American civil war enthusiast is tired of talking

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based and redpilled


Mossad should fuck off

Kikes you need to stop posting videos with below 1000 views on Jow Forums ans pretend like you just stumbled upon it. Really pathetic.

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KEK!!! AS ALWAYS YOU STUPID KIKES JUST HAVE TO INCLUDE A RED HAT. You Jews probably think that's all it takes to blame drumpf for false flags don't you?

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*Skizo posting intensifies*

yup i can already see it

retard maga fag posts edgy videos of himself calling for a "violent" civil war

goes on shooting, jewish elite uses this video as one of the last final pushes towards stricter gun control, trump would get bashed the shit out of him because of this guy, forcing him to do something

sloppy job mossad

is there such a thing as a nonviolent civil war?
inquiring minds would like to know.

>American civil war enthusiast is tired of talking
>tired of talking
Aren't we all?


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I think eventually we will fight. Once the economy collapses for good this year or next the civil war will start.

you people realize that we WILL have to fight eventually, right? These people literally want us dead, extinct, gone, and imagine how smoothly it is going for them as they know we wont rise up as a people. Rather than fighting back, we criticize our own for even THINKING of taking the fight to the REAL WORLD. We call them jews and CIA agents, but what are you doing to make sure the white race doesn't die out? Typing on a keyboard? Posting a video online? Making edgy memes? Our people as a whole will die lest we take up arms and fight against our eternal enemy.
>inb4 glowing kike durr hurr
tell me a non-violent solution then, please enlighten me. You cant.

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scumbag hitler: sending children to die for him while he was comfy in his bunker.

>fight against our eternal enemy
women and boomers?

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i don't see you giving me a non-violent solution to the prevention of the extinction of the European race


>Makes youtube video
Isn't he just doing the same thing?
>Form militias
How do you keep the feds out from infiltrating?

alright, listen, give me another way to prevent the extinction of the white race that will actually work besides arming ourselves and fighting the enemy head on.

You already made this thread yesterday. Nobody cares how butthurt you are by the edgy internet man.

>give me another way to prevent the extinction of the white race that will actually work besides arming ourselves and fighting the enemy head on.
There is no other solution, lol.