No women, no wageslaving

there is just no motivation to do anything. i don't need to impress anyone im never going to be able to get wife and have kids, so why wageslave ? to buy better box to sleep in and browse internet ?

why should i try to get good job, so women can get more abortions ? so women employed in non-productive jobs get more free money ? to finance niggers, so they can cut my throat on way to the store ?

its just unsolvable at this point, all i hope is that world goes to shit as soon as possible and i would just like to see its downfall and getting it burnt to ashes.

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>t. Janez Jansa



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janez jansa je levicar dej, sam poglej skom je biu pripravljen sodelovat v evropskih volitvah

Maybe u get no pussy because of your lousy sense of humor?

where do you see me joking ?

That’s my point. You should probably try having fun sometime.


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what is the point tho ? go to club or wherever and "get some pussy" as you said. even if she becomes girfriend she has slept with other men, always when u kiss her u know the mouths havel icked at least 15 dicks, even if she doesnt cheat on you and maybe has children, she will no doubt sooner or later divorce you.

i rather stay alone then get non-vrigin woman. then again in society like today even virgins would probably cheat on you and divorce you.

so whats the point ?

you are kind of faggot ain't you?

There is none, go kys. Livestream it.

ok, thanks for advice

Make meaning in your own life, then the pussy will come to you if it was meant to be. Don't just put the pussy on a pedestal and get you down.

This only applies to circumcised men, because they are sexual cripples, so it's not worth it to chase women, would you go through the effort of making a gourmet meal for yourself if someone flayed 50% of your tongue including the most sensitive taste buds when you were a baby?

so, you aren't circumcised then schlomo or what ? how did that happen

No joke, she's fucking gorgeous.



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I would get on disability but I don't think I qualify.
I've been a neet since February. I get unemployment payments every week but it runs out next month.
I'm supposed to start a new job soon. Part time parcel handler working at Fedex. Could be worse I guess.

nice image title

Coom threads are the kikes of the thread species.

anyone else read this in a slavic accent?

The only reason men do anything is to get pussy, it lies in our nature that is the reason we get so depressed when the rose illusion breaks into shambles. The mgtows call it the red pill rage. However you have just made the first step towards total freedom, once you no longer see women as the middlepoint or purpose of your life, you are free to define your own. Don't get a good job to pay for a dried up catlady or a single mother that will divorcerape you, earn money to travel, build your own house or whatever you feel like doing.

why does it run out and also how coould you live with only neetbux ?

t. waiting around to die

what else is there ?

Oh I have a solution that will fix all these problems, all you have to do is look up and yell yes.

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probelm is i dont enjoy anything really. i ocasionaly play video game but other than that its just thinking how fucked up everything has become.

also more money i earn, more goes to niggers and whores via taxes

There is only one true solution.
Now before your master.

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Well here in America our parents kick us out at 18 so we literally have to work to at least pay rent, which keeps going up and up and up. Studio apartments everywhere are $700 - $1200 a month. But yeah I agree with you.

No I am, I just accepted reality

modern women are like black holes for attention and emotions

they are all so broken and spoiled its not even funny anymore

all this tinder shit and men willing to say or do anything to get in ther panties have ruined women

I don't get what I want, wah wah, kill everyone, wah wah, kill myself weeping.I want what I want!!! I am entitled!!!

its a shit-tier slide thread.

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This. Based and red pilled.
I want to see this world burn to ashes.

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where exactly did i say what i want, what i am entitled to and to kill everyone ?

also show your flag, what are you afraid of ?

Leave the city, nigger.

i bet you don't report nigger bbc spam threads huh, faggot ?

>sensitive taste buds
Do the uncircumcised just nut off the second after they smash it?

if you have kids they'll just be forced to become wrok slaves for the global trading class.

You dumb nigger can't even spell lmfao

Get a hobby for goodness sake. Train spotting? Coin Collecting? Metal Detecting? There is a whole world to explore. The hospitals of the world are full of people who would love to be in your position. A couple of neurotic allergies and inept social skills but nothing that cannot be improved on. Man the fuck up.

What do boobs have to dowith the subject faggot, and how is it /political/ ?


If your body isn't bad joke, you should try get some gf. I am genetical dead end. My only reason to live is riding bike. I have nothing else.

You are right that for some people life is pointless.

ok nigger
faggot, Jow Forums stands for politicaly incorrect not political

tired and failed user, when i was still bluepilled enoguh to think women are worth anything

I have been there too, I suggest you watch this video might help you, that is if you want to improve and not just stew in your own misery on Jow Forums.

Unfortunately there is no clear cut cure for nihilism, only ways to overcome or lessen it. You don't need to earn a fortune and if something aggrevates you you can always try to change it. Or if you hate a system too much help it collapse and prepare to rebuild. But you could also just sit at home browse Jow Forums and be depressed about your situation.
Hope it helps

why not move to Ukraine?

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