So does Jow Forums like him or dislike him?

So does Jow Forums like him or dislike him?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Alberta

For some reason he looks like a child to me. Something about those eyes.


He is cringe and is worshiped by hordes of migapedes

This board isnt one person and doesnt have a general consensus on shit. I personally think hes a faggot and i also think the UK is the shittiest nation on the planet.

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But where does the dislike come from?
>makes feminists and liberals seethe
>is even religious to boot

>what does Jow Forums think of x

>the shittiest nation on the planet.

That's objectively America though, you have all the same police state laws but you export degeneracy more than any other nation on top of it all. And you're less white.

Maybe if he would stop fucking crying on stage.

Question for you, paki:

How would you sum up Peterson's central message?

Pre-2017 it was something along the lines of:
>Religious mythology, far from being a misguided attempt at a "true" scientific theory or historical account of the world, is best understood as an allegory for how great men survive and thrive in human society. This is not because the ancients did this consciously, but because stories that contained these essential messages were the interesting and relevant, and as such were the stories that were carried down across time. In this way, a tremendously sophisticated examination of society could occur via memetic evolution, even though the participants in these ancient societies were not nearly as sophisticated individually; it was through this process that sophistication was able to develop.

Extremely based
Clean your fucking rooms lads

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Reddit loves him

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>extremely based
You must be new here

Thanks, Jordan!

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>jews have higher iqs so they have every right to rule over you & shit on you you stupid goyim
>oh iq doesn't mean value! you shouldn't be mean to niggers because their iq is lower, you stupid goyim
>white identity will lead to nazis so let's focus on that with my huwhite audience & continue to let the jews push their anti white narrative because they're smarter, you stupid goyim
truly he is /our guy/

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Peterson was /ourguy/ first before his celebrity status, but after the C4 interview the shills spammed character assassination threads non-stop. Literally happened overnight. Newfags took the b8, and here we are.
>clean your room, Jow Forums

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Jews hand picked him to subvert white nationalism in today’s failed
His meteoric rise was facilitated by Jews he was supposed to be Prime Minister as he stated in the newspaper as a child.....he was never anything but a charlatan gatekeeper.

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The only time these piles of shit ecelebs are ever discussed is when you goddamn niggers spamming these cancerous ecelebs threads

Same, age old right-wing talking points from the last century. Basically tells the working class to stay in their place. Justifies porn usage in men. Doesn't realise the extent of deeply rooted sexism in society. Comes from an insanely priveliged background, the preface put me off the entire book. It was blowing smoke up Peterson's arse and going on and on about Peterson's rich Polish Jew friends that were responsible for getting him any sort of media attention at all, especially because of the 'house parties' that acted as networking events at their house.

Upper class wanker talking down to everyone as per. Nothing special about him. He's a psychologist and talks about a lot in his book on which he has zero authority or credibility. Trash.

pol/ elevated him on account of he had a frog hat, otherwise he would've been forgotten.

Ironically his evolutionary psychology talking points destroys his own "jews should rule over you & you need to be nice to niggers" argument when it's taken to its logical conclusion. But it's not like he'll let anyone near him that can actually challenge him on that, or anything for that matter.

Sorry kike....he decorated his home with Soviet propaganda....not Nazi....soviet.
He will never tell the truth about Jews and the statistical impossibility of their over representation in positions of wealth and influence.
He just can’t........
Because they own him.....

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lol no

Nice digits. I like the "pick your poison" bit. Also, the "maybe you should do a little introspective work instead of meddling with things you barely have the power to do like, for the sake of argument, saving the WORLD, what makes you think you're up for such a task" bit. Pretty based and redpilled in my humble opinion.

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He is ok, his individualism is shit but he isn't nearly as bad as pol claims.

That’s the sugar he mixes with the Jew poison this charlatan is peddling

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>I... I.. just can't
that shit was hilarious, he quotes Solzhenitsyn 24 fucking 7 and as soon as his other book about the bolsheviks pops up he starts pacing around like a retard lmao.

>what is a standard deviation
>some broke pasty french canadian professor who made it late in life by a fluke must be a jew
>white identity won't lead to nazis, cmon goys i mean cmon
there certainly was a lot of diversity at the live show where I saw him and DRubin

He says something intelligent every now and again. He sounds like Kermit the frog.

Himself, Ben Shapiro, Milo and all other people (left or right) who do "talks" or symposiums, whatever they are called, are pseudo intellectuals who think they have good ideas when they're just spouting out the same junk a lot of normal people think about on their own.

At that moment his audience knew they were being sold bullshit. And his house of cards and his 12 rules fell apart.

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I like him. His message to young men to take responsibility for their own lives and get it together is good.

>im an anti white neoliberal

He’s very smart, very knowledgeable, and very well spoken. He tends to approach issues logically and methodically, and his conclusions usually hold up to scrutiny. Many people could improve their lives by taking his advise.

My one concern is that he is a pacifist, and when his pacifistic ideals conflict with his logical principles he defers to the former.

A prime example of this is when he stated that Kavanaugh should resign. Not because he was guilty of the alleged crimes, but because his presence on the court would be divisive as a result of the allegations. This so fundamentally contradicts everything that Peterson claims to stand for that it casts doubt on whether he actually believes (or even understands) what he preaches.

Tl;dr: A lot of what he says is interesting and valuable, but I’m concerned that he has an agenda that is inconsistent with his stated principles. Red flags suggest that he may only be a mouth piece.

lol yes you retard

>A lot of what he says is interesting and valuable
only if you're a severely bluepilled normie desu

Competing against a powerful wealthy collective as an individual is a losing proposition.
Jews love his advice to goyum.

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He just says basic shit you should've been born knowing. No value here

Peterson is more or less right about hierarchies, he also promotes stoicism

>>My one concern is that he is a pacifist, and when his pacifistic ideals conflict with his logical principles he defers to the former.

Agreed on this. I disagree with much of his politics.

This. I value him to a degree and it's great that he's intruducing many indoctrinated people to dissenting ideas. What I don't like is that he's fundamentally weak as a man and in tough moments he'll bend just to feel that he's liked.

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He's based as long as he's defending society against l*bshits extremism. He's a fucking cuck on anything else.

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More like jews want you to buy in and be a minimum wage cuck and be obedient little goyun until they send you all aff to war


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>im fine with america becoming majority mexican because the magic soil meams they become white people & wont turn every state blue like they did in california
>actually haha, I'm not even white so even if that did happen it'd benefit me anyway
right on pedro


I like him

There’s a lot of them bro.

He's a literal globohomo shill
He can fuck off, and die for all I care.

He's a zionist cocksucker who sells ten dollar personality tests to the hordes who grew up with single mothers, worships establishment hierarchy, pretends to have understood Jung and folds at the first sign of conflict. Imagine pretending to be a philosopher and then bending over for Slavoj fucking Zizek. Jesus christ.

>you have all the same police state laws
This is vastly innacurate, and we both know it.
If you actually think the U.S is akin to your little 1984 island you're a literal retard.

Also a reptoid last I heard

The United States won't put you in jail for teaching your dog the Nazi salute.
That literally happened in the UK not too long ago
Please go suck on a shotgun you anti American retards.

So many people WANT to pose as smarter than him. Especially Narcissistic retards here on Jow Forums.


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Ideally, sure, but we don’t live in an ideal world. Look at the reaction to “clean your room”. It’s a punch to the gut of SJWs who think they can fix society, but can’t even manage their own lives.

I’ll be honest with you, prior to Peterson I knew nothing about the chemical link between perceived social status and biological function. That introduction opened a whole new avenue of study for me, and for that I’m thankful.


>i want to wr-
wait... the fuck did I just read? what's the argument?

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>takes drugs since decades regularly
>not degenerate
pick one

They're gonna be really disappointed when they find themselves in full socialism & finding out that fighting white identity did nothing to stop it. To be fair that's already set in stone, it's coming no matter what, I won't judge the normies for enjoying their last years of vague meritocracy before it comes but I will continue to point the finger at the guy making millions off of selling dreams to gullible normies.

i think he's a fucking dad clown old boy WHINER

He believes he’s disarming an ideological bomb. Preventing the right and the left from destroying each other by shifting the focus from blame to personal responsibility. Admirable, but he’s deliberately missing the bigger picture.

>I will reap the benefits of the entire electoral college turning blue
yes, that has been established, anything else to add, pedro?

He got me from lost hedonist to an, at least, cold, selfish, but extremely efficient achiever.


>telling whites to not have an identity whilst millions of socialism loving people who speak a foreign language, wave a foreign flag & vote for third world policies wherever they go is admirable
definitely admirable

I don't really care about his politics

I like his history/religion lectures and self improvement advice

The inwardly motivated pursuit of excellence is our shared identity. That’s what they can never have. The left clings to racial identity politics because their only strength is in uniformity.

I like him to a point.
>you have all the same police state laws

he doesn't hate jews. He can do everything right and be close to likable as possible, but if he doesn't talk about the holohoax, everything else is disregarded and he is a jew. black and white thinking, no middle ground. Dont hate the jew = shill.

>The inwardly motivated pursuit of excellence is our shared identity
lol no.

>The left clings to racial identity politics
lol also no.

All politics is about identity. The strongest of which based in biology: so called "race" (ie: genetic kinship groups) and religion (b/c belief in religion has been selected for in the human animal). The strongest political identity will always be an identity based on race reaffirmed and supported by their religion.

>makes feminists and liberals seethe

absolutely wrong. maybe a couple of subreddits but overall they will hate him when they find out he disagree with their core beliefs.

>uses old right wing talking points

old doesn't mean bad


well you can hate him all you want he had no choice being born into a rich family and surroundings.

>got help from jews

just because he doesn't talk about the truth about jews doesn't mean he doesn't believe that, talking about the jew would get him into jail in his country. So everything he says is trash because he doesnt talk about the jew or motivate white nationalism and nazis.

No, everything he says is trash because he pretends to be for free speech whenever its convenient but whenever he would even potentially lose face over it he backs down without exception.

>grew up in Fairview fucking Alberta
>grew up extremely privileged
Holy fuck, that's a rich assertion.,_Alberta

Race is a factor, yes, but if that were universally true the world wouldn’t be as it is. The prime motivator is peer-group status and wellbeing. Peer group definition is IQ related.

Between low IQ people there is very little variation in terms of productive ability, so numbers are all that matter, and race is sufficient to define a group.

As you move up the IQ curve, at some point individual specialization becomes the most important selection criteria for assessing the value add to the group. For high performance individuals creating a peer-group, race is almost a non issue.

Damn it. Sorry, wrong post.

Race is a factor, yes, but if that were universally true the world wouldn’t be as it is. The prime motivator is peer-group status and wellbeing. Peer group definition is IQ related.

Between low IQ people there is very little variation in terms of productive ability, so numbers are all that matter, and race is sufficient to define a group.

As you move up the IQ curve, at some point individual specialization becomes the most important selection criteria for assessing the value add to the group. For high performance individuals creating a peer-group, race is almost a non issue.

It took me a long time to realize he was a gatekeeper.

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