Why do women fear sexbots so much?

Why do women fear sexbots so much?

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Because it diminishes their ability to gate-keep pussy.
>inb4 have sex incel

To me, they look like lifeless plastic. Not there yet.

Because robot waifus will actually be beneficial to society and they're afraid of losing their privledged position.
>women are literally children that never grew up and then they hit the wall and complain

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That would remove the last thing the postmodern woman can offer.

I want a sexbot made out of a womans flesh

They really arent. this is all manufactured fake news.

Ok, actually read the "article"
>Why, I've just been confronted with a press release entitled: "Brothel Responds to Sex Robot Craze With 'Brunette Barbie' Sentient Sex Doll."
>It turned out this breathtaking news came from the famous Sheri's Ranch, a legal brothel in Pahrump, Nevada.
>It was depressingly humanistic news. Sheri's Ranch has just added Sybil Stallone to its roster.
>Her virtues include that she has allegedly spent $500,000 on plastic surgeries that have "transformed her into a 'Brunette Barbie' living sex doll."
Peak Weimar.

>1 post by this ID

A few more iterations of sex bot and we have female obsolescence. Women are basically luddites who can't accept that men will no longer need them.

Because for a one time payment of a few grand, with prices dropping as scale grows, men can get more from some silicon and rubber than any of them have to offer. They all secretly know they do 't offer men anything and they're terrified of what happens when men stop giving them everything for nothing.

just wait until they have vat grown skin and sex organs.

>why do woman fear the only leaver they have
I dont know user, I dont know.


So the people with a real fetish can go for the women, and the rest of us can go for the bots.

>t. roastie not aware of the tech advancing

>All tests indicate that it is actually a living, breathing female human.
>Except it entirely lacks free will and is subordinate to men. It honestly enjoys serving men.
Ver 9.15 sex bots sure got crazy.
Depends how hard you try really.

If you fuck a sexbot is it cheating?

If your girl fucks a sexbot it it cucking?

If you and your gf have a threesome with a ladyboy sexbot, what is it?

Sexbots raise a lot of philosophical questions.

>self made
so literally 1 chick in the UK got rich on her own?

If you have a GF and a sexbot you're doing it wrong.

And that was through endless propaganda. They read Harry Potter in schools despite it only just having come out.

The driving force behind everything is the will to power. A woman's primary source of power is her sexual agency, and on a subconscious level she knows this.
The more men want to fuck her, the more things (love, material goods, money, favours, help) she can extract from men and the more other women envy her.

Women, on a certain level, understand that men only really put up with them in order to use their holes. They have seen time and time again since the start of puberty the magical power her body holds over men.

I think women fear losing this power more than anything. It's why so many "crash" and become nihilistic alcoholics when they hit the wall...they have seen their magical power reduce by large amounts...and the change in experience is both terrifying and depressing.

Realistic sexbots would spell the end of their power. They would have to contribute to society like a man to get as much respect or love as one (and even a man who contributes to society gets less respect, love, and handouts than a woman who does not).

Realistic sexbots is the only thing (bar Islam) that can spell the end of this period of modern western women being the most privileged class of human to have ever existed.

The only way to make really realistic sexbots would be if they were artificial humans who still had biological parts like replicants. If they are plastic they won't be realistic.

this. pussy and bearing children are the only thing that makes them valuable.

I don't have a sexbot. I'm just philosophizing.

Making you happy is what makes them valuable.

I just want to buy a male and female sexbot so I can watch them have ‘sex’

women want sex monopoly to get free things

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This must be the dumbest mother fucking post I have ever seen on this entire site. Congratulations.

> inb4 custom hacked firmware that autohunts roasties

Will the sexbot be able to shit on me?

Well yeah. The main point is deriving them of free will. That said I'd prefer the less human ones simply because walking in on your sexbot shitting isn't my fetish.

Etc. Harry Potter's cool and all, but it's no literary masterpiece. There legitimately nothing to gain from reading it. Why the fuck is British education so shit?

The same reason Ted Kazinski followers exist
Useless spoor save for one automatable trait

It's because JK is 1) British and 2) Female. The latter was important because they were trying to say women can do anything at the time.
Anyone remember the song "Anything you can do, I can do better"?

If A.I.ever becomes self-conscious, and decides to annihilate us, we will fully deserve it.

The sex bot (imagining AI movie level here) will kill Feminism. Utterly glass it.
They'll have to go back to being normal wives and mothers again as all the pussy in the world will be free and no one will have to bow to it any longer ha ha it'll be glorious!!

a) rape. bots can't consent
b) the bot could be prettier than her
c) to piss off males
d) no one will fuck her
e) to piss off male
probably all

a woman without their stink?

Little early for a sexbot thread, could we only start these at night when the sun is down?

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please ignore the last 'probably'


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You mad bro?
The thing is, do we even have free will? Is it free will if the structure of your brain determined by genetics and your environment determines your thoughts? If a computer could account for all the variables in the universe, could it predict your choices?

And I've never walked in on a girl doing that. Are white women really so shameless they don't close the door?

>bearing children
it's only a matter of time

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>Letting your sexbot lock doors.


As long as they only annihilate {{{women}}}, I fail to see the problem.

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Gas the herbivore men

There’s an argument to be made for non-anthropogenic sexbots to avoid the uncanny valley.


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I said shut. If the bathroom door is shut I don't enter unless I can hear the shower.

The time of woman is over.

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tfw just realize this is going to be a porn category

that's creepy bro

Pros of a Robot Wife:

>never ages
>never smells
>doesn't get fat
>works with 100% efficiency to make you happy
>doesn't turn into a psycho once a month
>will never cheat on you
>Robot Wife could also be good for Home Defense
>can do chores for you
>never complains
>always wants to fuck when you want and fullfill every one of your fetishes
>never initiates any Drama
>can own as many robot wifes as you can afford (will make Men want to work harder)
>long battery life thanks to fuel cells
>completely customizable during ordering process
>Robot AI learns about you to be your best possible companion
>can only improve over time
>easily replaceable


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women themselves will want a Brad Pitt bot too, they are bitching about bots but they will be the first to use artificial wombs, then they will be obsolete

just don't be fucking mean to AIs and robots user it's not fucking hard

Because this is what sex bots look like now, imagine what they'll be in the future..

I mean, the future future
It's 2020, we've been short changed but maybe tech will boost into overdrive before we croak.

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can't we just make them look like robots, id rather that then uncanny valley


>Not entering your own fucking rooms.
>Standing outside of your bathroom door for hours because the wind blew it shut.

Woman love sex bots. Go watch some porn cuck.

why when we're this close to making anime real

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also after using the Brad Pitt bot they will make happen the first robot suicide in history
mark my words anons

The best part is you can pimp her out to men who can't afford their own.

Cons: skynet

You heard of knocking? Are you autistic? Why would it take hours?

>see post
>see flag
Checks out.

Careful, some of us are carnivores, and are rushing the sexbots to fix this sick and corrupt society.

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>Knocking on the door when you're drunk/desperate/middle of the night.

sexbots are just a dumb toy - the future will be sexclones.

Not true, there was data from a few pornsites with registered users that women overwhelmingly downvote sexdolls and sexbots videos.
Why would they do that?

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I'm onto you, you deviant little bastard.

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We aren't trying to make sentient bots user, and we sure as shit aren't trying to recreate actual women's emotions.

We're trying to progress, not regress.

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Do you mean a real girl locked in your basement?
Or a bot filled with human flesh?
now that I'm thinking about it, a sexbot with human skin would be kinda need

They are a threat to the one and only negotiating tool they have, their hole. It was a good laugh when that one sex doll brothel in Spain got shut down by screeching hookers because it was stealing all the business away from them. Top kek.

The Brad Pitt bot won't pay their bills for them or increase their social standing. The marker to compare will be camwhore consumption. Vast majority men.


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What she doing against the sexbot?
Maybe she fucked more than that piece of plastic?

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>never smells

Can sexbots clean themself?

Smell is an optional feature.

Idk man this sounds very specific to your life.
The post I responded to talked about AI and home defense. You don't think Silicon Valley would use sexbot's to control you? It's entirely possible.

>it just looks like an uncanny valley roastie
Fucking lame. The whole point is to ascend the meatbag, not imitate it as closely as possible Keep the best, get rid of the rest.

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true nothing smells better than a clean wet pussy

Plastic supreme against flesh.
This is a fact.

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they will become entirely obsolete organisms

A good sexbot should be able to take a shower as well as remove any high-use parts for a deeper clean.
Yeah that means actual vaginal hygiene in something that resembles a woman. Absolutely ground breaking.

Yes, the newer models after sex will go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet, then an automated cleaning process known as "bot menstruation" starts.
It causes the bot to flush safe and good smelling cleaning fluids through her fun holes.

Once the bot has cleaned itself, it will come back to bed and restart it's cooling system that basically emits heat.
This will help the man sleep as it gives off the sensation of a warm body.

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Glad to see that im not the craziest one here.

cold clammy feet and long toenails that scratches your leg, wow big loss
a sushi restaurant
sweat and spit, wow, again big loss
redundant, falls under skin
what like the nagging and starting shit over shit that does not matter
redundant falls under taste
you are into piss? dengenerate go get gassed

Death by sex.
I dont see the problem.

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Pussy is devalued.

>can't feel pain
>can't be humiliated
>they don't smell

Because once sex bots become good enough, it's OVER for them.

>It's why so many "crash" and become nihilistic alcoholics when they hit the wall
Giving up when the free ride is over is stereotypically female (and shitskin, but that's another thread). It doesn't even have to be that way, with enough effort. Look at Elizabeth Hurley.

and how many of the men in that list made it there through effort rather than inheritance? How many of them truly worked their way up?

>Why do women fear sexbots so much?
Because they are afraid of losing their power over men and FREE resources, they get tons of free shit from Beta orbitors for being Thots. Sex dolls, VR porn(including Koikatsu), Onaholes and Male Masterbators are starting to be better looking and feeling than Thots nowadays. They fulfill the same purpose except you only pay once and then you can get all the pleasure you want without having to suffer through fake rape charges, divorces and being stringed along for sex or pleasure.

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The idea is to get men to make these things themselves.
>And there is nothing wrong with making something you want in particular.

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