Who did you vote for last presidential election? Did your candidate win? If so, do you regret it?

Who did you vote for last presidential election? Did your candidate win? If so, do you regret it?


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>Who did you vote for last presidential election?
>Did your candidate win?
>If so, do you regret it?
Better than Shillary

Why do you regret voting for Bolsonaro?

>who did you vote for in the last election
>did your candidate win?
>if so so you regret it?
No. I sold weed before legalization and jumped ship a few months before the legalization date. Now everyone who stayed in the weed industry got fucked out the ass and I am laughing at them.


He wants to privatize public companies and doesn't want to hire more workers, one of them could be me, but the dream is over...

Get fucked.

Yep, you tell me. It's my fault for trusting bozo.

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>Yes and there's better chaos candidates now


Can't wait for people like you to starve, it will make this shithole a little bit better.

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does bolsonaro already did the tax reform?

Parliament is working on it.

Tell that to bozonaro, he simply can't get enough of it

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I don't remember who I voted
I don't regret it, I did what I could

good days are coming... I hope

Lol just burn down the Amazonas and something something farmers something and you'll make money

Man take me to your country with free market, please


This motherfucker is now openly pandering to spic shitbags. Fuck Trump. He was elected to get rid of spics.

Bolivia started it.

I voted Sanders in primary and stayed home in the general election. No regrets. Although my state is straight red so doesn't matter

Yeah, our tax system is the most retarded thing in the world.

I'm against mass immigration and human trafficking so I won't do that

tell that to argentina, the "neoliberal" goverment of macri literally wanted to put taxes on air and sun... yeah, this is true
c'mon man, I'm mostly european and I am not a fucking leftie, trust me dude

Reminder there's no real democracy and voting is a waste of time

Rasmus Paludan, and no the Danes are still too cucked

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Voted for Johnson.
Not really upset. I vote libertarian only because my state is a red lock, but I support the idea of other non-D/R political parties, and want them to gain more prominence. Kinda miffed the Libertarians didn’t get enough votes to get funded for next election. But no said about Trump.

>there's better chaos candidates now

You don't want to come here. And we're full anyway.

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