Fed Cut Rates: Why Are You Not Buying A Home?

Listen here kiddos. Rate have been so ridiculously low for so long you may not realize they used be in the teens. Buying power will not be this sweet forever. Get out there and buy!!! Not planning a family in that apartment are you?

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The Federal Reserve on Wednesday cut its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points, citing weakening exports and low inflation.
The reduction, which lowered the federal funds rate to a range of 1.75 percent to 2 percent

The Terrorist Anti-White ZOG "Feds" are literally importing non-whites (genocideing the white race) from all around the world into our formerly white nation becuase they are CRIMINAL TERRORIST feds. And they meanwhile have us living to where WE CAN BARLEY AFFORD TO LIVE PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK and barley even afford to rent a fucking home.

So how the fuck can the TERRORIST feds expect us to afford homes when we cannot afford homes? Who the fuck can afford a home? Dont people, most normal folks, take out LOANS (BORROW money THAT IS NOT THEIR OWN MONEY) to "buy" a house.

Aka you rent the house until the $$$ you were loaned is paid back in full, even then you pay property taxes and the TERRORIST Anti-White gov shouldn't be allowed to take our tax$.

What the fuck is your point op, are you some disgusting Kike jew Rat?

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It is called a down payment poor fag. Borrow 90% - 80%. Ownership is how a race stays powerful. I love you mock the jews, but set your own race up for failure.

you don't own anything. you lease it.

Well when you pass your children a commercial property with mortgage on it, I assume your hair splitting to sooth your own inadequacies will convince them they should just give it away to charity.

Yeah what this faggot said. Stop making your monthly payments and you will learn real quick who the real owners are.

When all the "have white baby" types do not want to have ownership/power I am amazed. Wigger mentality.

It is called a "30 year mortgage" for a reason - stay poor

You're an idiot. Interest rates will only rise. When intrest is low housing prices go up. Then people get stuck with a house that they paid triple value for because of low interest rates and the interest rate rises and they value goes down, so they either sell for a huge loss, or lose the house. Don't fall for this shit.......Again.

literally just cut rates today. Prices go up because buying power increase you dumb cunt. But if all you chicken dicks do not borrow money to purchase prices will not move. Stay poor and enjoy your apartment living.

>so they either sell for a huge loss, or lose the house.
Or they just keep paying for the house and don't lose it. If your house is underwater, but you can afford your mortgage it doesn't really matter. Not everyone bought their house as an investment. Some bought their house because they wanted to settle down in an area to raise a family, and didn't want to pay rent when doing so. I don't care about the resale value of my house, because I'm going to be living in this house until I die.

I do want to live in an apartment forever desu, if I'd buy anything it'd be a condo. Also no money.

But the prices are overinflated almost everywhere. Boomers wont let people build because prices will drop. At least here is Chicago suburbs there are laws stopping new building.

>I'd buy anything it'd be a condo.
Single family homes are so much better for freedom. HOAs are a nightmare and usually setup by the developer to be crooked. Enjoy asking permission to install wood floors.

>Also no money.
put any extra money you have in a trading account. Get a bonus? Put it in a trading account. Eventually the trading account will start making real money you can use the profits and not the principal. Keep it growing and you will have your down payment in a few years.

I cant think of anything more cucked than buying some boomers used up wooden cuck shed. Id much rather buy a bit of land and build a shack of my own design and liking.

land is great, but if the down is hard, good luck paying for an architect, permits and a building. Also you could spread that purchase power into multiple properties if you have the money to build.

Pushing on a string.
Between housing, cars, credit cards, and school loans nobody wants more debt.

credit card debt is for chumps - that's why you are pushing on a string

why have a car loan if struggling. Buy a used car in cash.