Who wins America's 2nd Civil War?

And why will Libertarians win? :3

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Kek. You kikes aren't getting an American civil war. You're going to all die to muslims when they invade Israel.

America has never had a civil war

Like I give a shit about a kike.

Than post your flag

Liberaltarianism is a more base/inclusive philosophy than white nationalism, so in that way it has the similar strength that pantifa does. Both philosophies cater to a lower common denominator, and therefor have broader appeal.

God I love Sakurako, I guess I am /antifa/ now. Join my waifu

There you go.
Fucking Leaf.

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Libertarians and NatSocs win a joint victory, because the anarchocapitalist Utopia is only possible in a homogeneous society, and we're the only ones with guns and weaponry that acts as real force multipliers. We've been over this like a million times.

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Also Arms dealers and the CIA. Obviously.

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NatSoc is the antithesis of libertarianism.
You fucks can fuck off.
Keep voting for your authoritarian orange kike.

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Natsoc or bust baby. With everything on the line this time we're going to go all out. There won't be another miracle at Dunkirk.

how many times have you made this same exact thread

Maybe this time you won't have big daddy porkie to save you leftie scum.

To have a civil war you first need to create sides. Individualists don't have sides. You are implying you are going to fight government after government attacks some gun owners to take away their guns, so you think that's when you going to join forces. What is actually going to happen is you getting replaced by money and not firing a single shot.

Antifa cant, theyre literrly pawns to global corps who want internationalism to catch on so they can allocate cheap, self-producing labor to resouce rich areas to labor. The use of antifa to dismantle the legitimacy and societal cohesion and communalism of the nation-state is a step towards inevitable corporatization of the planet.

>Just slowly lose bro

Which one of the three has tanks and drones and nukes?

It's not. You can only achieve one through the other. Basically it will take a NatSoc revolution, then when it fails, the anarchocapitalist society will thrive, because societal trust and cohesion will have been restored. Most NatSocs are libertarians/anarchocapitalists at heart. We just recognize the reality of the world, instead of delusionally pretending it doesn't exist.

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relevant posts

Libertarians win because we will create networks for voluntary mutual defense and trade while everyone else is conducting political blackbag ops.
You might call it warlordism, I call thinking on your feet.

They won't. Their entire world view is predicated upon the notion that people are intelligent and decent.

>Libertarians getting the American flag bandana.
What a fucking joke.

NatSoc probably. Hierarchy and order through the consentual or forced removal of some liberties are best for industrializing and creating newer and greater vehicles of force. Its why a state wins whenup against smaller forces, as long as theyre going the traditionally imperialistic route. Letting people whine about morals, while trying to get the natives to do the work themselves rather than obliterating their culture and institutions altogether always loses.

Mine is more accurate

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This is simplistic and unrealistic. You are looking at this from the assumption that there will be three evenly divided states that will engage in conventional warfare.
This is simply preposterous.

Thats how we started dipshit

>trust the plan

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Libertarians. We sell this shit on black markets. Tanks and drones at last. .

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It's working well.

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Yeah okay nigger. I'll defend myself. I don't need anyone to do it for me.
>12 guns and counting
You fascist fucks won't take my guns from me. Zion Don loving ass.
Fuck you. Suck my ass.

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God's camp on far right

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>making people choose between Nazis and communists

and you're the punchline.

Ha! Big talk gook toon poster. The only struggle you've ever faced is opening your next hotpocket.

>(((It's working well)))
Already a minority in America. Soon to be a minority in Europe too.
Then follows extinction if you get your way.

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>12 guns and counting
You're not a threat, you're another braindead consumerist. You only need a pistol, a rifle, and a shotgun

Is correct.
This user paid attention in insurgent class.
I didn't know they still had those.

based and cuckpilled


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I want ww3 for both religious and personal reasons. But ill accept civil war till then. My black friends/family and i already have a plan to hit the rich neighborhoods. 3 guys have gfs in maid service and know the pins to 4 different "panic rooms" with food, silver and shit. They dont know how fucked they are.
Inb4 "youll get shot breaking in"
All of the rich neighborhood minus a couple houses are anti gun out the ass. So nah. Plus were starting with 20-30 vs a single family at a time.

What if he has 12 arms bro

No, Im simply stating that when people are in a state of civil war, they will go with the side best capable of law and order, regardless of what frivolous liberties they need to discard, at least for those who arent already entrenched in a side. Additionallly "NatSoc" in this case isnt nazis, but a pro-nation, pro-hierarchical collective that will distrubute some wealth to a degree as a result of the circumstances, perhaps about the same as our current administration. Their increased ability of force, created by its monopoly of it over the factions within it, will beat out other factions incapable of implementing the same on its own members, like libertarians, who have to go through and get consent for each and every little freedom violation. Libertarians are Articles of Confederation, Natsocs are closer to the Federalists.

You and I need to connect.

Maybe he wants to survive like reaper from overwatch.


Nah bro. I've been through shit I hope you never have to go through.
And after all that. I work my ass off 6+ days a week.
What the fuck do you do?

I've got some hand me downs from my dad. Just some boomer guns (single shot shotguns and such). But I bought a few guns myself, AK-47, AR-15, Glock 22 (fawty), bolty .308, ya know.
Thinking of buying a Glock 27 for carrying.

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>he plays Overshit

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Mannnn if youre black youd have no worries here. Most of my family and friends are highly racist. Death to whire men. Enslave the weak who surrender. Fuck all the hot currency bitchs of all races. Like we have had this talk a bunch of times for shits and gigs. Auto accept other blacks, and strong willed hispanics.

We talked about a banner/flag.
Black hand on white background
"Day of the white is over"

Get a .50

Wrong. The United States was created by ethno-nationalists. If anything, the NatSocs should be flying thee American flag.

Lol libertarianism stopped being relevant years ago

No, I'm mixed. But if CW 2.0 starts we will need allies to help us keept the chaos going.

based nigger dabbing on retarded libshit urbanites

The war would harden Libertarians

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Antifa will win.

Trump is a Zionist not a nationalist lol

Any white preppers wanna have a talk?
Scinario 1.
25 negros with saud banner above are going door to door in the city one at a time. Youre 3 doors down. Guards at each end of your block are posted for anyone trying to escape. Its dusk and all power is out.

>when people are in a state of civil war,
That's the problem.
There are many important distinctions between an insurgency and a civil war. "NatSocs" and by that you and I mean White American Nationalists are not going to just have territory fall into our laps. Every inch of soil will need to be taken by force and this is simply not going to happen for years, maybe even decades. By the time Patriots are able to take and hold onto serious territory, the US government will essentially have already lost and will be in freefall. Life for the USA would consist of rolling or perma-blackouts, $40 a gallon gasoline, and military checkpoints which make going to your job next to impossible. The neocons and liberals would be forced to exterminate the nigger population just to keep order. Every city will have scars from destroyed buildings and random drone strikes.

>I cant be my own team
>Libertarian monarchists that worship me like a fucking god
>Kill all the baddies and make my own little kingdom of sluts and betas

Honestly why is anyone picking a side when you can make your own, I live surrounded by nigs and honestly, civil war would be amazing for me


>The neocons and liberals would be forced to exterminate the nigger population just to keep order.
The neo cons are going go board their private jet to Israel and never look back

13 stars +symbol of choice in middle for warflag
or dixie

13%50% flag wavers will be a flustercuck


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Says the retard who unironically thinks legally selling heroin to kids in the open is a good principle to base their society on

If this is true, this is an unironically intelligent man.
He not only has a plan, but he has an organization to make it happen and has actually gone to the trouble of ascertaining information about his targets BEFORE he bursts in to loot them.

This too is naive. There is not going to be a buzzer that goes "DING!" and then a civil war begins. It will strat with sporatic political violence and keep progressing slowly from there.
It's already begun actually.
And the neocons will stay right here, ruling or attempting to rule the increasingly chaotic mess. Neocons will only flee once it becomes apparent that victory is impossible. Even so, most will stay because they either cannot leave or because they are emotionally invested in preserving the current order.

>Taken by force
Not at all, many of these groups of majority or all white areas will know they have no allies with the other factions. The tribalism will effectively coerce the landowners/surburban areas into joining the collective or dying at the hands of the ineffective (Libertarian) or downright hostile (Lefties) entities they need protection from. Its similar to feudalism, the people will rushbto the very few bastions, take refuge in its walls, then over time grow naturally. Large masses of land dont need to be taken, nor would it be advisable in some areas. Take into account foreign intervention and the goal becomes creating an area of control, not taking the nation back. When the US dies, it dies for good, and it should stay that way for eternity.

Other notable lines from this user
>Tarrant is mossad
>/AHSG/ threads are jew shill threads distracting from epstine
>You mossad agents are all going to burn when Iran destroys Israel.
And more if you call this number now
1-800-go fuck yourself.

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I assume that means, "all fags die", huh?
Am I right?

See, I think that outside of some laws in public spaces like doing fucking kill people, there shouldnt be laws at all, maybe thats strange for Jow Forums, I dont believe in anarchy, because lack of governance is retarded, and taxes are a necessity in the kind of government I envision, but people should be able to do whatever they want, hell, on their private property there should be no laws period, its their land, if they want to do degenerate shit why should we stop them?

>Burger using commie gun

>The tribalism will effectively coerce the landowners/surburban areas into joining the collective or dying at the hands of the ineffective (Libertarian) or downright hostile (Lefties) entities they need protection from.
user. No.
You're assuming that there is a magical date at which governing authority just evaporates. That's not going to happen. It never does.

If those were the three factions outside of foreign intervention, libertarians would easily win. They have numbers over nat socs, the most guns, the greatest American public appeal of the three (freedums), the preppers, militias, etc. Street brawls show that the libertarians and even nat socs (but not public support wise) generally beat antifa. Nat socs would probably get defeated due to lacking resources and support. Historically to this day, nat socs have terrible diplomacy.

All that being said, civil war is unlikely. Our country is too stable and has the resources to spend to enforce stability. The most that would happen is slow generational decline of various rights by turning the population into a more foreign stock, less aggressive and more uncaring about various rights, etc. For example, gen z is the first majority nonwhite generation and most of them are less caring about guns and more in favor of socialism. People also forget that governments can easily squash multiple rebellions which is even easier today due to better logistics and resources. Just look at history and empires who maintained culturally, ethnically, and racially diverse empires some of which spanned the entire globe for centuries. Even if we get to the point of Venezuala-tier collapse, the government would still be able to maintain itself easily. Libertarians would be the most effective in guerrilla tactics but wouldn't be able to win decisively. Antifa would probably go for the political victory without civil war since they have a highest chance of succeeding due to demographics. WN/natsocs are stuck at the gaining significant relevance phase by more ore less leeching off the libertarians. Their relevance would be dictated by how stronger groups use them. Plus they're also forced to be a supporting group for libertarians to achieve any amount of their goals like freedom of association or freedom of speech (as opposed to mandated associations or regulated speech in their favor)

>Not threatening the populace while simultaneously protecting them
You dont know much about history or ghengis khan, do you?

The pope wins

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Nigga I just want corporate CEOs, government officials and bankers to be killed and have their institutions done away with. Fuck everything else


Well let me explain. Nobody is going to single handedly take over America rather it will result in the balkanization of America. Remember China and Russia would both be involved in this and they would TRY THEIR DAMNEST to get this result and would probably easily get it. You'd see.

You'd probably see something similar to this.

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> if they want to do degenerate shit why should we stop them?
Same philosophy San Francisco and Seattle live by and they seem to be perfectly functioning

>Why would we stop them
Because no man is an island, basically Aristotle's comments on man being Zoon Politicon, his private interactions influence and manifest politically, and societally. This transgender shit only became popular to spout after people were free to "Just do private stuff" in their own homes. Private actions are publoc morality in action.
Heres what anothee user said on the gay eruption in our society
>It’s actually a genius statement (in a way). See the way it works is something like this:
>try to force society to accept fags
>”who cares what two consenting adults do behind closed doors?”
>logically, the answer is “nobody”, so the premise that being a fag is okay is therefore accepted
>try to force lgbtp shit onto children
>”being gay is okay, remember? Nobody cares what two consenting adults do behind closed doors, so it’s not something to be ashamed of. Therefore trying to “protect” children from lgbtp is bigoted
>It’s basically a bait-and-switch. Start the conversation discussing adults, then end it talking about children

Your map doesnt have the degenerate kingdom of st louis

For real though can y'all make this civil war shit happen sooner? im excited for the chaos

Three way civil war is unlikely. Even if it may start that way, all it takes is a few setbacks and one group (probably NatSoc) would move over into another camp (probably libertarian).

I have probably read more books about the Mongol Empire than you have seen documentaries.
Firstly, what the hell does this have to do with what I said? Did you read my post?
Secondly, Genghis Kahn was essentially a king who ruled a de-facto state. Are you a king who rules a state? Are you a member of a National Socialist state?

The day Beto actually tries to take our guns is the day an actual civil war would probably occur.

>Magically evaporates
No, not implying it needs that at all, its already happening. More tribalism, sacrificing the "individual" for a stake in the identity group and the protection by other members of that group. Im being proven correct currently.


>Public laws
>Ban sale of drugs from public land
>If people want to do drugs at home they can
>unable to advertise due to public land laws
>They take drugs, fail. end up homeless, no one supports them, and they die

LA happens because shitty cunts want to stop homeless people from dying, just fucking let them, they decided to take the drugs

the militias will win because they actually practice and are organized

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>2nd Civil War
It would be the 3rd, and all things come in threes

>And why will Libertarians win?
> Second civil war.
> Pedophilic baby touchers and tranny filth on one side.
> Nazi lovers ready to restore society to the days of yore on the other side
> Then in the middle Libertarians, who believe in personal freedoms and small government, which is JUST the recipe that caused all this shit in the first place
If you win does that mean everything stays EXACTLY the same? hahahaha.

2nd, the """civil war""" was two nations against each other, the CSA was an opposing nation, not a part of the united states

Keep in mind most fighting forces won't be pre-existing militas since they tend to be known by the glows. It'll be groups that form up as a result of war and it's these cells which will do most of the work. These cells will be random with some being Very well trained veterans and others being some buddies just together. Think Afganistan but 40 different fighting forces.

>governments can easily squash multiple rebellions which is even easier today due to better logistics and resources.
This is incorrect.
Technology has actually made insurgency more possible than ever. 6 men could cripple the US economy if they knew what they were doing and where to strike.

What you have said is true. But in the context of the "civil war" it is not going to lead to statebuilding for a long time. Insurgents will first need to topple the US government in order for states to form in the rubble.

>Personal freedoms caused the corruption that has been taking personal freedoms away
Nigger nigger your shit belongs in toilet not board

how did you manage to get a group pic of Jow Forums ?

>implying people take memeflags seriously
If there's a war, Jews will be the first to go.

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Not from the Yankee standpoint, son. We won, and the victors write history

>Ban sale of drugs from public land
>unable to advertise due to public land laws
>Public land
So your not a libertarian?

First civil war was Britian v.s. Colonies
Then second was USA vs CSA.
Next war will be a clusterfuck 6000+ faction PVP deathmatch blood orgy of rape, crime, drugs, psychosis, murder and looting and ending in balkanization.

This is a ridiculous semantics game. Do you believe that the Sudanese civil war was not a civil war? Do you believe that the Russian civil war was not a civil war? What about China? Mao led what was in effect an unrecognized state.


Yeah okay. Good luck with your "militias" and shit. kek
These motherfuckers are disorganized as fuck.
I literally used to watch these people thinking, "yeah, the militia, yeah, don't fuck with the militia". "We The People" and all that shit like in 2009. And I found that these motherfuckers are the most disorganized, crazy motherfuckers that turn on one another like no one else. kek

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