Eat bugs

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let the niggers eat bugs if they're the ones going to starve to death if we don't

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Stop spamming this fucking nigger here user

>another bug/greta thread

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She’s doing everything that everyone’s fucking scared to do. This earth is full of a bunch of non progressive pussy bitches
(((((they))))) can’t off her because she’s a kid.

that's bullshit
banging on about muh climate change is the easiest most secure thing in the world to do
it's only when you say man made climate change is bullshit, or at least highly exaggerated, then your life may become more difficult

Meat bad

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> if you only knew how bad things really are.

She looks better as an old slavic woman.

This is a pic of Greta's ass. Don't fucking tell me you wouldn't eat bugs to get a piece of this.

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> it's only when you say man made climate change is bullshit ... then your life may become more difficult

And rightly so. Saying science is wrong because you dislike what they say is not a very smart thing to do.


Yes, let's ask the scientists.

All the global warming hoaxers have proven is a theory that co2 traps heat because it has one more atom than o2 and n2. That's it.

The problem is that there's a huge difference between a theory, proven in a test tube, and what happens in reality. And in reality, no cataclysmic event has happened.

The hoaxers say that the weather is getting warmer, and that this proves their theory is affecting reality. But when we have record cold temperatures, somehow this isn't the climate because it's weather. George Orwell referred to this as doublethink.

The hoaxers say that there are more storms and earthquakes and whatever "extreme" weather patterns than there used to be. But this is a spurious claim as there is no way to verify this, as we did not have the meterological and atmoshpheric technology we do today, even as short as 100 years ago.

The hoaxers say that nay sayers aren't "climate scientists." That just because you have a meterologist or an atmospheric scientist or a geologist, that he doesn't know anything about the climate, and therefor his opinion should be ignored. The problem is that "climate science" is a new phenomena, it only came about because someone made the claim that humans were causing global warming. So, every single "climate scientist" only became a "climate scientist" because he believed in man made global warming.

What you're saying is like saying pornography is great, because 97% of pornographers say it's great, and the nay-sayers aren't pornographers, so they don't know what they're talking about.

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Wow she hit the wall pretty hard


they already do

Don’t forget that millennials were conditioned for this as kids

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All those fun bugs in your food campaigns weren’t for nothing

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Wouldn't that make this CP?

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why shouldn't we start introducing some high protein insect based products into our diet? We should be cutting down on cancer causing red meats, beef farming destroys tonnes of acres of the environment and causes greenhouse gasses more than anything else does. Its not exactly the insects are dirty, they are cleaned and prepared in special environment.
Chances are you could have already eaten a insect based burger and never knew the difference.

Give 1 argument that's not "muh bugs" "u r bugman" or "da jewwwws"