Finding a girl suitable for marriage

Marrying an 18 year old is a decent shortcut around women’s legal equality, I would think.
Theoretically, they’re not in college yet, they’re naive but not dumb, peak fertility, etc.
what would it take to make one my wife, and does anyone have some stories to share?

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Try dragging a 20 through a trailer park


Anyways OP, looks like life is too hard for you, either continue being a delapidated cumbrain who relies on anime for social needs or just straight kill yourself because your past and future will never be remembered by anyone because you were too busy COOOOOOOOMING!!!!

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This. But you will learn that an 18 yo can be very damaged goods already.

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Try 15. Even 14.

18 is too late. Once they hit high school it's too late.

>girl suitable for marriage
>has saved pictures of underaged cartoon girls on his computer

Mate, you're the problem.

Join a conservative church.
Some 25-30 year olds at my church are more pure than most 16
Year olds now.

I have access to virgins from every household.I will get married and live happily with my Trad wife. You western cucks give away your daughters to niggers. It's no wonder the west is diying. Your culture is a culture of degeneracy and a glorification of filth. What a shame.

How do you know her age?

The sand nigger is right. White sharia now!

boomer take

It's clearly portrayed as juvenile.

All of your wives have hairy nipples
No wonder you put them in trash bags

its a matter of luck, unfortunately. i found mine we've been engaged for 5 years and marrying soon. but there is hope.

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You're just jealous white boi

>you mad white boi?

Get in shape, and be able to take care of yourself.
Don't be in debt, and make sure she is not in debt, and also tattoo free, and also a virgin.

It's not hard.

The only hard part is deciding whether or not to love her and try to keep her, or be BASED and ghost her as soon as she is 20 and start looking for another fresh 18yo to play with.

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By all means
You can keep those ninjas

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She aint covered seething white boi. You wish you had good girls who submit to their men. Who's fathers raised them right.

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You're not wrong but neither is the hairy nipples guy. Short of going on jihads not sure how to fix it.

The one uncovered part is covered
In a ton of makeup
I'd rather fuck an actual ninja

>You're just jealous white boi
I don't associate with nonwhites let alone engage in bestiality with them

Cry harder.

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I hope you know westernised arabs / musliminas are degenerate whores. They'll let you run lines of coke off their ass and let you stick your cock in there if you give them a hit or two.
I ran my dick across this shitskin wearing a Hijabi on the bus today. Shit was cash
Met a international banadeshi student named Asha, she was a complete freak. Gave great head
Oh, Kurdish girls are also whores.

You are pathetic

Virgin part is the hardest.
18 is about the point I stop trusting their claims of virginity. I know girls who kept themselves through highschool, but they all started hooking up real quick in college (some did it you get than that obviously, but not all).
Fishing for freshman or younger seems my only bet if I want to have any hope of living a ‘trad’ life.
>broke: 35 is the wall
>woke: 20 is the wall


Let it be known Canadian Muslims are westernized cucks. We always knew you dumb leaf

Just canadian ones? Keep telling yourself that. Notice how I mentioned westernized.
Kuwait has more women in the workforce than MENA women over here. Kek

Big brained.
Violence tends to solve this though.
Also, the concept of marriage is basically dead.

They work in government jobs. They hardly ever show up to work.

If you can't get a virgin, at the very least make sure you don't get a blown out roastie.

They all lie about how many they've been with, and how many dicks they've sucked.
So you must always assume the worst.
Check their holes, and always try to get them tested.
Unless you see a hymen, there should be no reason to chance fucking a walking STD.

The big part though, is working out/lifting.
Most men actually don't look half bad.
In fact, most women are fugly, but make up and bras and other devices allows them to hide the ugliness.

If you lift, they will come.

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So you're saying they're niggers?

>this picture will be me in 5 years time

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wew. gunna go lift now user.
it's a 30 minute workout rn, but eventually it'll be up to 60-80 minutes.

Jesus fuck why do you people care so much about sticking your penis in woman. Start focusing on yourself and treat people like actual people and not analyzing every fucking thing.

Women in Kuwait constitute 74.52 percent of the total number of employees. Among them, male Kuwaiti employees constitute 29.93 percent and female employees 44.59 percent. This means, 60 percent of the Kuwaiti employees of the PUBLIC sector are women.
Indeed Kuwait shows multiple different job offerings for women

Sounds like you need a dickin.
>post feet

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some girls who do horse back riding and other physical activity can break their hymen prematurely
the hymen isn't a very accurate telling of whether or not a woman is a virgin

Why not mate.

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I have some bad news for you if you're trying to fuck a girl that's into horses.

When I meet some actual people I will treat them like that.

If she goes horseback riding, or does anything to break her hymen, it's still best to stay away.
Women like horseback riding and piggy back rides, or those bouncing work out balls all for the same reason.
If they lost their hymen to those things, she basically has lost her virginity.

There are far too many women, and new legal 18yos out there, to waste time on a 20yo horse back rider who you can assuredly tell is a whore or not.

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Seduce a 15 yrd old during private lessons. Get her pregnant. Marry her. Done

19 yr old femanon here, most of us are shitskins and liberals so it might be kinda hard. I don’t mean to burst your bubble here, but I’ve yet to meet another white girl my age who is conservative and willing to get married and have a family young.

Absolute meme. Unless you are in a rural area with ranches this is an irrelevant argument

18 year olds are fucking retarded. anytime i match with one on tinder they’re the most vapid and boring people to talk to ever. but then anyone who is 20+ is an sjw

>Treat women like people
And do what? You want to give them the vote or something?
Women want to be owned, it’s part of their nature. Look at birth rates following the liberation of women; they plummet.
Let’s do right by our women and make them property again. It’s time to restore the power balance to its correct position.

Are you sure you'd be able to handle a girl as young? They fall pray to Chad-like men for a reason.

Do all of your tattoos mean something special to you?

What group does most of us designate

I don’t have any. I’m not a degenerate and I don’t hate myself.

100% chance you are living in a city with that ignorant comment.

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Please explain what you mean, I’m basically retarded and I don’t know what you’re trying to say.

18yo are just naive, not actually retarded.
It's actually perfect.

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Check 'em.

Horse women are exceptionally high maintenance, typically stubborn as fuck, and will want you to work your ass off to pay for the costs of her "hobby horses" that she doesn't bother to break for anything but casual riding. Good horses for working cattle and hunting (the horse doesn't spook when you shoot while mounted and understands the concept of keeping even pace when running down coyotes) are fucking rare nowadays.

t. Ranch hand that knows good horses and has encountered hundreds of roastie-tier horse women that just want to be buckle bunnies until they can become a stay-at-home horse cunt

>I don’t hate myself

Good women aren’t found though, they’re made.
Pick a woman that isn’t damaged who you find attractive, then live your life to the fullest and she’ll be proud to stick by your side and be the woman you want to be around.

I think you’re covered in tattoos and you’re butthurt that everyone thinks they’re disgusting.

HOLD ON, before we continue any type of conversation with this {{{woman}}}

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You stated that 'most of us are shitskins'
Does this mean women of your age in your area for example? Or something else?

I think she meant Americans in general kek

church girls take wont have sex until marriage is your only option but you dont believe in God so thats that

Well that practically confirms it, from your words alone. You're one of {{{them}}}
>For the uneducated, the curly brackets doesn't mean (((them))), think flaps of beef.
Are you the girl from the last thread?

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Woman want to be submissive but they are also fucking people mate. Most woman don’t even give a rats ass about voting even if they had privileges.

>Finding a girl suitable for marriage
Don't marry western women.

Yes it means the ones who live in my area, but it might also be true for most places in America. Gen Z is like half nonwhite.

They say they don't have sex. Or just do blowjobs and anal only

Most church girls that are of age are typically blown out roastie single mothers trying to take advantage of men looking for "good girls".
It may have use to been the case in the past, but it is now literally a meme.

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Should we tell him?

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Women are allowed to be trash. They are also allowed to be single cat ladies, too.

Gypsies are scum, too.

No, but I don’t think my denial proves anything.

Your right our ancestors fucked it up back then when woman were allowed to vote right but we have to fix it by actually doing shit instead of posting And jerking off to tits and bitching about which race is better.

What makes you so suitable user?

>Woman want to be submissive but they are also fucking people
Unfortunately, the people they fuck are why they need abortions 4 times a year.

Met my wife when we were 17 and 18. Can confirm. She wasn't naive though and neither was I. Broken home kids from fucked up childhoods

That's worse than one that ones a toy dog.

I saw a woman pushing a dog in a baby stroler the other day at the store.
I shit you not.
At first glance she almost looked normal.
That has to be humiliating for the dog.

>they’re naive but not dumb, peak fertility,
>inb4 she files divorce to "find herself"

>This lady again...

"The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about.

Whenever you tried to attack one of these whores, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these ROASTIES so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, she couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next thread. The ROASTIE had not the slightest recollection of the thread before, she rattled off her same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; she couldn't remember a thing, except that she had proved the correctness of her assertions the previous thread.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.

I didn't know what to be more amazed at; the agility of their shilling or their virtuosity at lying.

Gradually I began to hate {{{them.}}}"

-Jow Forums's Kampf, user Troller

Yeah and that’s their problem they want to be a whore go ahead they bitched about equality well here it is. Most girls in my hs acted like whores and now they are druggies while I’m living the high life sucks for them but hey they made their bed by sucking multiple dicks. And I don’t feel any shame at all. Woman will bitch back to being submissive give it time.

Well, some of us are trying to fix it, but trying to save women doesn't seem worthwhile anymore.

Let's try something new.

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Please femanons just ignore the screeching autists.
You can't argue with retards. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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What are you talking about?

Oh, it is so much fun going to reunions and seeing the trash looking haggard.

I feel you, money is fun when you don't have to share it.

Basically. Women are malleable.
Like all people though, they calcify with age and don’t adapt as well.
Don’t take a 20 y/o roastie and try to make her a housewife.
18 is just about the perfect age (with a margin of error) for bringing a girl into the adult world.

Don't worry about it, I'm pretty sure she is the fame femanon from a similar thread from a few last weekend.

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Holy shit, I thought retards like you only existed in Jow Forums horror stories

Same femanon from a similar thread from last weekend.*
>I think she is using evil woman magic on me to discombobulate my words.

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No girls on the internet.

>25m white
>80k/year, own my own house (only debt)
>13% bf, 6'3"
Where the fuck do I go to meet women? All of my hobbies are solitary or male dominated

The only thing conservatives conserve is Israeli territory. If there was a conservative and a jew and I only had one bullet I'd shoot the conservative.

You assume far too much. Of course I will only get a virgin myself.
I was talking about those anons who start to screech at femanons for no reason whatsoever.

Don’t know if this proves anything but you said you wanted a picture so here you go.

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I suggest we start bioengineering perfect humans like some stuff from man of steel purity of genetics and no brain damage nothing. It’s just better this way something has gone on with the population. I’ll research some more.

Exactly I stopped giving a shit about woman and fucking pussy and just focused on what I want. I don’t need some whores affection of me I prefer what I want in life and so far it’s working out fine.

If you want to help, you reply to the stretchers in a witty manner. What you did is just white knight cringe overload.

This bitch got neck herpes
