Israel's Holocaust Museum Confirms There is No Physical Evidence of Holocaust

israel's Holocaust Museum Confirms There is No Physical Evidence of Holocaust

Watch the vid here:

Attached: israeli jew says holohoax is a hoax.jpg (1024x640, 309K)

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There were holocausts. There was no Shoah.

I'm gonna go to the Holocaust Museum in Skokie, IL this weekend and I will report back on the lies they push

Go in full Hugo Boss attire with an armband.

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northbrook user here, based

That was already established in the nürnberg cangaroo courts - facts never mattered. It was the start of the world we see today, as this is the foundation myth of cultural marxism. And you paved their way.

who the fuck would have known.

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Take your meds schizo

>This video is unavailable as the contents have been deemed illegal by the authorities within your country - Germany.
Yay, Germany.

Well I am a White Man, you are the Schizo because you are a disgusting jew Rat that is operating out of The Netherlands. That country the NL is a White Nation, jews like you must get out one day when no ZOG of The Netherlands exists any longer. Keep that in mind you Criminal. We know you are no White Man or Woman from Netherlands, you are a jew or something of the sort thus you hold no rights in Netherlands because you are not White.

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Take your redpills, goy

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Thanks for making us aware that the ZOG of Germany is scared that we are working towards their end.

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You just shoahed the goalpost.

Wtf are you on about? Take meds.

You totally are not a juden, going around asking people to take jewish pills. Yeah, totally not a jew.

Actually you make it clear that you are a jew, or a total moron just as bad as Antifa if you are not a juden itself.

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Bitchute told me this video is illegal and I can’t view it

I didnt know Bitchute bans like that but sounds like they do. You can find the original article / video on some other websites.


>Btw in France we have that law named "Loi Gayssot" which renders a crime the action of prooving the shoah is fake

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This link works

It is because no White government exists. It is sad how fucked we are. Literally. They have a ZOG World Government aka an 'Empire' run by jews, our enemies. And their non-jewish OVERPAID Bitches like Trump and all the rest.

We have no hope in the 'system' because no White government exists in this entire world. Barley any non-white/non-jewish governments even exist if you ask me. It seems Kikes and the Kike's non-jewish slaves who they pay a lot of ZOG $$$ are the ones running the show, worldwide. If one nation is not utterly occupied by their ZOG World Empire, then that nation is still submissive to their World Government power. So, in short, there already is a jew World Order. That is what the National Socialists opposed, and lost against in WW2.

And that explains why ZOG Occupied France has such a law as you speak of.

As most nations do.

The only way out is if ZOG is dethroned, world wide. There is no voting that into happening either, it must happen somehow though. Military coming to save the day maybe? But look at America and any other formerly WHite nation's military... Sense we have no White gov, they are subserviant to the Kike jews and their non-jewish Overpaid ZOG Agent Bitches like trump and the rest. But I'd wager to say that trump is a jew. He is surrounded by them, more jewish and out in the open about it than any prior us presipuppet.

Attached: a-video-shows-trump-and-jeffrey-epstein-laughing--2-424-1563392706-6_dblbig.jpg (625x415, 209K)

That is good to know. You guys can probably make use of's systems then for other videos. They give an easily accessable .mp4 file/url.