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What's swinging

I am afraid that for Americans there's no choice left:

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Basedboy, the picture.

It's a shame because Silicon Valley is funny.

So his wife leases his ass to BBC and the guy is satisfied? Or what does it mean?

Black men fuck his wife.

Its wife/husband swapping.But the women tend to be into it more than the men, so it usually means that one alpha is fucking both wives while the other sits and watches. So barely different than cucking. They have underground groups in So Cal that do this, they let single males in on occasion, this is how I know. I used to fuck this chick who talked her hiusband into it. Before you know it I was fucking her when he wasn't around.

It's literally a show about basedboy programmers. It is funny, but I don't think that the fact that the actors are just as dumb as their characters makes it any less so.

I think we all know what is going on.

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He’s rich
She fucks black dudes and he fucks your run of the mill whores
He might be one of the few people in the world that can let his wife fuck others, and still not be a sexless loser

That’s not to say it’s not degenerate but if you’re going to let your wife fuck others, then you should be a rich fuck with your own harem of women

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10 years ago I would have thought this was sick, racist propaganda.

How ironic that I now realize it to be the absolute truth.

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He may not be sexless but he's a fucking loser with one of the most punchable faces I've ever seen.

There was a big group of parents of kids I went to high school with that were swingers
It was a small town and everyone knew but it was kind of unspoken
If you guys were comfortable with your sexualities and not virgins you would realize that sex with one person gets boring after a year or two tops let alone a 20 year marriage, doesn't matter how much you try to "switch it up"

I just don't share user. I'm an alpha. I've had a few threesomes. I don't want to share with another dude. It's beyond me. If he is happy to do so then fine but it's not normal.

You're sick and twisted people . Israel should just nuke you already.

What’s the meaning of marriage if she got to fuck other dudes?

do the cucks in this actually fug the other girls in a based way?
or do "single men" with huge dongs show up and fuck most of the girls?

I'm surprised that he ended up with a blond. I thought he would go for some type of gook creature.

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It's fucking weird.

i bet she married him because he is such a nice guy

Fuck off cuckold, nobody wants your ugly wrecked wife

more like his wife wanted to fuck real men and he goes along with it to give the illusion of power

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It’s that playground thing. Must be autistic.

>What’s the meaning of marriage if she got to fuck other dudes?
It doesn't mean anything. This guy is a bigger loser than some of the incels out there.

It’s funny because Mike Judge is a truly talented and versatile person and gives zero fucks about pandering to sjw bullshit, not because he cast a bunch of tv ugly nerds

silicon valley fucking blows dude. the first part of the first season was okay but i stopped watching a few years back because it was so lame and pozzed

Silicuck Valley

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So, he basically is his character.

>play cuck on TV
>be cuck in real life
>get cucked

Like pottery

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Sorry my european ignorance but what's swinging

I've never done it, I'm just pointing out that swinging, which is usually just bored older couples, is tame compared to whats out there
In the OP pictures case, she probably got triple penetrated while he fucked the ugly wife in the corner and he justifies it by calling it swinging when it was irl cuckoldry

I know a group of people that are swingers, who throw parties.

They're gross as fuck, and their lives are full of problems.

Muh dick

Is this Thomas Middleditch? Guy is a kike I think, he used to do skits with that other kike from College"Humor"

Oh, look, two ugly subhumans with zero respect for themselves or civilization.

Its amazing how we've come full circle and everything this paper is saying has been confirmed to be factual.


how come anytime I hear about couples who "swing" or have an "open relationship" it was the womans idea?

Marriage means nothing anymore though.

These says, swinging should be called "Let's Pick a STD!"

>If you guys were comfortable with your sexualities and not virgins you would realize that sex with one person gets boring after a year or two tops let alone a 20 year marriage, doesn't matter how much you try to "switch it up"
It is obvious to anybody who's had sex with one girl more than 5 times that it's a struggle to maintain interest. However, eating healthily is also a struggle. Being a reliable person is a struggle. Productivity/punctuality/honesty/generosity/humility etc....everything that makes a person 'good' is not easy. Sleeping around is easy to do, but it makes you a failure of a human imo.

It is, if I wanted to start a software company fast I would just start taking viagra and fucking these tech faggots in the ass. I went to school and have a BCS and learned that they are actual faggots among other things during my education.

People thought that gay sex scene was written in to Mr. Robot just to spice things up, but big tech company success often involves touching balls in the real world.

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omg lol, is that laowhy86? from youtube?

Haha did some chinese person make this?

So much this.

Also, the wife stops caring about herself and packs on 50-80lbs....doesn't know how though as she eats for the sixth time of the day. Sex becomes absolutely disgusting.

If he’s not a kike he sure looks like one, and will be treated as one when the time comes

swinging in 2019 is codeword for cuck

I've always wanted the story behind this- when is it from, who made it

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Both are so ugly.

Did you idiots even read the interview? He said he and his wife swing together, not separately. They have threesomes. It didn’t sound like it was other guys getting involved, but who knows.

imagine being this plebbitor cuck

let us know in five years when you'll be sucking the cock of your wife BVLL

I thought that’s cucking, not swinging?


Wildly correct statement, potato nigger. Good work.

she's pretty, must be a prude in bed and he wants to get freaky with his legions of nerd girl fans at conventions.

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I can assure you that it doesn't help in the long run.

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Everyone on this board has a 9 incher making 200k in stem.. but yet sharing their lovers repulses them because they really have a 5.5 incher and they know they wouldn't be the desirable alpha male all the wives wanted to fuck first at these parties

Swings != threesome, and you delude yourself if you think he didn't just watch his wife get the cummies.

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the boomer swinger: sharing is caring, free love will win

the millennial cuck: i will cede my position in the nuclear family to appease jewish liberal culture

CASELESS self propelled mass reacting explosive bolts

Or you can just not be a generate, love your spouse and not even want anybody else. Imagine that.

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Swingers sounds great until you realize its just fat boomers having gay sex

I'd fuck his wife

>They have threesomes.

So he sits in the corner while Jamal jackhammers his wife.

Yeah because all that matters is you're having fun right and not bored? Swinging desu is boring, you should move on to sadism, maybe rape/murder roleplay and then move on to the real thing. As long as it feels good to you and its not boring right :)

Post your blonde arm hair Mr nazi

Based Mick

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More likely she's into girls and this is her way to get that too.

Marriage is for raising kids. What is a marriage without kids? A roommate? That you fall out of puppy love with after you fuck for 3 months?

>like pottery
Lol I needed that thank you user

> Faggot says that letting other men fuck his wife allowed her to continue to look at his sorry fucking face and not puke, and as a result she will wait until after his popularity slips to divorce him.

"Swinging" = ritual sexual activity dedicated to "Jebulan and the Asherah" whose new ep "Chopped and Burnt, hummin' poles in Hinom" debuted at a smokin' number 66 on the satanic mind control hit parade.

pedovores and their social and legacy media protectors are being delivered to justice.

all of them.

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Epic post fellow aryan xD

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>he thinks all that matters in a relationship is sex
Yeah, loyalty, trustworthiness, friendship, caring for each other all take a backseat to COOOMMMING am I right? Having a partner that compliments you and makes your life better is a good thing and this is a bond that develops and strengthens over time.

I imagine most people who think like you simply dont know people who are happy in long term relationships, even the married ones. I know plenty of people who have been together for decades, married or as a couple, with no children, and perfectly happy.

Kid I grew up with was pretty fucked up and did a bunch of crazy shit. I remember we got caught smoking and watched his mom burn it out on him while he screamed. Also we mooned cars, and someone called his folks. Which resulted in his dad telling us "this is what happens" while beating his ass with a belt.

Anyways, I asked my dad what their deal was with how they treated him - he just said they were degenerate swingers and deserved a son that will hate them in adulthood

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Cervical cancer
Life fueled by pleasure instead of nurturing future generations
Fuck off cuck

This is why I have never paid a cent for a movie.
The same goes for music.

I have pirated my whole life, 100s of TBs, thousands of movies and 10s of thousands of songs.

Most EE have this attitude, thats why rutracker is now the worlds most popular torrent tracker. TBP has gone to shit.

He's got that narrow cuck face

marriage is the ultimate beta cuck move in the modern age. repeal the 19th and get rid of family courts and it might be salvageable. simps want to believe the lie though. i say fuck em both. simps deserve divorce rape.

shove your holy spirit up your ass, faggot kike puppet.

A couple that works out to stay fuckable and has almost no porn usage to keep each other their only outlet for sex has VERY good sexlives.

you go up and you go down and jump off and do it all over again, it's pretty fun desu

True and well stated.

I guess that's why he's been pretty good in that TV show, he's been method acting

Now it is, however, the only way to sustain civilization.
Progressive movement in late 19th, early 20th, post WWI fucked everything up.
Does not mean men can't put women in their place anymore.
A few election cycles plus letting the whores fend for themselves will create an equilibrium.

Demoralizing shill. Good women exist but you have to be strong enough to find them and lead them.

Dead eye jew

>seething cuckhold

Well said brother, I welcome you to islam.

but you still consumed their propaganda.
Its the same with porn. Its free, but they still get their profit out of it.

But how has it affected me if I am still here on this board?

It hasn't changed my opinions much.


Pajeet in the sheets, shits in the streets

>The same goes for music.
If you don't listen to faggot music, you have nothing to do with Jews when buying music.

Propaganda works the best on women, if they are constantly brainwashed with it they will repeat ideas and things that it promotes, women are the most easiest to manipulate. Look at twerking culture, it spread all over the world, even in Russia. I haven't seen men repeat such degeneracy in such large amounts..

Hanging niggers from trees

What is faggot music?

>you have nothing to do with Jews when buying music.

Youŗe wrong there, Jews are everywhere even in places where you'd think they wouldn't be.

She's not ugly on the outside, but probably on the inside