Black Muslims account for a fifth of all U.S Muslims, half are converts

So much for the Jow Forums assertion that Middle Easterners/traditional Muslims hate blacks and the two groups don't get along. Bwahaha

"Even in the early 20th century, when Islam had little presence in most parts of the United States, the religion had a foothold in many black urban communities. Today, black people (not including those of Hispanic descent or mixed race) make up 20% of the country’s overall Muslim population, according to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey."

"Still, Muslims make up only a small portion of the overall black population in the United States. The vast majority of black Americans are either Christian (79%) or religiously unaffiliated (18%), while about 2% of black Americans are Muslim."

"About half of black Muslims (49%) are converts to Islam, a relatively high level of conversion. By contrast, only 15% of nonblack Muslims are converts to Islam, and just 6% of black Christians are converts to Christianity."

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It is because American Black Identity is inherently Anti-White i.e. anti-European and Islam is considered anti-European and that hatred of the European is why blacks who are defined by their hate identify with Islam despite the much larger Arab slave trade of blacks and the sterilization of the males.

Hate is the all the black man knows and will never know because that they lack the intelligence for rationality that causes civilization. They are pure breed Golem.

>blacks convert to islam
>therefor middle easterners love niggers
stellar logic retard

>"Middle Easterners don't like blacks"
>All Middle Eastern youth (especially the ones in the west) ape and mimic black rappers and hip hop swag culture
>Blacks and Middle Easterners from the UK and Europe went off together as brothers to join ISIS and made rap videos together


Yeah, no duh

The Nation of Islam grows roots in the prison system. They're not actually Muslims. They're knockoff Muslims. This is why Malcolm X left their psychopathic ways. Elijah Muhammad and Farrakhan are the most devious, disgusting, manipulating kikes that call themselves "black". They prey on the stupidity of their own people to line their own pockets. Their core doctrine is that a space nigger named Yakub created the other races as a biological weapon. So, regardless of how nice anyone is to these people, they've been programmed to see you as a threat. Doesn't matter if you're Mexican, Chinese or White. If you're not black, you're toxic to them.

I don’t really like Muslims. But maybe Islam will reform black communities from the disordered dumpster fire that exists now.

If they start raising their kids, committing crime and develop a sense of socialism al shame, I am all for it.

It never fixed their communities, they brought their filthy niggertry even after converting to islam and don’t even realize that shit isn’t compatible with islam. Niggers are unironically subhuman, the only reason they turned “muslim” was to be the opposite of a white christian, not about islam.

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didnt muhammed say that if anyone calls him black they should be putten to death?

Converts to Muslim in prison keeps butthole tight

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Hope ya'll Dearborn hajjis have a thing for nigger dick.

What happned here lol

Arabs in America call niggers abeeds it means slave in arab tongue.

Is he okay?

They all fell for the meme that some how thats "going back to their roots" when in reality Islam was an invasive religion that the arabs brought upon the black africans just like the christians did.

Niggers go to jail and convert to get better food.

i think he said donkeys have a better character than blacks do.

The majority of those converts are Nation of Islam, retard. Its origin is completely Afro American centric and has almost nothing to do with any kind of black-Arab alliance like what you're suggesting

black women love islam so they can cover their bald ass heads in hijab

Black Islam in the US is just a cope, their entire identity is based around resentment of white people.

The isis videos from the west africa wiliyhat(Nigeria) was unironically the most savage and entertaining from all. I saw some where they overun some millitary outposts and man there you see absolute no regard for human live, not for the enemy nor for themselves.
You see a bunch of them with aks, walking slowly trough the bush shooting at the distance while some of them just drop death striked with bullets and they just keep going no matter what. Even in the arab ones they shot from cover and take cover, they just don't give a fuck. Kill or get killed no matter what.

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