Americans work their entire lives to buy a house in these suburbs

Americans work their entire lives to buy a house in these suburbs.

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Yeah, so what?
Oh, you want one for free

imagine being this delusional

Looks predominantly white, there's not enough trash in the streets or destroyed houses for it to be a nigger neighborhood. Crime's probably very low too because white people.

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Instead of actually solving the problem of niggers in the inner city whites run like cowards. I hope they go extinct for being such a spineless race.

Gotta flee those niggers and spics bruh

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They're based if there are no shitskins. Could use a 7/11, pizza place, and convenience store to smoke weed behind though

Looks comfy as fuark.

You are a nation of cattle.

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>work their entire lives to live somewhere where niggers are not

you people disgust me, those pics are only good for slaves living inside of walled test populations

At least we have spoons.

But look at the curvy streets. What a nice way to express your individuality!

>living inside of an area with an uglier geography than the pittest hells of Iraq

>I bought it so other people MUST want it!

Well we could build compact, liveable cities, but again, shitskins

>I'd rather live with niggers
I wont judge you tyrone

>flee from all of your beautiful geography to live in an area that looks like the worst parts of Iraq

>we could be bugmen
I like having a yard tho

>give up the incredible land that Teddy Roosevelt cherished and loved and reside on a hellhole that looks worse than the majority of iraq

Whats stopping you from bringing back aparthied and locking them up in townships at night behind a bard wired fence?

there is a ton of beautiful land for sale in this country, it's just not in a zogbot suburb

At least we have guns too

I cannot understand why somebody would want to live in a place like that. I like the old suburbs. The new exburbs are cancer.

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>strawman then type lol to feel better

Well, we used we can't afford them even working our entire lives. So that's a thing.

>elderly people need to spend their entire weekends cutting their grass to get my approval

Americans are slaves, these are their dorms. They think they are free though. But, really they are sent to compete with their labor for resources which the rich control.

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I live in a neighborhood on a little over an acre. Have chickens and a big garden even has a always flowing spring. Paid 110k in 08 worth 175 now. Remind me again why that’s a problem ?

More delusional than you, impossible

>Americans work their entire lives to buy a house in these suburbs.
Capitalism, what can ya say.

looks comfy. 15 car dealerships on same road. based.

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>no spoons
not even sporks!

The curvy streets fool the eye into believing there are fewer block houses than they are. It's an illusion of perception so they don't realize they are one of millions in indefinite indentured servitude. It's easy to control a slave if that slave has the illusion of individuality and free will.

I agree entirely, but I don't see how this makes Americans somehow unique.

What you described is not related to OP.

Whig history

>hehe capitalism
I wish we had capitalism, can't start a business without having kike nose sniffing up thousands of dollars in bullshit regulations & hostile policies that only exists to keep giant corporations in monopoly status.
Id take full on capitalism over what we have now desu.

What's your alternative?

Because unlike many countries Americans have a special perception of freedom and individuality. We are a model for the world and this blueprint will be used globally.

It's so their kids don't have to. Then the kid can work for upgrades.
I understand this is a foreign concept to you, and that concepts all together are foreign, but please don't.
Imagine if you couldn't get one.

>can't start a business without having kike nose sniffing up thousands of dollars in bullshit regulations & hostile policies that only exists to keep giant corporations in monopoly status.
this is capitalism in practice dude.

Every capitalist, who concentrated capital, seeks to preserve it and to have insurance from the state.

>corporate cattle
america is lost, cope

>Tastse of China

you feed your corporations literally trillions to light up other parts of the world, as if those few really matter. you will still repeat that line when they put you in a defunct barn


>have insurance from the state
then they become the state

>streets, driveways, and backyards bad!!
>why aren't they buying tiny houses!!!!

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>99% white
>rest of europe
>70% white or less but niggers have their dedicated suburbs and stay together
>56% white but niggers literally own the cities and whites have to flee in the suburbs that all have the same ugliness and need to drive 2 hours to get to work

What do people in other countries work for? They don't ever get to own anything close to a nice house in the suburbs.

good goy, toil away for that wooden shack

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>99% white
enjoy it while it lasts, soak it in because once it's gone you'll miss it dearly.

>It's another "durrrrrr suburbs" thread without any investigation into why they exist or an alternative beyond cramped urban dwellings or sparse homesteads

>insert Darden restaurant

these are starter homes lol

What do you get to toil away for? Rent in a city filled with foreigners? You know it's only a matter of time before you get acid in your face right?

We are only 70 years into the suburb project. It’s really not much different than other civilizations before us. We are designed to work, commune, and die. We try to make it more complicated to give life meaning, but this is it

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They don't want their kids to go to school with blacks but work in the city. But thanks to zoning and HOAs in addition to corrupt bureaucrats giving a few firms total control of homebuilding there is no legal alternative. Are you ready to talk about that?

We tried keeping them out of entire states and chains and that didn't work. Full physical removal is the only long term sustainable solution.

Where’s the fucking vegetation?

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>You have to live in cities with niggers so your massive property tax dollars and kids can go to third world tier schools with niglets
>what do you mean you want a backyard with a charcoal grill for BBQ and a fenced yard for your pets to run around? Don't you know the hustle and bustle of the city offers GASTROPUBS and BARCADES?
>Noooo you can't just drive to the city when you feel like it you have to live here like me who is trying to live out my 90s sitcom fantasy.

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>le epic JIDF may mays

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Fuck off, Cletus. Shouldn't you be runing from the latest mass shooting?

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based favela monkey

Florida to the max!

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Suburbs are comfy as fuck. Very little issues. Good neighbors.

Waiting for someone to post pics of Soviet era commieblocks or Asian high rise human storage facilities.

xplain pic pls

No fucking bong may ever talk shit about the USA ever again. Video very related. Eyes down in shame bong.

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Also, "One post by this ID"

>40 million niggers
>50 million spics
>cities full of human feces

And why are you trying so hard to get to that point?

Don't live in the black neighborhoods. I can deal with spics and maybe a few blacks in school but the negro is a savage.

If this happened in the states, that nigger would be dead.

Realize that a significant portion of Jow Forums users are underaged and also unhappy with their lives and living situations. It's easier for them to project their misery onto an external source instead of any self introspection. For a common, white, underageb& poster; they externalize their failures onto their parents and by extension their living situations in the suburbs.

>"If only I grew up in the hustle and bustle of the city with SOUL instead of SOULLESS suburbs, maybe I wouldn't be destined to be a NEET with no future who can't pass community college"

Sneer some more.

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Never said that the US is perfect either. But I don't talk shit about other nations. Remember D and C.


This could easily be fixed if you put some apartments in there, near the center you allow churches, gardens, penny shops, grocery shoppes.. then added parks, gardens, and statues.

It fucking sucks that boomers have made it impossible to turn these ssuburbs into small towns. Imagine how fucking comfy it would be to have local shit.

Fuck, I've done a lot of traveling, and the American Southwest/Rockies are definitely one of the ugliest areas on the planet, especially urban and suburban centers. Why the fuck would you want to live somewhere where it rains twice a year, the sun is bright enough to tan leather, and you're surrounded by sand, Mexicans, and boring cities that are only known for tourism and media/celebrities.

The mid-atlantic, northeast, and pacific northwest all shit on the southwest. The southwest is basically a African/Semitic climate, which is why basically no sensible white live there and you only find leftist Jews, Mexicans, and communists.

Idk user. I genuinely enjoy what I do for work, but I know most people don't. Actually my job is like a break from the reality of family/neighbors/cleaning/bills/etc. Must suck to have a shit job that you only go to because youre a consumeristic faggot that wants to save money to buy whatever cell phone, clothing item, or sex hormone the Jews are trying to push this week.

looks cosy

Why does this dumb shit get posted so often? Fly over literally any housing development in a western country built within the last 100 years and it will all be copy paste buildings along roads pointlessly curved to give it a sense of character.

That's nice. I just work to pay off debts.

Gentrify the nigger ghettos.
Take the neighborhoods back!

I'm American and I'm working my entire life to get out of the suburbs

Trayvon martin, skittles, and miami dolphins is all I can interpret

Where you gonna go

Your crime ridden, cesspool urban cores

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Le 56% face is real, but why is it always the Britons who get so asspained over Americans? Is it because they're either disgusting inbreds or mudshits?

Because Amerisharts don't understand bants

Areas around the Great Lakes in medium to small cities can be nice, too, if you don't mind the weather.