>Osama was a Saudi
> The plane hijackers were Saudi
> Saudi Arabia funds terrorism
Why did we attack Afghanistan?
>Osama was a Saudi
> The plane hijackers were Saudi
> Saudi Arabia funds terrorism
Why did we attack Afghanistan?
Other urls found in this thread:
because americans are evil and blame the jews to get off scotch free
You mean whisky free
Because they're powerful allies and the American government was entirely in on it.
nuke yourself
because amerimutts are stupid and they are going to die in iran soon
Because Saddam had it coming.
No, he meant Scott-Free productions. Everything is code these days.
Because Saudia is democratic paradise and Iraq is literal medieval theocratic hellhole.
>Why did we attack Afghanistan?
Because Osama was hiding in Pakistan. That was simple. Give me some more difficult riddles.
They harbored him and his kin. Now his son is dead. No more legacy, just like Muhammad.
Same reason you're going to invade Iran; to install a (((Central bank)))
Unlike Afghanistan SArabia is a landlocked mountainous country on another continent attacking them is insane.
British and Saudis did 9/11
Its all just a game user
Saudi Arabia isn't landlocked. If we took their booty we'd be in charge of all major shipping channels in the world.
Joseph Hitler did 911
>American education
False flag.
...because the home base of those Saudis was in Afghanistan.
...also because Afghanistan is the geographical pivot point on the Eurasian continental island in the scheme of the Great Game being played between different competing world powers.
pic related.
basically, the idea is that whichever world power controls Afghsnistan also controls the whole world by extension.
the 9/11 attacks were just the excuse for the Americans to play their hand in the Great Game
>whichever world power controls Afghsnistan also controls the whole world by extension.
1488D chess
Oh fuck off. We own Israel and could the strait of Hormuz easily from SA.
Whichever world power is jews controls the whole world by extension
Because the Taliban reduced Opium output in controlled Territories by over 90% until they were overthrown after 9/11.
No surprise now that the Opioid crisis is out of control in the US.
You still don't get it?
Elaborate, serf
for dat black tar opium hhhnnnnggg
Cheng I hope u know that the so called white people who live in ur neighborhood are mutts too
Kys already redneck nigger
Most of our opioids are either pharmaceutical or latin American heroin tho. Most Afghan heroin goes through Russia and into east and west Europe.
yes, it's a grand chess game, and the United States of America is losing right now. Americans are very sore losers.
Uhmm it's all israel fault sweety, get your facts straight
Yes, I know that the official story is that most heroin in the United States comes from Colombia and Mexico, but I am very skeptical about that claim. I know, at some level, I should not be so skeptical, but I can't shake the feeling that the US is getting a good proportion of that Afghan heroin, and that it's either being covered up or underreported.
US foreign politics of the last 100 years in pic related
Ok, hon. I might just send some anti-Putin literature your way and have your ass disappeared.
thanks for the link user. Learned me some history for the day.
When she was explaining Gladio to James Corbett, Sibel Edmonds claimed that Afghan heroin went through Kosovo where it was processed, and then it was flown to Brussels where it was partially distributed, and then it went to Andrew's Airforce base and some other military base in New York state. Implication being that, at least SOME of the heroin in the East Coast of the United States and in the MidWest of the United States comes from Afghanistan -- not Latin America.
Please don't do it. This is serious, guy. Don't do it. They will torture me. Putin is the saviour of the white ass.
you're welcome. I'm glad to have helped educate someone.
Black tar heroin allegedly comes from Mexico. Afghan heroin is supposed to look different (white powder). In any case, the money from heroin sales goes to fund US overt actions in Afghanistan and all throughout the Eurasian continent-- from turkey, to Southern Russia (Dagestan, Chechnya), Xinjiang province (China's Uyghurs), the Kosovo Liberation Army, Albania, Azerbaijan, various covert actions in Iran, and many others we don't really know about.
based Russian bro.
good sense of humor.
do you have a link to that?
seems interesting
yes. it's a Great Game
Hey rabbi. Still fucking kids and murdering them? Wouldn't surprise me if you sent the sand niggers plane tickets.
But America is just so evil though right? Not you kikes that control America?
kind of over simplistic
Bin Laden wanted to overthrow the Saudi government for not being Islamist enough and Afghanistan was hosting his org.
That said, Saudi ideology made Bin Laden and the current Saudi government is if anything worse than the one in 2001 and showing way more willingness to fund terrorism abroad.
I like you
>fund terrorism abroad
It's the United States that actively encourages this as a strategy to create terror armies and terror groups that have the effect of promoting US interests by destabilizing governments that do not cooperate with American hegemonic power.
It goes back to the Green Belt strategy in the 1970's which was the idea of Zbigniew Brzezinski:
Radicalize Muslims and use them to terrorize America's ''enemies.''
I like that map.
there is no excuse to post that kind of degeneracy.
Rhymes with "Ooze"
Better question. Why did we attack Iraq?
even better, why kill the man you put in power
Don't post your ass any more pls
simple. Saddam Hussein was selling oil using the Euro instead of the US dollar. He challenged US dollar hegemony during a time when the US had the power to do something about it.
he started selling oil in the Euro instead of the dollar. He went directly against the wishes of the United States of America
jews and their opium
Easy mistake to make.
who was sleeping on the job for so long that this happened?
>People STILL believe in the airplanes theory
CGI airplane shill
I think that is what he is saying.
Because Bin Laden was hiding in Afghanistan and was being protected by the Taliban government. The Taliban wouldn't give up Biden Laden, so the US invaded the country, and over trhwo the Taliban. In one of the battle's Bin Laden escaped across the border to Pakistan, where he lived out his days until 2011. Iraq though is not justified.
Back to Kikebart
Afghanistan is the world's largest producer of Opium. You are forgetting that doctors in the US are legal drug dealers. Where do you think Big Pharma gets their Opium?
>BOGOTA, Colombia —
Experienced Israeli instructors trained private paramilitary units whose members included a leader of the Medellin drug cartel’s death squads, blamed in the killings this month of four judges and nine court workers, according to a videotape prepared by the Israelis themselves.
When Israel is involved, there is fuckery afoot.
The CIA lies about everything.
KSA isn't a nation. It's an energy corporation with an army.
yeah they fund terrorism, but Al Qeada set up charity fronts all over the world to fund its goals, and the 9 11 plot was inexpensive - around $500k.