What happend with this board?

This was full of Libertarians, with liberty of the individual has one of the most important values, -Now this is just a shit hole full of autoritarias that think the goverment can deal with everything.
What happend Jow Forums?

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This board has always and will always be a Zionist board.

that's not true

Seeth harder memeflaggot

really smooth dummy

the millennials and zoomers got old enough to post on the internet & they are fucking retarded

Newfags happened

This place is a full of nazi faggots that will be exterminate in due time in the name of Allah.

dude, unless that you're 40, you're a millenial

i think the media convinced alot of people to side with nazis or communists by making them think trump is hitler. idk the media has driven people nuts and are responsible for countless shootings now.


>This was full of Libertarians
Yeah maybe in 2012 before they all realized how fucking retarded it was from getting btfo forever

we'll just put the blame on the zoomers then. Those kids are REALLY special.

What actually happened is that we saw Ron Paul get shafted and backstabbed by the Republican party in 2012. At this point it became clear that libertarianism was an utopian ideal that could not be achieved in modern America. Once natsocs get rid of the jewish plague, then libertarianism can flourish.

Eat bugs, jew

Fuck jews, nigger & fuck YOU and you zioshit

chill down fag

why just jews?

Jow Forums became so mainstream in the last 5 years that it lost its charm. Most people that post here these days are edgy failed normies and people with an iq below 100. That's why they favor collectivism, they would die in a libertarian utopia because they are too stupid to take care of themselves.

All they can do is blaming jews and rich people for their failures.

Your arguments were not convoncing and the redpills evolved people from their baser state of lolbertarianism.

Collectivism is cancer that needs to be eradicated, god dammit classic liberalism, you gave us the power to be more that just a minion of monarch, a individual and then go with this fucking collectivism bullshit, fuck you marx.
Alberdi what we have done

like what argument?

People grow up
But even what you say is far from the truth

memeflags ruin everything

Humans are collective being

Marxism, the one which jews like Marx and Trotsky were pushing for, or the stuff which modern leftists push, is radical individualism. Its just Stalin turned it around and build collectivism.

>Weak humans are collective beings

I live in a 3rd world shit hole thats why
Yes and no, it's true that if we don't socialize we go fucking crazy, but having relations and being a colectivist are 2 different things.

this, and those are the one that are really easy to radicalize

Depends how you define collectivism

>radical individualism
>literally he thought that after the "cientific" socialism all men will have a colectivist form of view, losing all his egoist form of thinking

The main point of socialist economic propaganda is a direct appeal to egoism, "evil capitalists steal from YOU, siege means of production so you can consume more"

>What happend with this board?
/ptg/, it was a mistake.

Anyone who thinks collectivism or individualism holds all of the answers is a fucking moron. It has always been a balancing act and always will be. Accept it like adults instead of wallowing in ideologically driven ignorance.

but that isn't individualism dumb dumb, they wanted the means of production and that every man thought on the "common good".

got tired of being regularly BTFO by their shitty ideology
it turned out that most of the lolbertarians didn't care about government size and were actually just Republicans this whole time. They're now MIGAfags
>the virgin minds
drafted into liberalism by the system or into MIGA if their parents are MIGAfags

New MacDonald's book is about Aryan aristocratic individualism
No, it was to remove "opression" so everyone can become a free individual

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I didn't said that, I'm not an ancap, I think that the Individual is ABOVE the colective, that's all, you can't just kill everyone that you don't like for the "common good" just because he thinks in a different way.
Unless an individual/colective doesn't want to respect the others freedom, there's no need to violence.

c'mon man, just search "marxist collectivism" it's really easy, they make it clear, always for the COMMON GOOD.

You only get freedoms through being part of the collective

If you define collectivism as public ownership of production, but its all about freeing the individual at the end

Jow Forums has always been a place for outcasts and edgelords rebelling against the status quo. These days all you can do to rebel is A. Be a fundamentalist Christian and/or B. Be a racist or Nazi.

In time our status quo will make room for white identitarians and then some other stigmatized and demonized group will take their place and Jow Forums will house or emulate them as well. It's a never-ending process and after studying it for approaching 20 years both online and offline it sort of bores me. Diff day, same ol' shit.

if we talk about 200 years ago yeah

Now the common good it's a individualist idea?

based quads of truth

Will read. I always appreciate reading material suggestions.

People grow up buddy

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Wow such a enlightened centrist please teach us more.

All the oldfags left, retard

I moved to Jow Forums with many others after we memed Trump to victory.

Good goyim, keep working for israel