Good job voting for drumpf

Good job voting for drumpf

He’s literally destroying America’s economy

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This is how you build economies dumbass

>fed artificially keeps rates at 0 for obama
>purposely raises them for trump
>reluctantly lowers them again when called out on it

Only zoomers do not remember 2008. I hope you youngsters bought gold.

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Interest rates being low aren't good retard.

the fuck you talking about, you think the feds should be able to extort money from us via their usurpation of the right to issue currency?

Trump is kinda trying to stop the inevitible crisis. He is a populist lying dumbass but he isnt stupid and knows a crisis due to debt is inevitible. However what he does is too little and too late.

Hey, how about you come up with fresh insults for Trump, so we're not bored to tears every time you complain how he's literally worse than Hitler, you're so super cereal guys?

Here, I'll even help you as a starter - Thwomp, as in the Mario Bros world enemy. It's even a very angry living wall that tries to crush people who walk under it! If I had any skill as a dragfag I'd even draw a picture of it for you.

>t. retard

Fed reserves the right to do by simply printing money you fucking idiot. Low interest rates create bubbles. Want to change something? Blow up the fed.

>the whole world is in a slump except for the us
>drumpf bad

>Fed reserves the right to do by simply printing money you fucking idiot
that's why a 0% rate is preferable, stupid fuck
go ahead and enlighten us, faggot

It's so far beyond being fixed at this point it doesn't really matter. The rest of world is pumping money into their economies so we may as well also. Better to have something break in Europe or China first.


they aren't bad either. it depends on circumstance like for instance right now when we're facing a liquidity crisis in the overnight market we want them low because that shit can trigger a chain of events that lead to a situation similar to 2008.

No one cares commie faggot kys.

God bless you all

Learn how to use "literally" you FUCKING imbecile.

Fucking die once the chinese take over. You doomed yourself, no matter if you support trump or hate him

I wish that they actually decided to use the money for infrastructure improvements or education instead of just flowing into the pockets of rich Jews endlessly

2008 happened due to panic. What will make people panic more - lowering interest rates from something like 10 or 5%, or being unable to lower interest rates because they're already near 0?

I do agree this infinite growth system is going to fucking collapse eventually but it doesn't have to be like this.

I'm still a young man, I just got my first apartment (wanted to save up for a place but my family is just too idiotic). Why would it be bad for me as a lower middle class American that interest rates go down? Arent interests rates bad for anyone who takes a loan or borrows money in anyway? I'm 25 and I've never borrowed money from any institution or government agency. I'm no banker but this just sounds like it's better for the person borrowing money as they wont have to owe an unpayable amount of money for eternity. Is the American economy that dependent on loan and debt? If that's true, it's time we need to start a new america. One better than what the founders could have ever imagined. They made mistakes that allowed Democrats to create the bullshit we are in. Start over and improve upon the original model.

I think it was Adam's or Jefferson that said "We need a revolution every 20 years in order to sustain the freedom of our repiblic"... something like that.

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Hey, cool it with the antisemitism.

>killing the wider economy just to force more mindless consumer spending
Based, lets accumulate even more corporate debt and make sure every pension fund fails

He wanted higher cuts

>we're facing a liquidity crisis in the overnight market
No we're not.

for borrowers it's awesome
for lenders who gives a fuck

The why it reached 10%?

Unironically pisses me off how we subsidize failing companies that are even bigger than 2008 and destined to need another bailout soon. They're insulated from competitive standards.

Interest rates affect more than just loans you fucking mouthbreather.

What reached 10%?

>2008 happened due to panic.

that's rather secondary because the problem regardless of reason was that banks were unwilling to lend to each other at reasonable prices in the over night market. that is by all accounts a liquidity crisis. the way to solve it is classicaly easing.

>I do agree this infinite growth system is going to fucking collapse eventually

I did not say anything about.

The repo market

Well when they can no longer push off the inevitable if we're lucky the fed will be scrapped and the government can get rid of federal taxes all together and print its own currency. Infrastructure development is a useful way to get some of that circulating. Let the large investment banks collapse and replace them with state development banks using free market interest rates.

It's been the big news over the last couple days. Over 100 billion $ already injected by the fed, which is why some people were starting to expect the official announcement of QE4 today at the FOMC meeting.

>get rid of federal taxes all together and print its own currency.

That would cause massive inflation.

by the way interest rates in the us are at 1.75% right now. That is not 0.

No it wouldn't.



All those minority lending requirement Onigger passed are catching up to use now 5-7 yrs later.

>Ay yo hola up Banks. Ay dog, youz funna lend to mo brother and sheeit aight? Dont be asking for paperwork or docs aight? dat be racist yo!
>Tyrone and Jamal all of sudden get 30k SUVs and opt for the 4k rim package
>O down, 199$ payments for 84 months with balloon balance

Now fucking wonder we are seeing more repos. Cucks and betas and niggers are spurging out on 40k + cars and making Schlomo and Chaim happy with the interest rates.

They're just trying to boost the economy, they don't do it because there is a liquidity crisis.

>it's just boosting the economy to inject over 100b in the course of a couple days as repo rates inexplicably explode

China isn't a threat to anyone but to they're own people commie faggot.

What do repo rates have to do with liquidity?


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Secured overnight funds

See you in 10 years.



wrong link.



The Federal Reserve Corporation is a business, not a federal office.


Air is bad for children.
Water is bad for life.
Trees are bad for the environment.



>we're facing a liquidity crisis
Then leave Poland, dumbshit.

You dumbass, the repo rate relates to short term borrowing of government securities. It's got nothing to do with repossession of assets in a default.

I got my cd rate months ago I dont give a fuck.

Actually, 2008 was caused by loans to niggers that can't pay for them, to buy houses they can't take care of.

No, it isn’t. Low and zero interest rates kill savings and healthy investment strategies, and promote ever-riskier investment strategies and rolling over debt rather than paying it off. It’s how you blow bubbles in markets which always crash and blow up those risky investments.

are you somehow stupid?


>problem regardless of reason

stop responding to me.

Good luck eating gold.

Good luck trading a loaf of bread for anything outside of some wild doomsday scenario.

> being this stupid

Ahahaha, im dead

You're a cuck from rapefugeeistan, of course you can't understand things like money when you have to steal cars like a Polack.

you're trying too hard, mutt.

Yeah, socialists are allowed to know what "business" is.


Shut up kike.

No one takes the gold coin because they think there's some kind of strings attached to a stranger offering them something valuable.

...says the polack that thinks: "MONEY KILLS BUSINESS!"

Yeah, but it still a funny response to gold bugs in doomsday mode.

Are you trying to make me comment on your reading comprehension?

“Wednesday, September 18, 2019

New Housing Starts and Building Permits data has been released for the month of August this morning before the bell, with results coming in better than expected for both sides of this particular coin. Housing Starts last month grew 12% to 1.264 million seasonally adjusted, annualized units, well in front of the 4.1% growth expected and 1.260 million units in the consensus estimate.”

Something else that contributed was competition. There are less homes in this country than people. When everyone is able to buy, housing prices skyrocket because everyone wants to move to the same places. It's not uncommon for a home in a good economy to be listed at 3x or 4x it's real value, whereas in a shitty economy most real estate assets depreciate to closer to their true value. These people weren't just getting loans they couldn't afford, they were using those loans on homes that were marked up 50 to 300 percent.

Fuck anyone that cries about interest rates, those kikes get their money in so many other ways.

You think low interest rates are bad.
Yes, you do think money is bad for business. Like a dumb polack vodka nigger.

IDs are a thing you moron:

now leave me the fuck alone, mongo

I think the major factor in the housing crisis was the availability of cheap loans. (supposedly as a result of the affordable housing act of 1992). Now you're describing the market effect of price rising due to lots of buyers and you're not wrong about that, but the effect here is better described as lots of money chasing few goods, because the houses appreciated in price and could simultaneously be used as collateral for further loans which fueled the bubble in logarithmic fashion. (remember the scene from the big short where the stripper had 3 houses?)

(((Who))) destroyed the economy?

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This, it's wrong thing to do, but the only way to compete. At least we don't have negative interest rates yet, many countries do.

>This is how you build economies dumbass

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Low rates are bad for savers, wage earners, and those on fixed income. If you already bought a house it might be good. Higher present value, higher inflation, etc make your assets (anything not dollars) worth more