
Attached: Annotation 2019-09-18 125930.png (635x527, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh shit it's real

Uhhh, wtf I love reddit now.
That is a sentence I never thought i'd say.

Lol have a bump

Dare I say it? Based reddit.

Reddit will defend the niggers and blame the whiteman for black crime rates.

>only 24%

Attached: !!!.png (350x309, 88K)

A lot of people think the N poster is based but we know it's really the R poster

we did it reddit


Yeah, like looking into a crystal ball and asking about the future of Europe. I can understand how horrifying that must be.

>all the furfags seething in the replies

Attached: 077AB143-8E03-4877-8001-C4EFC887A59C.jpg (750x602, 200K)

yea but how many of those 68% were just turning their lives around before they got tricked by the white devil police

Can't forget the hard R. That's what makes it our word.


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archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/225743652 - “How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump”

>NOTE (importint):
Even if you do not like Trump, or do not have faith in him (honestly it is a naive thing to think Trump supports Israel, but to each its own), if you want to help destroy support for Israel by turning ALL Trump supporters against it, this is the way to do it.

Another thread related:
archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/225847143 - “If you think Trump supports Israel, you're retarded”

youtu.be/Cki0RVX841I - “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law”

pastebin.com/Dxfbz9ip - “Just for some perspective” - 2 minute read, redpills anyone.

archive.vn/PYUQo - “Mega Group, Maxwells, and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal”

archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/226926700 - Jews want $25 Billion from USA taxpayers

archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/226983238 - Trump leaves Netanyahu hanging

Attached: Theodor_Herlz_meme_zionists_always_traitors_8_4c.jpg (1480x9999, 2.59M)

Is this Bizarro world???

They'll take it down and apologize profusely for it.


Whoever runs the twitter must be redpilled or its been hacked into.

Show me your butthole

Attached: 7d221cda9ce2bd9a2227cce127262eca--stuart-mad-tv-my-style.jpg (236x177, 8K)

That's a tweet from 2008.

youtu.be/VUH-4XXEuoc - "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda" – It got censored, can someone re-upload it?
bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – Backup from bitchute (use VPN when using BitChute, the uploaders can see the watchers IP address, and have patience, it can be slow (if too slow, try to refresh the page))
The video is an interview from Shalom TV to one of the staff on the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA). You can learn more about it here: archive.vn/4N9tv ; archive.vn/IJ0Yd

youtu.be/HLbPSQx-I-I - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”
Sometimes link doesn’t work, use this one: invidio.us/watch?v=HLbPSQx-I-I
And if that one doesn’t work, look for the vídeo directly on the channel, it’s 2 years old now (2019): youtube.com/channel/UC66IBH4uFkBTzEh2olFFJSg/videos

youtu.be/2kt4EjavHEk - “Jewish Immigration Hypocrisy - Stefan Molyneux”

youtu.be/YSy6ENVAJlY - "Yossi Gurvitz: When Israel Is Mighty"
archive.vn/pd9tq – Screenshots of the video above

youtu.be/wb_4U2UJucE - "Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt"

www.bitchute.com/video/4tFZecFdReAf/ - “Europe on the Chopping Block”

youtu.be/xDsWg5zpOsA - “Barbara Spectre Is Back”

youtu.be/KcH0zxrGsgs - “Paul Krugman Has a Message for White Rural Americans”

Attached: ZOG_only_Jewish_nationalism_allowed_zionism_4_big_5.jpg (1312x9640, 2.41M)

It's probably the same as the non jewish white population desu.

It's not like we were taught to love ourselves after your forefathers fucked my ancestors up the ass.

>Posted byu/[deleted]11 years ago

Attached: 1563694025816.jpg (540x564, 98K)

It's still only 24%.


ther other 30 percent is due to latinos

Attached: 1545028751934.jpg (250x219, 3K)

its incredible how low the tipping point is. 10% is manageable, for every 2 nigs misbehaving there should be on average 18 white people to correct them. at 25% when two nigs get niggerish there are only 6 white people.

I have no sides and I must kek

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I live in ny and I don’t think it’s that high

furfag,tranny flag etc and those people think that their opinion is worth a shit

How'd this go unnoticed for so long?

was 24%. this was from 2009. imagine now, how high it is with all the multicuturalism early-to-mid 2010s

in 10 years Jow Forums will be the vanguard of SJW thought and people will be shocked when old posts are resurfaced

no one uses reddit

Probably the same. Fortunately 90% of their victims are black, so it tends to maintain some semblance of equilibrium.


It includes all the nigger Dominicans. Actual nog blacks are more like 15-18%

They gonna cancel Reddit now?

>in 10 years
we'll be a nuclear wasteland by then, or else finishing one of our life sentences in a gulag

In ten years everyone will be using MooBoard, my own superior imageboard that i will make at some point probably.

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mostly male niggers commit crime, and the male population of a race is typically a little under half, so its really 10% of niggers committing 68% of crime

pls help us...

Attached: based.gif (400x400, 1.99M)

report their account for hate speech

Attached: terry davis laughing.gif (200x234, 2.85M)


>Fursuiter but socially inept
Friendly reminder, we CAN NOT fix society. It will crash and burn, so find each other before it collapses, become self-sufficient as a group. Create hidden societies. God is with you.

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Whoa, epic.

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Ok, which one of you Nazis hacked plebbit?

It will be full of faggots nigger.

That's why you all should use my own imageboard insted.


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that must have gotten a lot of downboats

Plebbit is down, probably scrubbing that tinyurl link, lol


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Wow! I guess fascists, right-wing nuts, White nationalists, neo-nazis were right....

>11:18 PM · May 27, 2008

Shut up you homosexual

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Nah its E

Non-hispanic whites made up 33% of New York's population in 2010

Please make this the most retweeted shit ever.

I could be a homosexual, but mooboard will fall.

Is Reddit down for anybody else? Was the tweet was so based it killed Reddit?

Why is reddit down right now fellow redditors?

Will use mooboard when its up

You're mother was a hamster!

Attached: index.gif (540x405, 2.02M)

The E is the one most often fucked up. The E poster when successful and allowing the R to do its job, is in fact most based.


Attached: Screenshot_20190918-173215_reddit is fun.jpg (720x1280, 79K)

they'll delete the tweet and apologize. "Our twitter algorithm was sharing various posts from our community, and this one must have slipped past us."

The fire rises, faggots


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I remember there were furries drawing themselves as cops and beating antifa members while looking smug.

posted it on my small alt-right sub

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You know what to do.

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Such an innocent time

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We can't even help ourselves, Klaus. What the fuck can we do to help you? Besides, you guys are reigning champs at the internment of undesirables, you know better than us about how to deal with it.

>Post that killed reddit

post your face when it happened

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Did the niggler take over the plebbit account?

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This, coming from reddit of all places? This is the same website that had just as much speech policing as jewtube. Their twitter get hacked or something?

This is a bad argument that I always see thrown around since males in every populations commit more violent crimes than females.

females don't count because their usually too weak to commit a crime

You goddamn retards, you both should use my own image-board, 14chan.

use this to get to them

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thats so egotistical
>muh fans
its called the internet retards something you know shit about

i hate niggers? can i say that?



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Maybe,but your father smelt of elderberries.


There's many neighborhoods in NYC, not just your area. Go in some places and you'll have difficulty finding a single white person.



It's less than that. The overwhelming majority of crime, for all races, is committed by males aged 18-29.

Can I get an ame-N?