If you could replace all the nigger population in the U.S with Syrians , would you do it ?

If you could replace all the nigger population in the U.S with Syrians , would you do it ?

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only if they were all female

If they were Christian or otherwise not batshit insane it would probably be an improvement

is it a random pick of Syrians so I can make them fight each other instead of me or are they all one group like all Sunnis, all Shi'ites?

This, yes. For reasons...

Attached: Jewish communist behind black racism against whites.png (480x590, 307K)

It would honestly be a godsend for America at this point

hell, i'd send every arab south of euphrates there


That's a fake quote

Not much of a change, neither of them can shoot straight.


do it burger. syrians are the least of the problem that came here in the past 4 years

>Wanting your population to be 13% muslim
It's like you are asking for chaos.

Take a population that takes 2 or three generations to bleach and has some women that might actually be worth bleaching in exchange for a population of unfuckable jungle apes that will pollute a bloodline for ten plus generations? Why would I not? In a hundred years under this plan we would have a lot of Americans with mixed Syrian heritage. Under the current plan in a hundred years we'll still just have a bunch of damned niggers.

Literal Kike thread... advocating Arab banishment to white countries for greater Israel project
>t. Country that pays its Arabs to go to Europe.
Fucking Schlomo

We turn everybody Protestant on a long enough timescale unless they hole up in ethnic enclaves. You might be amazed at how many spic Evangelical churches there are in Arkansas.

sure. anything but Qatars, fuck those people

>help to depopulate Syria so jews could invade and take over for Greater Israel.

Hell no, go back fight for your country, traitors.

Yes. Buffalo NY has actually imported a bunch of Middle Eastern rapefugees over the last five years and our per capita crime rate has dropped precipitously. Now imagine if in conjunction with doing that we had also removed the niggers.

Syrians are just a different group of niggers.

as long as they arent african-syrians
>can these be ordered?

one nigger group for another?

in a heartbeat

I'd replace the jews first

If someone chose yes would that mean replacing all niggers with Syrians or erasing all niggers and putting Syrian people instead?
Dont want Israel to expand its borders and niggers are the perfect way to fuck anyone up

Or exchange all niggers with Syrians and all Israel’s Arabs with niggers.

The spic assimilation worked out because they kinda had to in the last century pre-woke period, but in the age of globohomo, we’d just put a tax on white people to build a Mosque building fund to enrich our country

>tfw no cute syrian girl harem


AW SHIT like the ones that are raping Europeans?
I dunno. Maybe.

Christianity and Islam are both shit. You worship a literal desert Jew and have the audacity to call your culture "white"?

Syrians are aryans

>being deluded by a painting
Are you fucking retarded? Syrians here fuck goats, sheep and horseses, murder our children, rape women, kill people, go without shame for holidays in their country paid by Germans. They also look fucking disgusting and smell.

It's ridiculous how easily people are betrayed if they are deluded into thinking with their dick, even when it is obvious that it is not a hand-picked picture, but a flattering drawing.

if you rearrange the word syrians you get aryans

But if you re-arrange them while spelling them correctly you wont

Imagine thinking any group is worse than niggers.

oh yeah, i fucked up, there's an extra i

Syrian Girl Partisan would like to have a word with you

Attached: syrian_grill.jpg (399x399, 21K)

>Imagine thinking any group is worse than niggers.

Kikes/Jews/Israelis are worse

No it’s not.

That's a gypsy , you sandnigger

How is that even a question I would even replace all nigs with rabid chimps.

in the whole world better

>those dick sucking lips

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This but I'm going to pretend it's ironic so I can say "unironically"

All brown eyed people are niggers.


>implying they're worse than niggers
Nigger, they're still better than African monkeys.

In a heartbeat


Kikes would just mass sterilize them or just straight up genocide.

I'd rather replace all the kikes out of America over the nogs. Jews push the diversity propaganda. Without jews the media cant manipulate the nogs are just good bois and dindu nuffin

is this a serious question? yes, in a heartbeat. I could make the SSNP waifu dream a reality without leaving my home country.

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first of all I don't think you appreciate how great a proportion of "Syrians" in your country are not actually Syrian.
second I don't think you appreciate how bad the alternative OP is describing really is.

Only if they are christian or baste alawite then yes.