Non-whites are even going crazy at each other over whites

multiracial societies were a bad idea

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I'm gonna need some definitions for this lingo senpai

I hope this continues. The subject of race is a subject for retards.

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what the fuck is a ethnic looksmatch

I know we sometimes have terms and lingo that isn't entirely obvious to the outside world, but what is it with SJW types? It seems like all they have is this weird cultish 'in speak' that's nearly impenetrable to outsiders.

that was fucking retarded all fields

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These. What fucking country was this in? Are we looking through a timewarp into 2033?

When you put into their head the idea that they possibly can get a white girlfriend or boyfriend, it then consumes them and they won't settle for anything else. Expect a lot more Elliott Roger types - browns who believe they are incels because they only consider whites human enough to date. Whites should stick together and have extra kids.

>ethics looksmatch

A thin brown or asian person is as sexually attractive (looksmatched) as a fat white person. OP's post is by a thin brown or asian woman who is sad that a thin brown or asian man rates her below fat white women and way below thin white women, so she makes up the term "racial looksmatch" i.e. looksmatch of the same race to get plebbitors to validate her in feeling equally sexually powerful to the man who ignored her. In short, Hitler was right about everything.

Obviously someone whose looks match her ethnicity.

But what's a foid ? And what does "white worshipping guys just because of their race" mean ?

That's the best sub to lurk. Really good laughs were had there.

Looksmatch = equivalent SMV
pink pill = redpill for women
Foid = femoid= An insult that women pretend men call females

I like your posting user postsmatch. What are you doing later?

whats the sub called?

They are really gonna hate black people soon.

I wanna say then the bus clapped but I’m not sure even what they are saying happened. I just know it didn’t happen. How?

This is an English language board leaf.

This reads like it was written by a bot. It uses made up words and it uses words in the wrong context.

Why not just say "A man got on the bus; he was the same race as me, not white, and spent his time eyeballing a fat, white woman. It made me feel bad that he rates a fat, white woman as more attractive than me."? It could be easily understood by both posters on that board, and outsiders. The whole point of forums is to communicate; you should try to have your posts be as readable by as many people as possible.

Welcome to brains on Marxism. Not only do they use existing words improperly, they also invent new ones.
>control the language to control the people

I just took "foid" as a shortened version of "femoid"(femtoid?) but I could be wrong

they are all talking in Incel terms, Reddit Incel terms as a matter of fact, these people have ceated all sorts of new Incel terms in all of thier vocabulary. Its rather interesting lurking thier subs, they rage about chinks and paki girls going after Alpha white guys and all kinds of funny shit, just lonley sad rage. The OPs image seems to be a non white femcel sub, adjacent to the r/justbewhite sub for non white male incels.However i would assume its just a non white male Incel LARPING as a non white femcel. Degenerates the lot of them.

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A very bad idea.

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>multiracial societies were a bad idea
The satanic kikes in charge evidently don't think so

pedovores and their social and legacy media protectors are being delivered to justice.

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Thiz is 10000% a bitter gook, insecure as fuck, wishing they were more than an insectoid

a person of the same race and the same attraction level (black female 5 meets black male 5 for example)

because it's a subculture internet language. Like Incel, Vocel, Haircel etc.
and "I saw my looksmatch" is just shorter than what you wrote.

Some Femcels also call men Moids, the male version of Femoid.

So basically she's upset because some blackfella was perving on an obese white woman instead of her.

Suddenly their hatred for the white woman becomes clear.

nothing. i rate you, as an burger 5, well below a memeflag 3. nothing personell kid - “How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump”

>NOTE (importint):
Even if you do not like Trump, or do not have faith in him (honestly it is a naive thing to think Trump supports Israel, but to each its own), if you want to help destroy support for Israel by turning ALL Trump supporters against it, this is the way to do it.

Another thread related: - “If you think Trump supports Israel, you're retarded” - “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law” - “Just for some perspective” - 2 minute read, redpills anyone. - “Mega Group, Maxwells, and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal” - Jews want $25 Billion from USA taxpayers - Trump leaves Netanyahu hanging

Attached: America_stands_with_Israel_kind_off_8.jpg (1296x9000, 2.46M)