Ok faggs what the fuck is this?

US Navy admits that leaked videos of UFO sightings are real and shouldn’t have been made public


and it's not the first time:

Attached: ufo.png (1920x1080, 888K)

Other urls found in this thread:


When they said ufos weren’t real, no one believed them.
Now that they say they are real there’s even less reason to believe them.

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UFO stands for unidentified flying object.
It could literally be anything. go back to sleep user

leaked by the deep state to distract from Pizzagate, Skippy thought he could get Jow Forums off his ass by talking about aliens, nice try Skip

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They've been aware of the nimitz encounter since 2004 and they still don't know what it is

Aliens exist and they're implementing a soft disclosure policy to mitigate "public panic." In a few years, everything will be out there.

The nimitz video first got leaked in 2007, back when you were younger than 10.

So you're gonna distrust the government on just about anything, but "see the government believes in Ayys" is truth.
Theres no hope for you

is this infamous dutch nihilism?
you see, nihilism always suck vs realism, objective perceptions and simple curiosity.

It's Dutch sarcasm, so you were pretty close!
I do remember some articles some FBI or CIA heads admitted the UFO's being real a few weeks ago.
But your thread doesn't have any questions to start a discussion.

weather balloon, obviously.

Attached: weather balloon.jpg (500x400, 37K)

Its a rocket. Missile.
Yes ICBM's can do 90 degree turns and speed off.
This isn't the 50's rocket technology has come a long way.

Literally every single ufo sighting in history can be explained by natural phenomena, mental illness, regular flight vehicles or secret military technology.

No, these are UAP - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Slightly different. Possibly even elevated to AAV - Advanced Aerial Vehicle status.
The Navy in particular is subtly asking for the public’s help in figuring this out. This is the single biggest threat we face to national security simply due to the unknowns.

my question: is what is this? a baloon, a secret Russian / Israeli / China aircraft? or a swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.

one of them really look like a missle, but the others and especially the chile one doesn't look like at all.

I know that, I am a man of scince. but dive deeper into these exact cases, they don't fit in standart narrative.

Alines are inherently jewish. All of the figure heads in the UFO community are jewish

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>ufos weren’t real

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It's vimana-scout. Soon, maybe even sooner, mothership will arrive and destroy all gray aliens aka reptiloids. Their (((servants))) will learn how to provide on their own, without exploitation of us, normal humans.

Ps google c2019q4

It's an anomaly in the camera. Nobody saw it with their own eyes. It's always "I saw it with my own eyes!!!" you mean you watched the monitor glitch with your own eyes.

considering the greys (Satan) gatekeep for the Jewish faith, this would make sense

the fractal physics infer that the greys are more ((())) than the (((Jews)))

Project blue beans...

Screencap this

>shouldn’t have been made public
where is this information coming from?

why is it being pushed hard on here for the last year with the help of faggots like you? to distract

The videos are real, yes.
The object is unidentified, yes.
The article does NOT say that these objects are aliens.

Everyone knows this. Are you like 14 years old? Hurr durr ufo doesn’t mean alien. Thanks for the brilliant insight, pal.
If t were known to be an alien craft, then it wouldn’t be “unidentified”.

These objects are just MilOrbs employed by black projects branch of U.S. military industrial complex.

imagine believing the US NAVY.

exactly why this called UFO - (!) unidentified flying objects
no one says it's the aliens, Billy.

This is how low they've gone for new recruits

the second video is chilean air force

Lying shill. Weeks to months of contacts depending on event with Mk. 1 Eyeballs, radar and FLIR contacts on some of the same objects.

big lol if you believe in masonic "ufos" or "aliens"

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Attached: Tsoukalos_its-aliens.jpg (553x484, 35K)

Alien ETs are real. The was a civilization on Mars. The asteroid belt was once a planet. The Moon is a space station.

USN vet here. I was stationed at NAS Whidbey Island in the late 90s. I transferred to North Island for my shore rotation and was given a MAC flight on a 737. Halfway there, the captain came over the intercom and ordered us all to pull down our window shades. I was on the window and happened to be on the port side, where by goddamn there was a fucking HUGE cylinder/cigar thing cruising along matching our air speed. I pulled the shade down slowly, pretending it was sticking and got an eyeful.

About 5 seconds after I closed my shade, there was some kind of flash (bright enough to outline the shade), a brief jostle and the flight returned to normal. 10 minutes later, we were told we could pull our shades up.

I looked at this grizzled old chief next to me, who just whispered, seriously "Just keep your mouth shut. You didn't see anything and neither did anyone else."

When we landed, everyone on the port side of the aircraft was told to remain seated. I thought it was a deplaning thing. Nope. A full bird came aboard and went down the aisle, asking everyone if they saw something with a pissed off "I fucking dare you" face.

I went along with the game and said no, and like all the other "No sir" guys, got permission to debark. One airman a few rows behind me said, "Yes sir." He was escorted off the plane under armed guard. The old chief said, "A long ass chewing and 72 hours in the loony bin for him."

I never thought I'd see the day they admitted this shit is up there. God damn.

where is said I belive in anything in the OP - at all?

it's interesting if this isn't a larp
describe this cigar object with little more details?

Squid was on here last spring, said he was doing graveyard watch out in the Atlantic on some destroyer. At half-past something, he sees one of the glowing cigars descend out of the cloud deck, pull up alongside the ship for a minute and silently glide off.
Whatever these things are, they are curious about us.

Intredasting, got any proofs?

Attached: Proofster.jpg (1076x876, 238K)

UFO just means it's unidentified. It doesn't mean it's extraterrestrial. Basically the Navy is saying "We don't know what it is."

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Demons masturbating into our dimension

The US Military knows what it is. They're selling you on the unknown part.
It's most likely their toy.

>The asteroid belt was once a planet.
Heinrich Olbers, who discovered a comet and two Main-Belt asteroids, formulated this "Disrupted Planet" hypothesis.

>nuclear powered surveillance drones

That's possible. I'm just saying the average retard will read that headline and say the Navy is admitting aliens are visiting Earth.


"Hey millennial!!! We get killing and failed geopolitics are lame now... but hey, enlist and come look at weird shit!!!!"

it's powered with hydrogen or even nuclear, probably military tech

Navy is calling them UAP.
Not enough mass to form a real planet in the Main Belt and Jupiter is a harsh gravitational master.
One of two possible semi-conventional human systems.

why does Jow Forums hate ufo and aliens

>Space fags checking out semen.

What else would you expect space fags to do?

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Fuck sake, even the aliens are chemtrailing us.

we can do two things at once...take your meds incels

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pedovores and their legacy and social media protectors are being delivered to justice.


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do we? aliens are not:


so we still haven't figure out yet

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where is everyone on 58 replies but over 300 for greta climate change

I'm sleepy

Its fucking shills man. Pol is 98% shills.
Youtube video comments sections are more redpilled than pol

>US Navy admits that leaked videos of UFO sightings are real and shouldn’t have been made public
Us navy releases shoops of fake n gay to initiate endgame ff

>Bill Cooper worked for (((Naval intelligence)))

open discussion.
I suggest to consider aliens as shitskins

seems like a psy op..anything government says is false..shame, many such cases

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Look like foo fighters to me.

watch the second video
it's undoubtedly UFO: Unidentified Farting Object

>1 post by this ID
shit larp

We have in-depth topical discussions on these things while the shills are distracted.


>Not enough mass to form a real planet in the Main Belt
...that is the usual objection to the Olbers hypothesis; but after an impact strong enough to disrupt a planet,
there is no reason to expect more than a small fraction of the original mass to remain in a stable orbit.

The problem with that hypothesis is Jupiter. During planetary formation, the big guy would have formed before the terrestrial planets and flung significant mass out of the Main Belt, preventing accretion of a fourth rocky planet. Ceres gets real close, though.

Navy fliers are saying they saw small spheres, Tic Tacs and crescent vehicles during these encounters.

I'm looking to the sky to save me


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What do you think is the significance of the different shaped vehicles working together?

Wikileaks dude was Gitmo'd, NSA spying guy is hiding in Moscow, aliens are real video leaking guy no problem at all.
I do not believe it is real.

Accretion and disruption are the two main hypotheses about the Main Belt; but neither is completely convincing, nor are they necessarily contradictory.

it was my load caught on tape.

Attached: legion coom on enoch.png (680x566, 717K)

It’s a glitch in the simulation

coommer is one of the shittiest and unfunny meme made up so far. but at least it serves purpose; yeah - porn should be restricted.

That second one was just an airliner leaving a contrail. The Chilean helicopter crew misidentified the distance and so they miscalculated its speed and size.

Attached: Alien Dong.gif (450x320, 472K)

Blury out of focus bullshit, these are the same cunts that reckon they can take pictures of your phone screen from space and fire a missile up your ass from another continent.

Project blue beam


What model airliner has four lobes and no wings?
Except for the ones with clear focus like the Puerto Rico and Chilean videos.

I heard the greek gods are based on aliens so they must be a bunch of dicks.

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>What model airliner has four lobes and no wings?

One that's very far away on a thermal camera.

I don't know what the fuck that thing in the first video is, that footage is way more interesting. But that second one was just an airliner. I saw a show on it and the things trajectory matched an airliner that was flying by.

Attached: Aliens giorgio-tsoukalos.jpg (461x403, 19K)


>Aliens exist and they're implementing a soft disclosure policy to mitigate "public panic." In a few years, everything will be out there.


It's fucking aliens. We've known for decades. Greatest discovery in human history is a behind-the-fold story because it's a meme at this point

You have no idea how a thermal camera works do you?

Yeah I'm thinking pretty much this.


This is the biggest national security threat we face and a tremendous opportunity.

How is it an opportunity? Legit interested


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