What the hell is your damn problem ?!
Unemployed members of Jow Forums
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Jobs don't pay enough to make it worth working. Can make the same by just collecting unemployment.
Brown people are given all the jobs in California.
I'm Jewish and rich. I make more than enough off my dividends that I don't need to work.
No sense of self worth. Nice.
I dont like working for other people
I dont like paying taxes
I like sleeping, getting high and videogames.
working would stop me from pursuing things I like so I dont work.
some dumber retard can go waste his life in some shit job, I won't.
t. NEET for 13 years now
I do have self worth, which is we I refuse to waste my free time making shit money when I can just collect the same amount, or more and play vidya all day.
I don't choke on choads like the fag in your post, I guess.
Fuck you burger. Thankfully I'm not american so I don't have to give you my tax dollars, but fuck you. You white nigger.
Great example of self worth, user. Nice job. I bet you're a hit with the ladies.
I'm trying to find a job were I don't have to talk to black women.
It's gross and makes me feel ill.
I'm a Puerto Rican.
I'm married.
Im waiting for the total zionist/sabbatean conquer of the world and consequent apocalypse, what's your problem op?
Gf is noble and I cannot work peasants jobs but I am not qualified enough (no experience) for White collar Jobs either.
We have 1 house in the city center, 1 mansion with Land in the countryside and 3 villas on the seaside (two in the mediterranean and One in asia)
I need shekels Just for fags, weed and Booze tho, so not ruining my days thinking about such small amounts of money.
I Will do a camshow for you for 150 Eur if You feel like helping me out tho
I bet at least 75% of Jow Forums still lives with their parents. That is just pathetic, I'm sorry. I know the job market is tough but you need to find a way to make it work, I did. It wasn't easy, took lots of hard work but I did it. How can you look at yourself in the mirror and respect yourself as a man? No job? No gf? Still living with mommy? God that's pathetic.
This board has gotten so fucked it seems like a computer generated psyops program against people who are looking for redpills.
I have a good career but I'm definitely less attractive than when I was first on this site
My parents are filthy rich. Will never have to work a day in my life.
>working to fund niggers
baka desu
sorry to say, but Jow Forums is for the losers and rejects of society.
of course you are.
id laugh my ass off if I saw some guy walking down the street who was wearing those loafers
>NOOOOO it's your fault that companies don't pay you more than your Unemployment! Lazy bum!
Imagine wanted to be accepted
and/or fitting in current society.
This, it's pointless to even try working if you're white because you will never be promoted, just collect autism bux
Gay antarctic Penguins are killing themselves.
i already retired. getting bored though, might go back to work
yea, get off your ass neets, my useless government financed job doesnt pay for itself
>Worked my ass off for 10 years
>saved $100,000
Sorry dude, I quit my job this summer in order to do things I've always wanted to do but never had the time and I'm also taking this semester off from school for the same reason. Already have a pretty decently salaried job lined up and guaranteed for me when I decide to take it. I'll enjoy my time off.
One could call me partially unemployed since I intentionally work fewer hours than I need to.
The reason is because I own the business (part owner) and I would have to pay payroll tax of 31.42%, then 30% income tax + 20% extra income tax because I am in a higher tax bracket for all additional income.
So for every new $1000 i want to pay myself I get 1000/1.3142 * 0.5 = $380.
I don't get more pension.
I don't get any more in terms of any benefit.
All I know is that the money will fund niggers and muslims and other useless beings or the rampant corruption in government.
Fuck no.
I rather send the money to some charity that supports literal fascists.
If anyone knows of such organizations I would be happy to know.
>members of Jow Forums
Cant handle the shit money and the work environment.
The jews are winning because of you keeping up the system
too busy training for the fall
>just buckle up by your bootstraps and deal with it even though its getting harder and harder to find a job, much less one that pays well
>Just go to school goy, rack up piles of debt and contribute to the inflationary relevancy of degrees in any given field
Have fun losing everything you worked for in the next recession faggot
Rather be unemployed on benefits than be a wage cuck
Fucking chang, go back to China
>that's pathetic.
Its the reality of the modern world too.
>What the hell is your damn problem ?!
I have two jobs and dreaming that I will be fired somehow because of matters not related to my performance and live on part of my savings for a while trying to launch my own projects.
Even worse, man : Québécois. Suce-moi la graine.
Unironically enjoyed this (((movie))), there is a sequel about orange man bad that I’m sure will suck.
Nobody will hire me
I work, and I still want you ancaps to experience a ray shower of 500000 REM. Fuck you.
All I see are those loafers. Its not funny.
I like your style, what was your chosen profession at the time?
>What the hell is your damn problem ?!
Absolutely none. That's the point.
most people don't count stock options trading as a real job
You would have been the first in the gas chamber you Arbeitscheuer
I work enough to live in relative comfort and no more. I have no family to provide for so why bother?
I retired at 30. All the jobs I consider require obedient wagekeks and they don't like it when I tell them that I'm willing to work for fun. They wouldn't be able to boss me around with impunity.
>I bet at least 75% of Jow Forums still lives with their parents. That is just pathetic
sorry kike but this doesn't work anymore. 90% of the east indians in canada lived with their entire fucking families, not just their parents, and look who owns all the fucking property now? families working together is based and red pilled.
>B-b-but pussy
Imagine being a cumbraın
Alarm clock beeping
Wagecucks weeping
Time for floor sweeping
And burger fIipping
While NEETs are still sleeping
Put on your slave collar
Each hour you earn a dollar
Your dignity level grows ever smaller
Better run fast when customers holler
While the NEET is being a baller
Work night time security, if you're smart find a place that is small and isn't in a shitty neighborhood. At that point you'll be getting paid $15 an hour to take naps and read.
Are you lifting?
good for me that all those fags are dead since 70+ years and I dont have to give a fuck.
fuck wagecucking.
Are they given them, or are they working harder and better employees currently? Do you think you are entitled to a job, whats stopping you from opening a business?
Why should i work when burgers already pay for everything?
Are you happy?
I get by betting on football. Very modest lifestle though. Most wouldnt be happy living it. Im content though
Brain damage, broke my right-brain, so I can only think with my left-brain now.
- completely rational
- emotionless robot
- socially useless
- emotionless robot
I can't have positive interactions or relationships with other people, so employment is impossible to sustain for more than a few months at a time.
Black women are some of the most beautiful, and strong.
Okay how the fuck am I supposed to move out when the average job is $12-15/hour and the monthly apartment rent is $1200? I don't even qualify for them because you need to make 3x the rent. And roommates are not an option because I have two dogs and every single post on Craigslist looking for roommates does not allow dogs. I'm destined to live with my parents until they die. Or at least until my dogs die.
That is literally the sense of self worth.
Hell yeah man. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.
Yes, they need to become men. They need to realize how much shit starts working when you just start moving on your goals one by one.
>no socks
Sans rêves, tu n'es qu'un mutt.
You'd never say that to his face in real life loser
You spelled DELET wrong.
I get $4,000 a month from a trust fund and i'm lazy and play league of legends all the time
That's some gay ass shit user
yeah just waste your money on "rant" and "food" and "bills"
instead i bought some nice motorcycles and a new audi, eat shit wagie
What do you do?
Welfare in the US mainly goes to Baby Boomers in the form of housing and tax policies, and unfounded soon-insolvent pensions and retirement programs and services.
Everyone has to work. Adult neethood is only for the very rich.
Try coding???
If you re capping your worth at $12-15 an hour you have no idea about your potential. I don't have a college degree, I got my real estate license with a business partner and within 3 years we are top sellers in the province and now moving on to building our own rental properties. I am 27 by the way and realized I cant wait for anyone . I have to make my own path.
Yeah, strong smelling.
Weave be stank nigga
t. Choad sucking fag
Rien compris. Git good wageslave.
is NEET life possible in germany if your not a refugee??
serious question kratu
Do you feel proud of yourself? Do you feel like something is missing?
Maybe because 50% of Jow Forums is below the age of 25
Basé. Deviens un Péladeau pas cocu.
Suck my fucking cock wage slave.
>useless degree
>live in a shit area with no jobs
>not sure what direction to go in
>waste too much time on Jow Forums
Jokes on you Im living the NEET life
Plus you have no idea, clearly, just how easy it is to "game" the system for gibs. They simply do not give a fuck. Niggers going into SS don't even attempt to look poor & nobody cares. They just rubber stamp you & send you on your way with your gibs.
Not a chance in hell I work to support that when I could just as easily NOT work & benefit from it.
Only a moron would choose the former over the latter.
>video games
>work out
>go hiking
>go surfing
>ride my bike around
>smoke weed
>fuck my wife on the daily
>cook dinner
>shit post on the internet
I have a very fulfilling life.
My mental health was taking a beating at my job so I quit and I have money saved to live on for the next 6 months at least. So fuck you. Why should I or anyone else be required to stay at a job that makes them miserable, and why would anyone be required to always hold a job?
yes it is
There is beauty in every Human. there are no niggers anymore. Niggers were slaves, everyone is free now.
Nordic resistance movement?
Military 8 years, then full-time physical wage slaving and full-time schooling and micromanaging my investments throughout.
Monday: Chest/Tri, Sprints
Tuesday: Grip/Shoulders, Swim
Wednesday: Back/Bi, Sprints, Rock Climbing
Thursday: Legs, General Intense Conditioning, 5-15k run
Friday: Arms, 10k-30k hike
Saturday: Swim/diving
let me guess, dairy cartel farmers
Je conchie Péladeau, mais je t’entends oui.
"I’m" rich, what do I care ?
This is very different from the definition of a true NEET. What you did was the adult thing, and smart.
First get outside and look for a job outside. Just come home and rest. Just start asking people what they do and how they started. If you are young, older people will help you, many older people like to have proteje's.
And what makes your family rich, what line of work