. they don't care. i blame a jew and a mosquito equally. what do you do when a mosquito is on your arm? you still hit it despite the fact that it has practically no mind. the consciousness of the jew and the mosquito are very similar. it's mostly the mind and intellect that differ.

I can't tell if you're meme'ing or if you're serious, but I'll presume the latter.

I honestly think that as counter-intuitive as it may be, you're letting yourself off the hook morally when you don't blame the Jew for what it does. You push away the notion that there is pure evil on this Earth, you'd just rather categorize it as an insect that has no choice.

Do you really think the Jew could be as crafty as it has proved itself to be without having self-consciousness? To follow the path of Lucifer is a choice.

imagine being this incredibly stupid, maybe thr jews are right and gentiles really are goyim

>Heaven and hell don't make sense.
They do. Heaven is where God resides and Hell was created for the devil and his angels.

>What if a dog murders a 3 year old human? No divine justice?
Animals were not made in God's image so they are not held to the same standard as humans.

>wife goes to heaven, husband who is love of her life goes to hell
>Now wife isn't in heaven because husband is in hell. Same case with parents and their children.
Do what now?

>God creates you knowing whether you'll go to heaven or hell
>Zero free will there
The case for free will is very complicated and even old coots that have studied it for their entire lives get tripped up on it. Oh but you who have only thought about it for a few minutes have all the answers.

Jeremiah 17:9-10
>The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
>I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

That explains it clearly.

Indeed, why wouldn’t i ?

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>What if a dog murders a 3 year old human? No divine justice?
Murder is a technical term that implies choice over right and wrong, this is exactly why people insanity defense can save a crazy person from getting the chair / doing life.

>wife goes to heaven, husband who is love of her life goes to hell
This hinges on the notion that the consciousness of the individual remains the same from here to the afterlife, which is a fairly ridiculous notion given that the consciousness inhabits a physical brain on Earth and is directly influenced by its limitations.

>God creates you knowing whether you'll go to heaven or hell
says who?

Is this your first time discussing these things with adults?

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>wife goes to heaven, husband who is love of her life goes to hell
>Now wife isn't in heaven because husband is in hell. Same case with parents and their children.

1st century doomsday cult is as full of contradictions as is the 4,000 year old desert cult. 1 Cor 7:14 states that an unbelieving spouse is saved through the virtue of a believer spouse - i'm guessing it has do with the two-becoming-one-flesh thing.
>in b4 "personal relationship with JHC"
ancient jew scribblings can be used to justify ANYTHING - for every scripture you pull to prove a point a scripture can be pulled to prove the exact opposite

Animals have no souls, only a spirit. Humans have a soul and a spirit.