You hear a the doorbell ring and find this man standing on your porch

You hear a the doorbell ring and find this man standing on your porch.

>Hello user, I'm your 13 year old daughter's traditional 35 year old boyfriend. I have a stable income, my own home, and I'm a Christian. In order to prevent your daughter from slutting it up in college and becoming a spinster, I will marry her and immediately impregnate her. By the time she is 19 we will already have four white children, all of whom will be male so that they carry on my family name. If you are not okay with the idea of an well-groomed put-together adult male such as myself thrusting my massive cock into your teenage daughter, you are a bad father.

What is your immediate reaction?

Attached: traditional man.jpg (1500x1000, 133K)

Have sex with my daughter then his ear hole.

>Listen here son, I can appreciate the balls it takes to say this to my face. But it was a mistake. You expect me to believe you are a God-Fearing man when you defiled yourself with gauged ears? You expect me to believe you will treat my daughter right when you can't even shave yourself?
>You've got more balls than brains to back that up
>Hopefully there's enough brains left to count to fifteen, cause you got exactly that much to get off my property.
And if he shaves, takes his gages out and still persues my daughter, then I'll give her over.

>35 year old
Giles, release the hounds on this filth.

Not if he looks like that. Shave, get your ears fixed, and have your tattoos removed, hippy.


>unmarried 35 yearold

>and I'm a Christian
Into the woodchipper he goes

Get punched in the face



There aren't even any in the photo. Why are you so afraid? kek


I respond "Brown eyes. White." and headbutt him as hard as humanly possible.

>those disgusting ear things

Attached: 1438569393888.gif (295x221, 554K)

Anyone that looks like that has a tattoo.

>What is your immediate reaction?
"If anyone is going to be fucking my daughter, it's going to be me."

He gets the rake just like you faggot.

Remove your gay ear shit and we have a deal.


>African meme-plug earrings
>Slovenly beard
>Cheap suit

Eww how pozzed is Canada now that this is what white people look like to them? I've seen whiter Mexicans.

?????? His beard is obviously groomed though? Taking care of a beard is a lot harder than shaving like a dick suckin' homo.

Wait until she is15

BASED you should wait until she's older though

Make sure that pervert never rings another unsuspecting Dad's doorbell
> He's obviously not surviving this scenario.

>Those nigger ear things
>35 to unmarried
>Openly talking about fucking her
I start dealing out the traditional Christian punishment for lying.

away you go dirty goy

>Hello user, I'm your 13 year old daughter's traditional 35 year old boyfriend - BANG BANG BANG

"Honey, get the knives, we have a body to get rid of...

You have 10 seconds to leave my porch and daughter before you meet Mr. Browning.

I roll initiative and ready my shotgun

Just bring em over for christmas

Attached: 1567404604151.gif (264x480, 2.47M)

>holes in ears the size of halfdollars

Attached: magicbird.gif (196x300, 1.95M)

Wait till 16 then ok. 3 years shown commitment