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Race and IQ Thread
[citation needed nigger]
For how many generations will Africans claim that all their problems are due to white colonialism and racism?
The ideas of Alberdi on Argentina, Argentina literally cuck'ed the US, UK, Switzerland.
Imagine STILL playing peek-a-boo with a 6 year old black child when all the white children have bored of the "game" at 15 months.
You know what sucks? That the leftists have convinced normies that simply discussing things like genetics, IQ, and race is a racist activity.
When the fact of the matter is, hominids will never fix the terrible state of our world until we have an honest discussion about genetics and race.
Because you cannot fix a problem until you can admit that exists in the first place.
There is a side note to consider when looking at this data like this. The overall sample of blacks in the higher income brackets is rather small. It is also mostly comprised of athletes and entertainers.
>It is also mostly comprised of athletes and entertainers.
Why would that matter?
Yo why does no one include jews in these charts. The average median income for a jewish family is around 160k a year and the average America household income comes in at around 60k. This would drive lefties fucking insane.
They're almost always considered as to be "white" in these types of studies.
damn, because I'm sure if they weren't part of "white" gdp they'd be wayyyyyy above asians.