"Sex work is empowering at any age, that's what people don't realize." -Epstein's madam
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what does she know about it?
bitch is so ugly that she had to find other women to sell instead of herself
Are the Mulsims, the Satanists, the pedo-kike elite and the post-modern Sodomites coming together to push pedophilia?
Because it looks like it to me.
I would fuck that aged cooch raw dog without a 2nd thought.
The fact that you wouldnt kinda makes you a faggot.
God, she's beautiful
>I would fuck that aged cooch raw dog without a 2nd thought
yeah, but you're a Mutt
as to me, it's a Human thing: you wouldn't understand
She's clearly sex-work middle management
>middle management
which shows well enough that she doesn't know shit about what she's saying
>we never had any black girls, they're so loud! We'd get caught! They're all like "WHO WE SPODE TO FUK?!"
why isn't she in jail yet?
So no greater empowerment than being a meat toilet?
she's a rich jewess
They will get rid of her after she has cleaned up the messes
I'd ride her arse like a fucking Roman chariot to be honest.
you have shit taste in women if you don't think brunettes like that are prime
She may be satan incarnate, or at least a minion, but she's got a banging body for an old yid bitch.
"empowering" is such a condescending bullshit worth.
>you didn't have power before, but if you do this, you will have more power
You only have as much power as you're able to exercise. Other than pussy and potential blackmail, what power does a run-of-the-mill whore have?
As a middle aged fat guy who could use some extra cash, this sounds great. Where do I sign up?
>like that
here's the problem, not that she's a brunette (akshully, to me redheads>brunettes>blondes)
Cope harder, shit-dick
well you're either a Mutt, or an used up toastie roastie jewess
so I don't see why I should be the one having to cope, desu
Yeah nah to be honest you're a fag, low test basedboy who has to take used beef pussy
Damn did some niggers rape you or what why so mad amerimutt because someone doesnt want to bang your grandma? Lol ok
Same channel has steve sailer as pewds: youtube.com
And a sarcastic pizzagate debunk video from January that talks about epstein: youtube.com
She's a Jew who hates goyim, simple.
Short and simple.
Poland wins yet again