Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, hundreds of

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, hundreds of
thousands of young women from Eastern Europe have been caught up in
prostitution rings and take them to distant destinations.
The International Organization for Migration now considers that
500,000 the number of these young women from the former communist bloc
falls into mafia networks. The mediats remain extremely
on this subject. In May 2000, however, a report
Amnesty International had revealed the extent of the phenomenon and
points to the State of Israel, the hub of this traffic.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The collapse of the USSR in 1991 had caused an impoverishment-
considerable increase in the population. In an attempt to escape the
poverty and to provide for their families, many of them
Russian, Ukrainian or Moldovan girls, then replied to
some attractive offers published in newspapers. Unhappy-
for them, its offers of work abroad often turned out to be
be traps set by international pimps.

The phenomenon was so important that the very cosmopolitan New York
Times of 1 1 January 1998 had been obliged to open the file, with a
Michael Specter's article on "Native Slavic women". The
journalist told the poignant story of a young Ukrainian beauty girl
21 years old who, from his village, had answered an ad in a
local newspaper and found herself in Israel, forced to prostitute herself.
The girls, it was reported, were sent to Japan and into
Thai'lande by networks run by the "Russian" mobsters based in
Moscow. Remember: at that time, all the media were talking about
the terrible "Russian mafia".

The Jerusalem Post of 13 January 1998 had taken up this information
of the company. Thus, we learned that there were more than 10,000 prostitutes in
Israel, almost all Russian and Ukrainian. Women, bought and
sold by pimps were sequestered in bars and restaurants
brothels, and each reported to their owner between 50 and 1,000,000
dollars per year.

> Would you like to read more ?

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post links fag

>Amnesty International had revealed the extent of the phenomenon and
>points to the State of Israel, the hub of this traffic.

Also hope that Israel burns into the ground.

It is a french book, by world renowned judeologist Hervé Ryssen.

To anyone lurking, I strongly recommend him if you want to be well-versed into the jewish question. Really.

Attached: arton44998-c7529.jpg (281x300, 24K)

Fuck Israel

2 The White Slave Trade

The first report on the trafficking of white women seems to be the one
published on 8 April 1997 by CEDAW 2. This report showed that the
trafficking in sequestered white women in Israel continued to grow. A
Tel Aviv, hundreds of bars, brothels and nightclubs
animated the night life. The Tropicana was then one of the houses
of the most prominent passwords. About twenty Russian women there
worked, eight during the day, and twelve at night. The clients were
Israeli soldiers, businessmen, religious, or even
immigrant workers - the latter not being entitled to have access to
sexual relations with Israeli women, under penalty of expulsion
immediate. The owner of the premises stated: "The Israelis
love Russian women. They're blonde, well-built, and have a
desperate air that pleases a lot. They're ready to do anything.
what for money. "The girls weren't paid, and they didn't win
than tips. They worked non-stop, seven days a week,
with no days off in the year, except in Yom Kippur.

Kidnapped, sequestered, beaten, raped

Amnesty International's long report presents the testimonies
of many of these young women. They had been lured here under
false pretexts, then handed over to prostitution rings, bought and
sold to the highest bidder, most often at auctions, as
livestock. They were then sequestered by their "owners"
in houses or apartments from which they could not leave
without being accompanied. Their passports and other documents from

had been confiscated by the pimps in order to prevent them
to leave the country. They were frequently hit if they
refused to have sex with some clients or if
they were trying to escape. There was also a lot of information about
status of acts of torture and rape, as well as other forms of service
sexual. Traffickers sometimes threatened to kill them and their families.
family members, in case they decide to leave Israel,
to provide information to the police or to testify in court
the framework of criminal proceedings, so it was difficult to translate
pimps in court. The Israeli government had not yet
taken no action to investigate this violence and to engage
legal proceedings. In addition, women were generally
treated as delinquents rather than victims. At the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.
The White Slave Trade 3

under Israeli law, indeed, almost all of these girls
were migrant women in an irregular situation, since they were staying
in Israel without a work permit or with false documents. A lot of
of them were placed in detention following raids
of the Israeli police in brothels or living rooms
of massage. Some were held for brief periods of time
before they were expelled from the territory, but others were incarcerated
longer, in some cases, on the basis of a ministerial order
of Justice that prevented them from leaving the country before they had
testifies before the courts. Many women in prison
had suffered physical and psychological trauma
considerable, and there was no psychological assistance service that
was able to meet their needs.

During their visit to Israel in April and May 1999
Amnesty International delegates went to the prison for
women of Neve Tirza to meet with young women
detained for their prostitution-related activities and by
repatriation authority.

Here is the testimony of Anna, 31 years old, from Saint
Petersburg. She was a professor of physics in Russia, and had been
attracted to Israel by the promise of a paid job of $1,000
per month, twenty times the salary she was then receiving in Russia. The
Israeli national who had offered him this job 1' had indeed
that he was connected to the sex industry, but what he had
present obviously had nothing to do with reality. Anna was
arrived in Israel in October 1998 with a tourist visa.
Waiting at the airport, she was taken away and locked in an appar-
with six other women from the former Soviet Union, and
his passport was immediately confiscated. Anna had then been
sold at auctions twice. The second time, it was bought
1,000 dollars and taken to Haifa where it was sequestered with two
other women. The windows of the apartment were equipped with
bars and when they were allowed to leave, which was rare,
they were always accompanied anyway. A good
part of the money they earned was taken away from them in the form of
of fines extorted by pimps.

It's well known what the jewish mafia does.

yeah i searched for it after i posted

the french seem to be pretty woke on the jq. to bad amerimutts are fucking retarded

this mutt gets it

wow another shareblue thread
you are all going to hang soon
hope you know your days are numbered

What ?

His best work remains pic related apparently. Haven't bought it yet.

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Israel needs bodies to staff those 280 Tel Aviv whorehouses.

based and frenchpilled.
yeah, the jews run the white slave trade recommend listening to dr. pierce's american dissident voices on the aubject as well if you really want to get the blood pumping and build some righteous rage.

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L'Autriche contem-poraine telle qu'elle est

another redpill book on jews by the french

this is the first real thread ive seen all day.

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>recommend listening to dr. pierce's american dissident voices on the aubject as well if you really want to get the blood pumping and build some righteous rage.
found it.

Attached: download.jpg (184x274, 6K)

you are scared mohel

Interesting, thanks.

The first time I red the book I was so triggered. I'll wait a bit before listening to this.

pedovores and their social and legacy media protectors are being delivered to justice.

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Old news and common knowledge
EE is a white loli hub