Why do white people do this?
Why do white people do this?
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Why to do white people force their children to worship false pagan gods? Because they've given to sin.
fake picture made by a jew to promote a lie, user.
Creepy teacher pedos looking at kids rear-ends.
because it's funny
Because we think it's silly and cute.
The lefttards in the image do not take the "worship" seriously at all. It's just virtue signalling how goody goody they are for taking part in a foreign religious ceremony.
islam makes even the whitest whitey act like a nigger
Wanting everybody to like us. Pathological altruism at its finest.
why do zoomers floss?
praisin god
to pretend they're tolerant in an attempt to cover up millennia of killing all opposing religions
What’s ironic is that it would offend Muslims. What are those women doing there, haram
abrahamic cults have controlled europeans for 2000 years
Pick one.
So the fuck what?
fucking shit
I have this fantasy where I go to Scandinavia and become a yoga instructor for hot blond girls. They probably wouldn’t mind if I jiggle their butts and stuff, would probably just accept it as exotic foreign practices. I mean just look at pic related, look at how much respect the whitoids give him
Those people aren't Euro, they are Turks.
Turks are white.
people are not quite what you might think they are
Look at the women, they deserve to be burned at the stake.
Nazis were pro islam and considered muslims to be a superior race
you can totally pull it off, those retards are so thirsty for spirituality because they put their own in the dumbster
whitoids have never been spiritual.. just pawns for foreign powers.. first Rome, now Israel kek
anglos are subhuman. i'm ashamed to say i'm part anglo. 1/64th on my mom's side.
>considered muslims to be superior race
Whatever you say, shitskin.
i wonder whos behind this post
i'm no fan of snow coon but they did have nice pagan roots, if you disregard the human sacrifice
Could you imagine being a muslim in the room and cumming waterfalls at the site of all these grooming-age whites voluntarily submitting
This fucking picture
>women in a position of authority watching the future generations practice foreign and backwards religious garbage
To think people fought and died to prevent this from happening, and here we have our own people smiling and watching like it's all a game. How are the people who are complacent like those women not the actual enemy.
they're not grooming age, grooming age is 12-14
The stupid, ignorant and blind are teaching the little impressionable ones who do not know any better.
The cycle thus continues, because that's "how it's always been".
Thanks Mohammad I have much to learn. Maybe they can get in the in their school's pre-grooming program
>official letter written in comic sans
>threats left and right
>a-boo-boo-boo note in a "record" noone gives a shit about
Anyone competent could walk around, but sadly very few parents give a shit about their kids.
Omg, you are right. Lefties dont take that shit serious at all haha.
Everyone looks super bored and girls like that always cling to me on parties pajeet. Maybe take a shower and stop smelling like poo.
Rug munchers
Deeply indoctrinated shame.
Take a look at many early school "social studies" or history courses. Grades 3-12 are full of topics designed to shame white students about the past. In Canada, for example, much of your early education is dedicated to learning about how bad white people treated Natives. By the time they stop hammering the kids over the head with it, more than half will actually believe it. At no point in learning about Canadian history is the topic of Natives left out. They then transition to learning about other cultures, Japs and Brazil of all places back when I was in school. When you get to the "high concepts" of ideologies in later years chances are your teacher will be talking about the evils of early industrialization as examples of capitalism and Sweden as an example of socialism.
It would be interesting to correlate early education topics with how cucked the population of a given country are.
I'm in somewhat of a dilemma, i don't want this to happen to any Europeans except Germans. I really want it to happen to Germans but i want all other European people to live peacefully and prosperously. I think these are dutch kids which is unfortunate.
Why would you want this for the Germans. They are suffering the worst out of all of us. The jews are pissed the Germans would dare stand in the way of their global conquest and have absolutely tortured Germany for it ever since.
>the only country who stood up agasint the child mutilation enslavement cult should be the only ones to suffer
Because Germans aren't human, they have no such concepts as empathy or sentience. Time and time again these machines to put it bluntly have thrown Europe into chaos only resulting in million of dead Europeans. Enough with the second chances, by my book the Germans have had at least 3 times to learn from their mistakes yet each time is worse than the last. I think we can safely say the Germans are beyond saving. We shall salvage what we can of the other Europeans but Germans shall breath their final breath.
Don't be retarded. That "throwing Europe into chaos" the first two times was to fight the fucking jew who had already compromised England, Russia, Poland and were working on France, Germany, and Italy. The third time Germany threw Europe into chaos was at the hand of the jew and their marxist puppets. Germany is not to blame, the kikes are.
Anglos and germanics have a tendency to dismiss anything foreign as being cute, harmless, and ultimately inferior.
They never really learn.
Go to jail and you will see every type of shit skins converting to Islam
Schindler, not even real
the generation to destroy islam trough white subversion. Be warned towel head. Empathy is coming
you're welcome glad to help
It would totally work
What happened to Religion being out of Schools?
Ya know that mohammed was a white ginger who ownes black slaves and fucked brown women to have his ginger kids right?
Islams more of a white mans religion then the kike on a stick shit you pretend to beleive in.
You cannot do anything to convince me otherwise, history is filled to the brim with evidence.
they're actually pointing their asses to Mecca
fuck you mudshits
Niggers do this
Many people believe that appeasement will increase the odds of their survival.
They're all dead now.
>white poeple
Only in the West. We are not cucks, pic related.
>White people be like:
>Why do white people do this?
Some of them like the Religion, some others are just spies or want to gain money from the religion, others because of fun. The other whites are classifying the differences of societies and saying that those behaviors are a kind of Islam, just to say that the religion is this or that because God says "don't steal others people's land" or "don't kill" or "you white are no better than a negro and that negro is equal to you", or "be rightful in your business". That something a common white does not like to hear, read or accept
Until you realize the jews have been the primary threat to the world for hundreds of years, you will continue to live in the fantasy world they want you to.
The vast majority of mudshits are not white.
But then again, your meme flag makes me think you're a huge nigger brained faggot.
Oh i hate Jews too, it's just Germans are just as lethal to Europe as Jews. I really don't care if Germans made efforts to fight the Jews if all they really ended up doing is killing millions of Europeans and condemning Europe to death.