Why do creationists use retarded arguments for intelligent design such as the shape of bananas when they could very...

Why do creationists use retarded arguments for intelligent design such as the shape of bananas when they could very well point out that the Sun and the Moon have nearly the same apparent size which actually is incredibly unlikely?

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My dick looks yuge in your face.

Attached: muh-dick.png (437x294, 81K)

But they arent the same size. What do think a corona is?

they take up the same amount of space in our night sky.

No they dont

Otherwise there would be no corona.

Because christcucks are retarded op.


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Honestly this was something that first began to break me out of a totally materialist worldview.

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Religious people are low to average IQ
The rare exception being autists who get obsessed with one thing, and need to find answers in it, and when they can't, fill in the gaps with religion as a last resort
People like terry for example

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It seems most creationists dont have as much of a drive to defend their theories and attack others as much as evolutionists do.

you are aware that we live in a very minor period of time where the moon's apparent size matches that of the sun?

in prehistoric epochs the moon was much closer to the earth and would have totally blotted out the sun in an eclipse; the moon is currently moving further from the earth albeit very slowly, and at some point in the future, long after humanity has killed itself off, the moon will be so far away that all eclipses will be annular.

Take any leaf that falls somewhere on the ground. Then calculate the odds of said leaf to drop right there right now.
Humans are very, very bad at statistics. Read amazon.com/Innumeracy-Mathematical-Illiteracy-Its-Consequences/dp/0809058405 if you don't want to keep on sounding retarded.

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>only known life
>only known instance of OP post
Don't hide behind "muh stats"


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>Honestly this was something that first began to break me out of a totally materialist worldview.
OK, nevermind.

its the light bending over the edge. im not a tinfoil guy but what are the odds that the moon is covering the sun like this in a natural way?

Lol he still thinks the material universe exists as we observe it. Even your own science bitches are trying to sell you on "simulation" nonsense, which is just creationism for the incredibly online set.

The precision of the cosmological constant not being able to vary 1 part in 10^123 without making the existence of life possible seems like a pretty good bit of evidence for supernaturally intelligent design. So does our DNA in our trillions of cells.

No one calls themselves an evolutionist you fuck nugget

Yes they do. Please stop posting ignorant comments. earthsky.org/space/coincidence-that-sun-and-moon-seem-same-size

>you are aware that we live in a very minor period of time where the moon's apparent size matches that of the sun?
Yes but according to creationists the Earth is 6k years old, so it would all be part of the plan.
And even if they don't believe that, recorded history is only 5k years old and the Messiah only came 2k years ago, all of which might as well be yesterday in astronomical terms. Even hominids a couple million years ago didn't see a much different Moon than we do.


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That wooshing sound was the leaf blower going over your head.

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Issac Newton. Discovered Calculus, mechanics, did a thesis on Optics. Was religious.

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how about the fact that it hasnt always been like that. the moon was closer and is slowly moving away so the effect wont last. we just HAPPEN to be here for it.

Creationists occupied Latin America and turned them into banana republics.

>Operation Condor
>was a United States–backed campaign of political repression and state terror involving intelligence operations and assassination of opponents
>was created to suppress active or potential opposition movements against the participating governments' neoliberal economic policies, which sought to reverse the economic policies of the previous era
>Commanded by:
>Jorge Rafael Videla
>Hugo Banzer
>Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco
>Costa e Silva
>Augusto Pinochet
>Alfredo Stroessner
>Aparicio Méndez


Creationists don't want any other fruit to exist than their narrative, so then they can say banana is made by god for human, when in actuality if Jewish Christians didn't exterminate 90% of nature they would see there's 10000 different fruit to eat.

No, they only take up the same size during a certain period of the moon's orbit.
The angular size of the sun is 32 arc minutes.

Attached: lunar-apogee-perigee.jpg (640x461, 66K)

Pretty sure challenging religion in their time was social and profesional suicide.

Name some notable Christian scientists post the year 1900 bitch!

after they killed god?

WHICH God? Allah is alive and well my friend.

And Galileo died because of church persecution you dumb fuckk

The moon is slowly moving away from earth. It was a matter of time. Its a phenomena that will come and go with any satellite planetoid that sprung off its parent body.
Enjoy it. In 100.000 years its gone.

Basically because n-body gravitational influence.

What you miscalculated is that the autists find God in “the gaps”

There’s a difference

Re Galileo

Ultimately, Galieo’s book was banned, and he was sentenced to a light regimen of penance and imprisonment at the discretion of church inquisitors. After one day in prison, his punishment was commuted to “villa arrest” for the rest of his life. He died in 1642.

In his later years Galileo insisted on the truth of the geocentric solar system, Kelly said. The story that after he formally renounced the motion of the earth at his sentencing he muttered, “And yet it moves,” is a romantic invention of a later generation.

“If he had ever come out and said he believed in heliocentrism after swearing it off, he would have been liable to receive an automatic death sentence,” Kelly said.

The church, however, made efforts to ensure their version of Galileo’s scientific beliefs were prevalent.

>And Galileo died because of church persecution you dumb fuckk
He died aged 77 after a fucking fever in 1642, you dumb fuck. The Ptolemist priests forced the pope to place him under house arrest. Several years later the Church/Pope adopted the system, as it made calculating the date of Easter significantly easier. Do you not even know how to research, or do you just shit this stuff out hoping you don't get caught.

pedovores and their legacy and social media protectors are being delivered to justice.


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The same size? You mean how the moon cancels the sun during eclipse?

Ptolemist priests forced the pope
The pope

Nice try faggot

I was seeing about the prison. It was house arrest ordered by the Papists. Forced upon an enlightened scientist who cared more about truth than a fucking Jew that was a result of God cuckolding Joseph...

Name some Catholic advances for Western Civilization during the last century. Other than recruiting spics

Nah that's just BhutanBro.

What's incredibly unlikely is your braindead lump of flesh making it past childhood, but here you are, shilling like a fucking retard.

They were all occultists into esotericism.
Catholics aren't "anti-science", the Catholic Church was.

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A lot of debate in my head for many years, but the reason I believe in God is the included picture. Imagine you are of the opinion that evolution is the cause. You must now justify how the Cell in its amazing complexity, which is in fact made of complex DNA, naturally formed from inorganic rock. I'm not here to justify any religion. You have to start from a basic point of truth. This schematic comes from no accident.

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>The sun is in the night sky

The banana thing is because we selectively bred, so the eclipse makes more sense that we live at the right time to experience it.

This is why we have shorter, longer, and annular eclipses. All depends on perigee and apogee during the eclipse.

Look I'm all behind this effort to expose the globopedo, but why do you have to make yourself look like such a schizo retard while trying to spread the word?

That is an advancement.. Bhubba-Ray

He was also into alchemy and proposed that the imperial measuring system came from the same people who made the pyramids.
Point being, most of the true geniuses also tend to be ultra religious or someone who would be qualified as a conspiracy theorist by modern standards.

imagine being stupid

The moon has an elliptical orbit, sometimes it close enough to completely cover the sun, sometimes it isn't

Attached: annular eclipse.jpg (600x600, 32K)

people back then had no idea about anything, they didn't even know what germs were. People were still talking about air as some kind of ethereal spiritual substance that granted "the breath of life" to people

>t the Sun and the Moon have nearly the same apparent size which actually is incredibly unlikely?
is actually a good point.
no shit nigger but thats because the every dick is as thick as an eyeball
a chink dick doesnt look nerely as big up close.

oh so there still super fucking close and it literally looks weird as fuck when it happens
most planets in the solar system dont have moons of that size that close to them

>"has a tab for removal of wrapper"
>opening the wrong end of a banana
shiggy diggy

Gorillas don't open it from that end. Only niggerz

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The moon varies by more than 14% and so does the sun. They aren't the same, they're kinda sorta close. But I guess that ONE coincidence negates all other science about time and space, evolution, geology, etc...

Yes, I was raised a young earth creationist, then I came to my senses as an adult. Test your faith. Try avoiding church, religious nuts and religious propaganda for a year and see if you still believe that nonsense. It's the constant reaffirmation that allows you to believe illogical things.

OR that's the anthropic principle as it's quite possible that there are innumerable universes where the laws of physics are different and can't sustain life. Our universe can, therefore it allows us to exist and ponder how our universe is well designed for life in the same way we can look at earth and see it's just warm enough for life, but there are trillions upon trillions of other planets out there that are dead.

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

EVERYONE was religious back then! Being an atheist was a crime so you can't expect him to have had exposure to any other concept besides God exists as a fundamental fact.

My analysis is the reason conservative and right wing views are failing so spectacularly is because they are tied to these religious arguments. It's like strapping yourself to an anchor. Anyone with a brain is fleeing from this stuff like the plague, and into the arms of the liberals.

You don't need religion to argue any of these things, I can make rational arguments based in science for all of this stuff.

Given how wealth is concentrating at the top, and the increasing power of money over society, the wealthy and intelligent people are having an extremely magnified influence over the culture and the society at large. You can't afford to lose these people. I would rather have one billionaire on my side than 10 million rednecks