You guys are not white. And that's just the way it is.
French, Spaniards and Italians
says the mutt
Embarrassing post coming from a mutt, not a surprise.
Okay, Jew.
I knew it would be an american flag when i saw this in the catalog
Holy shit is that 2head real?
no u
I dont want to be a cucked guilt ridden over worked whitoid
You look like brownish turds.
still could nuke you if we wish to
this does not remotely look like a french, spaniard or italian.
I’m from Antarctica originally and I’m white and you idiots can’t make any argument because your history is either half right or a down right lie. You can’t have a future if you don’t know your past my muddies.
this is a gypsy you idiot
Reminder that 'X is not white' threads are always divide and conquer jews.
Actually Europeans are barely white at all. Only Argentinians are white
it must suck then becoming a spanish country
95% of what matters in this world has been created by french & italians. that's why i personally don't take pride in all your "white" american meme. i'm italian, and that's enough for me.
Weak bait
wtf is wrong with his head and face
Can't speak for French and Spaniards, but we definitely aren't white
hello kike
I have seen whites from there but most are obviously sand niggers.
>posts an obvious non european
>talks about french, spaniards and italians
That's just how you lazy brown turds look like.
Fuggg...I guess I'm a race mixer....
Fuck off you slimy kike.
Don't mock Americans because of some Jidf kikes D&C thread.
Shut un Carl
>French, Spaniards and Italians
I don't care if you aren't white, so long as you aren't leftist scum.
Whatever you say schlomo
This. If life was a game of Civ, Italians and French would have the highest culture score
why does this happen, Jow Forums?
sure achmed sure
I'm Italian and German
"White" americans are usually part indian. Some are a mix of white, indian, and black. They attach themselves to pure whites and claim credit for their inventions. Pure whites want nothing to do with the mutt indians in america though and are actually embarrassed by their behavior. If a southerner calls himself white, just laugh at him.
That's cool.
> Don't claim any of their accomplishments as white then.
> That leaves you with a sad resume, OP... Dipshit D & C nigger
It's a big country, Anons
Italians and Spaniards are 100% not white. Frenchies tho... they're walking that line
Tbqh I've been to France and they are wogs
Greasy and hairy.
french in france, spaniards in spain, italians in italy are lily white, eu
Frenchies are the human embodiment of a slimy frog
this board never change. have a laugh
it had to be said and it was said ..
The French, Spanish, Italian, etc. etc
the so-called Mediterranean, are no more than Muslims, with European nationality.
they want to be considered as white countries, when all they do is mix with shitty skins, the most absurd thing there is ... no white country to care for and have as a priority the WHITE PHENOTYPE, should not be considered as a country White.
they always scream insults to black players when they get the ball. they were on the news a few days ago...hellas verona
No and even if it was it would still better than the horror of americans.
>Let me tell you why you're not white europoor.
t. Tyrone
seethe french fry
You literally look like gypsies
Well, then there is no problem with blacks, browns, mixed, as long as they are from the right and are Christians? hahahahaha
the race is biological, it is not political, nor religious, nor cultural.
you chose the wrong 2 countries for this
>Spain and Portugal have a history of fervent Catholicism, but almost a third of the population now turns out to have a non-Christian genetic heritage. About 20 percent of the current population of the Iberian Peninsula has Sephardic Jewish ancestry, and 11 percent bear Moorish DNA signatures, a team of geneticists reports.
>you're not white Mohammed.
t. La creatura
In all seriousness , France - if anyone , is /our greatest/ ally. Stay strong brother.
you shouldn't talk 10% moor 20% jewish mongrel
>To address this issue, we analyzed Y chromosome haplotypes, which provide the necessary phylogeographic resolution, in 1140 males from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. Admixture analysis based on binary and Y-STR haplotypes indicates a high mean proportion of ancestry from North African (10.6%) and Sephardic Jewish (19.8%) sources.
every nation that borders the Mediterranean sea is a shit tier nigger with a short temper and low iq. Portugal happily escapes this, good people.
Thank you. But you should know the greatest of ally is the chosen country of Israel.