Sweden is a socialist utopia.
Change my mind.
Sweden is utopia, change my mind
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you are right, here a random vid
Grenade attacks
Swedes don't mind the occasional grenade. It is part of their culture now.
Depends on what you mean by "socialist utopia" - Sweden is inferior to countries like Denmark and Norway in terms of being a successful welfare state (if that's what you consider a utopia). I even think that Finland is better off economically than Sweden now, which is funny considering how much Sweden helped them out to become a first-world country in the past.
Sweden has been the most left leaning and socially accepting country for years and years, taking in every refugee they found.
It is a socialist utopia.
Modern Sweden is a prime example of a country run exclusively by progressive socialists and if you don't like it then you're a racist.
damn OP you beat me to it. All day I was looking to the east like "damn I wish I was living in Sweden."
Why change a mind that is right?
Your image
>Why change a mind that is right?
Because i want to rub it in.
Why are you in Norway and not Sweden?
Nothing wrong with my image bro. Sweden is fine.
never heard of it
No I don't want to. Keep Sweden as it is
It's a dystopian hellhole
> a country of 10 mil has more bomb attacks than a country of 300 mil where guns are legal
I just want the nightmare to end
>never heard of it
You won't.
Those sounds are absorbed into the everyday Swedish urban landscape like mosques and kebabstalls.
You're just uneducated riffraff, take a closer look at these photos you bunch of ingrates.
It is now, but it was the most sucessfull one.
It will never end. There's multiple thousands jihadi sympathizers, this is confirmed by SÄPO. Among them hundreds of returning ISIS fighters. Up til now we've payed for their apartments so they can live the good life. What do you think will happen once the money runs out.. which will happen. These days are paradise compared to what will come next. You will BEG for the current state of Sweden to come back. You could have prevented this
I cant
What are the demographics of Sweden. Why it so bad that our Muslim brothers have found a home there?
There's nothing wrong with the new Swedistani caliphate, brother. Death to all infidels!
Are Sikhs infidels? I don't wish death on any race. We are all not going anywhere, we need to work together.
Anyone that isn't a muzzy is an infidel.
Trudeau Singh, if you decriminalize homosexuality and accept feminism, your country's fertility rate wins!
Sikhs are not high-violence enough to be a true part of the Swedish utopia.
Sweden is mostly into rape-culture.
I think the issue is that Swedes who aren't poor, uneducated or immigrants are pretty well off. I don't live in a no go zone, it's easy for me to get a job, there's no risk of me getting shot because of whatever happens in Malmö or Stockholm, I earn way more money than I can spend and I can earn nice %s on the stock market. If I didn't know any better, I'd think Sweden's economy were going pretty well.
Yes, you're not progressive enough.